
Running from Lucifer

All it took was for her to kill Lucifer which she didn’t want to because he was her biggest nightmare. She was the abused demon girl, he was Lucifer whose very whisper of name was enough to put fear in the people’s mind. After Nina’s parents got killed by some demons, they took her away and trained her as a weapon to take down Lucifer. But her plan is quick to destroy when she was set up by the Elder demons to be Lucifer’s arranged bride. Chaos and challenges would arose as both persons are great rivals. ...Lucifer watched as Nina shook her body profusely on the bed. She has been unconscious for a month now and he was afraid that if he wake up her memory would wipe completely. The only people who could help her now was the Angels. Picking up the dagger from the table, he cut his palm open “I SACRIFICE MY BLOOD TO ANGELS UP IN THE SKY. I ASK TO SUMMON THE ANGEL, GABRIEL, IN HEAVEN. I CALL YE THEE NOW!” Immediately as the words left his mouth, wind swept passed them. It swirled faster and harder almost sweeping Lucifer from ground. After about five minutes later, Gabriel appeared. Standing in it’s place was the leader of Archangels, Gabriel. “How dare you try to summon me even after what happened between us years ago?” Gabriel was fuming with anger. “It’s my wife. She’s hurt and only you can help her.” Lucifer rushed to Nina’s side. “Why do you think I would help you. Do you think I would easily forget what happened between us years ago?” Gabriel closed the distance between them. “How you pushed me from heaven and took away my powers. Listen we can discuss that later but my wife is in danger.” Gabriel observed Nina carefully. “What happened to her?” “There is this man named Talon who has been trying to kill her. Even when I tried to kill him, he hid himself from me completely. Please help her.” Lucifer was surprised at himself that he was the one begging. He was always the prideful Angel. Gabriel studied her from head to toe. He closed his eyes and when he opened them it was completely white. His iris was gone. “The only way is either she kills him herself or, Kira, her daughter enters her mind and kill him completely” Gabriel declared.

Gift_candy · ファンタジー
32 Chs

I just called your soul out of your body

*Two years later*

Nina looked up at the mirror in front of her as she observed her body. Just two years and she had grown up to be a beautiful woman even though she was still bald.

She took a step forward and looked into herself well. Her bright brown eyes shone. Slowly, she allowed her fangs elongated out of her mouth.

Of course, the demons always come to shave her hair every month.

The door suddenly opened and Hernia came inside.

"Ready?" She asked and Nina nodded.

They teleported to the pool and saw Talon with other demons there.

Piper blindfolded Talon's eyes while Hernia blindfolded her eyes too.

"Today's test I want the both of you to kill him. I want to see his corpse. Do you understand?"

"Yes." The both of them said at once.

Nina turned to look at Talon and for once her body desired him. He leaned closer and pressed his lips on hers. He kissed her enjoying this sweet moments before they go back to fighting and spilling of blood.

"Enough!" Hernia's loud voice broke them from the kiss.

"Good luck." They smiled at each other.

The both of them entered the pool and they allowed themselves to be drowned while holding onto each other.

Today the demons had told them that they would be fighting with Lucifer together. Slowly, Nina became unconscious and she saw herself in a complete unfamiliar place.

Squinting her eyes she saw that she was in a birthday party. Her birthday party of fourteen years ago.

"Happy birthday!" She saw her father burst the balloon. Nina looked down at her small self who was laughing all through.

"Daddy I love you so much. You're the best Dad ever." She smiled. Her mother came with the cake and placed it on the table.

"Right?" Her father pinched her nose and she laughed.

"Sweetheart it's time to cut the cake." Her mother placed the knife in the middle of the small creamy cake.

Suddenly the whole place turned dark. Dark cloud covered everywhere and when Nina went outside she saw that it very dark.

Her mind snapped back to Talon. Where was he? Where did he go?

She went back inside only to see that her parents were lying on the ground dead. Their eyes were pulled out and when she traced the blood, to a room she saw Talon.

His eyes were black and he looked terrifying to witness. His long sharp claws shoot out and he was dripping with blood. His face was not the same as they looked like raw flesh which was burnt down.

"You killed my parents! You killed them!" She saw her small self run to Talon hitting him several times.

"You're a monst—" Before she could finish Talon raised her and ripped her throat off.

Nina felt a sharp pain at her chest as she looked at Talon with fear in her eyes.

"Talon what is wrong with—" She was surprised when he held onto her neck and raised her from the ground.

"I should kill you the way I killed my parents. Pathetic demon!" He cursed.

*An hour ago*

Talon woke up in a strange environment. The place look deserted but there was a small river in front of him.


It was then he realized that the astral projection the demons did on them did not work. Both persons found themselves in different locations. Only that Nina found herself in the past.

"Nina! Nina! Nina!"

Thunderstorm strike at the sky and Talon was getting afraid that something bad might have happened to Nina.

Something black and tall almost like the roots of a tree approached him and Talon got fully alert.

He tried to use his powers on the creature but was surprised that nothing happened.

"Who are you? Get away from me!" Talon took cautious steps backwards.

"Let me say I am your savior." The creature chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Talon was confused.

"Do you remembered what happened after you killed your parents?" The creature asked.

Talon tried to think of what happened after he killed his parents but the only thing he remembered was darkness.

He became unconscious, that was all he remembered.

"Well after you killed your parents, I saw that you died after using too much of your powers. I decided to save you but I don't do free stuffs. I take something in exchange which is why I'm here. I breathed into your mouth and you woke up feeling dangerous. I knew you couldn't control your powers so I sent you to the demons house. They took you in and taught you everything you should know."

"Well let's not too dwell on that. I am here for you. I want you in exchange of bringing you back to life."

Talon turned around and began to run but he made a mistake because the next second the creature pushed him to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Talon questioned as he tried to break free.

"We're one. We need each other. We're one. We need each other."

Talon began shaking as he closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes he was no longer the same person. His face was burnt down and he looked so terrifying.

He looked down at the river and when he saw his reflection, he shrieked loudly.

"Don't be afraid." A voice spoke in his head.

"What did you do to me?" Talon asked.

"I just called your soul out of your body. Now we're one."

Talon looked down and saw his body laying on the ground with pale skin almost looking blue. His chest refused to rise which means he is very much dead.