

"Til you should try to shoot us some dinner" Aaron laughed looking at Til. "ight Bet" Til said grabbing the arrows, she slid down the cave side and ran to grab the bow. She raced back to Aaron and they started to walk into forest, looking around for signs of movement. "Hey I think I hear something" Aaron whispered over to her not to scare the small creature away. "ok" she said looking for anything she could climb on, she saw to the tree and creeped over to it. She reached over and grabbed the branch before kicking herself up there. Til loaded one of the arrows onto the bow, see saw a medium sized chicken walk out of the bush, she aimed and shot her first arrows. It landed straight in the eye of the helpless chicken. "Jeez hope you aren't screamish" Aaron said jogging over to the body, "pft as if" Til said launching herself off the branch with the arrows and bow in hand. "Good shot, straight in the eye" Aaron said as he yanked the arrow out. Til smiled at the compliment as it really was an impressive shot. they started walking back occasionally chatting to each other. They soon arrived back at the Cave and climbed on top. Til rested as Aaron took his knife and prepared the chicken to cook. Til didn't sleep just laid down on the glowing vines, She laid staring at the stars,she was happy here and hoped it would stay like this. "it's ready" Aaron said cutting the cooked chicken, Til came to her senses that she was lost among the stars she sat up realising how long she'd been zoned out for. - It's been at least an hour - she thought to herself surprised. "Here, eat" Aaron said sliding some I'd the cut chicken on a leaf. "thanks" Til said gratefully. They chatted and joked while eating. "So how long have you lived out here?" Til asked looking down at the lake, "pretty much my whole life and that's how it should stay" Aaron said taking a bite of chicken, Til nodded agreeing. "So what about your home?" Aaron asked politely. Til sighed "my home is filled with some... unwanted memories" Til shrugged, "What do you mean?" Aaron asked curiously. Til sighed and sat the leaf and chicken down to the side, "my parents weren't exactly good people" Til said, "they've been abuseing me since I was three" she sighed. "Is that why your here now?" Aaron asked seemingly concerned. "Yep" she said moving a few of her hair stands covering part of her left eye to reveal a claw mark scar over her eye. Aaron's eyes widend at the sight he felt bad about everything. after a few minutes of thinking he finally spoke, "It's not exactly the safest in the forest" Aaron said, he didn't want her to leave but he also couldn't stand there and watch her get hurt. "Do you have any friends you can stay with?" as soon as Aaron said it Til frowned, "I don't have any friends" Til said sighing, Aaron realised how stupid and careless it was to ask a really obvious question and that she would have done that's instead. Aaron nodded understanding and feeling bad at the same time. Aaron changed the subject and they continued to chat happily for a few hours. until going to sleep.

[PS. please comment and say If I should keep this up]