
Camp Fire

They started to walk back chatting to each other about stuff that occurred thoughout the day. They soon returned to the cave, Til stared at the wood pile wondering where they'd have the fire. "Come on up" Aaron said as he climbed the cave. Til was unsure but trusted it would be ok. "What are we doing?" Til asked once both of them were at the top, "we'll have the fire up here" Aaron said smiling as he cleared away luminous vines. "ok I'll get some of the wood" Til said jumping down and collecting 5 wood pieces before scrambling up onto the cave, " thanks" Aaron said as he lifted the wood off her. They set up the wood pieces up on each other with really small twigs in the middle. Aaron reached into his pocket and pulled out a small red lighter and lit up the small twigs. Til watched breath taken by the glowing flames that consumed the wood slowly, she watched a small smoke particles form from the fire. Aaron slid back down to collect more wood. Just than Til rememberd the stones she was going to melt. Aaron climbed up holding some wood before sliding it into place. "So how did the arrows go?" Aaron asked looking up at Til. "Good though I have one last thing left to do before its done". Til said looking at where she left the Pond stones and bow an arrows. "I'll be back" Til said excitedly as she slid down from the cave and ran over to the bow,arrows and rocks. Aaron sat watching Every step amazed at her good sight while it was night. she grabbed all the rocks and arrows and ran back to the cave. she tried to climb up holding everything though it was ineffective. Aaron saw and took the sticks and all but one of the rocks, once she got to the top she grabbed on of the arrows and put the pond rock on the arrow they watched as the rock started to melt away. Til turned the Arrow making the stone cover all sides. "Wow I didn't think rocks melted" Aaron amazed and confused at the Til. "There pond rocks" Til replied turning her head to Aaron, He watched as her over joyed smile as her glowed in the night. He realised it must of been obvious he don't understand, Til saw his complexed face. "Pond stones melt easily" Til said smiling as if she just saw a tiny puppy. Aaron nodded understanding. "they also Cool down very fast, see" she said touch the cold stoned tipped arrow. "Where did you learn this?" Aaron asked examining the arrow that Til handed him. "I made a scrape book with plants and rocks, what they do and how to find them" Til said putting more arrows over the fire. Soon they were all done.