
Running Away from the Main Lead

Wei Guiyin was an otaku of bad endings. If she liked a novel, manga, or anime she would write a fanfiction in which she would mess up all the original plot until it became totally unrecognizable, but she still had a lot of fans/haters that read all her jobs even though they knew that their beloved characters would suffer untold obstacles only to die in a worse manner. One day Wei Guiyin woke up with a clear mind and ready to write another bad ending when out of nowhere a baseball broke her window and hit her on the head causing her death. When she woke up she was already bonded to a mysterious system that fell in love with her writing. Mysterious system: [Host, congratulations! Now you can mess as many worlds as you want with my help] Wei Guiyin: "...I am pretty sure I did not ask for it" ML: "Wife you can destroy as much as you want, but you cannot be away from my sight" Wei Guiyin: "AND I AM PRETTY SURE I DIDN'T ASK FOR A STICKY ML EITHER!"

XiaoYuFu · 一般的
39 Chs

2.12 Someone is Jealous~

Wei Guiyin ran until she arrived at a place in where there were not a lot of people and could finally take a deep breath.

'I forgot about the hickeys'

Wei Guiyin could only curse Ya Zhouyue of distracting her, and it was not an accident though. It was all planned by Ya Zhouyue to make her forget about them and don't cover them, and it worked.

As Wei Guiyin cursed Ya Zhouyue and his body to the end of his descendance, a white and fluffy cat walked, or more like ran, towards her.

[HOST!!!! I had missed you so much~]

Our forgotten system is finally back.

'Moon, did you found out what happened?'

Wei Guiyin reached for the ball of fluff and picked it in her arms, walked to the nearest bench, put Moon on her lap, and began to pet like no tomorrow.

[Ho-Host, rightnya no, oh there~ myore~]

After a couple of classes skipped, Wei Guiyin stopped and finally let the poor and now tired system talk.

[Host, this is the world we were supposed to go, and the information was right.]

Before Wei Guiyin had the opportunity of saying anything, the system continued talking.

[As for the reason the world is not like it was described to be, it is because the ML changed]

'Changed? What do you mean?'

[Yes Host, the world changes in accordance with the World's protagonist that is because if we take this world for example, in the story the world was lacking in any kind of beauty or attraction and the ML had to struggle a lot to achieve what he did, but now that the ML is able to have access to his emotions better his art would dramatically change giving it a special touch; therefore being better than the 'current' art in the field, so if the ML level suddenly is way above anyone else's, there will not be any balance nor the ML will struggle with anything, so this world changed to make the other artist grow fast with the sudden change]

'So, you mean that all the change was because Ya Zhouyue is able to express himself better?'


'Well, that explains everything'

Wei Guiyin always had that doubt, but now it made sense to her that the two worlds that she had been the most appreciated thing is what the ML is doing.

*Ding Dong*

Wei Guiyin reached for her cell phone in her jean's pocket to check the time.

"What? It is already this late? I need to leave now if I don't want to make him wait"

Wei Guiyin said as she ran with the ball of hair in her arms. When she arrived at the entrance, there was still some time until Ya Zhouyue gets out since to decrease the traffic in front of the school, each year have a different exit schedule.

She waited near the entrance, so it would be easy for Ya Zhouyue to find her, but to be truthful it didn't matter if Wei Guiyin would hide well, he would still find her with his wifey-radar.

*Dang Ding*

'Ok, just one more bell'

Thought Wei Guiyin.

As was waiting, a small group of noisy college girls with fashionable clothes and thick makeup.

"Big sister, I am so envious of you! To be able to spend all the lunch together with Senior Ya that means that you are special since if it were to be another girl, he would have shooed her! He even began to sketch a drawing when you were with him~ I am sure that Big sister was the cause of his sudden inspiration. Just don´t forget about us when you get the big prize~ You should help your little sisters a little~"

"Don't worry, your big sister is not someone that leaves the friends when finding fortune. When I become Ms. Ya, you all will obviously celebrate the benefits of it. Let's go somewhere to celebrate, obviously it is on me since I would not need this little amount of money when I will own billions in the future hahaha~"

"So true hahaha~"

'...wow that is some imaginative mind, but she spent all lunch with Ya Zhouyue? that supposed block statue (If it is with someone else that is not me)?'

At first, Wei Guiyin had a laughing-at-other-people-delusion face, but when she remembered that they were talking about Ya Zhouyue, her husband, her expression turned to still be a smile, but it was not a laughing smile, it was more like I dare you to say one more thing of thinking of taking away my husband and I will rip off your tongue and make you swallow it kind of smile.

'Moon, who was that delusional gold digger?'

Wei Guiyin asked in a cold and calm voice. There were still people getting out of school, so she was not alone; therefore, everyone that was near her was able to feel the drastic change in the temperature.

[Host, that was the Female lead of this world. This is the first time that Host is able to meet with the FL since in the first world the FL was killed.]

By seeing its host better, it added.

[Host just a reminder, Host CANNOT kill the FL or the ML by any kind of circumstances or you will face a penalty]

'So it is ok if she doesn't die, right?'

Wei Guiyin felt the ball of fluff shiver and her smile grew.

'So it is ok. Thanks for the info~'

*Ring~ Ring~*


Wei Guiyin did not have to wait much before she was embraced by two powerful arms that pressed her towards a well-sculpted torso.

"Did you waited for me, Liner? It is cold this time of the year"

Ya Zhouyue said as he put a jacket on her, which he took out of who knows where.

"...It's spring, so it's not cold only refreshing, and I told you that I would wait for you after class to pick up my stuff from the school dorm"

Wei Guiyin was shocked for a second, but then her brilliant smile returned.

"Lin'er did something good happened? Why are you smiling so much?"

"Did you know? I hear some little airhead talk about how this dead-brain girl spent all the lunch with Senior Ya, and how she was special since he didn't shooed her away"

Wei Guiyin said as she kept on smiling and began to pet the little cat in her arms intead of looking at him while talking.

Ya Zhouyue seeing his little wife drinking vinegar by the gallons, he began is such an even happened.

'During lunch, I don't remember even going out of the classroom. I was so focused on thinking all the things I could do to my beautiful muse that I got inspired and began to make some sketches..."

That is just what happened. Ya Zhouyue was so focused on thinking of some not we could say family-friendly games that he could play with Wei Guiyin after class that he didn't even bother to pay attention to his surroundings.

That annoying FL stuck to him and began to talk to herself to the point of even answering herself, but in her delusion, he was paying attention to her and her beauty and charm had brought him some inspiration. She even dared to pose in front of him believing that he was painting her. Even though he, in fact, raised his head once in a while, he was not actually looking at something in specific, he was just trying to imagine Wei Guiyin in different poses, but she obviously thought that he was looking at her.

Even though Ya Zhouyue didn't know how to interact well with people or use his newly found emotions, he knew that if he said that he doesn't remember, it will only bring him more trouble since it would look like he was trying to cover it, so there was only one solution left.

While Wei Guiyin still clearly ignoring him, he sent a text message and pressed her strongly against his chest.

"Is my Lin'er jealous?"

When Wei Guiyin heard that, she still appeared normal as if what he said didn't affect her at all, but in between her hair, her beet red ears could be seen which brought happiness to Ya Zhouyue heart.

At the same time, a soft and delicate tune sounded. Ya Zhouyue looked at his phone, and a smile appeared on his face.

"When I am focused in painting or drawing something, I tend to forget about my surroundings and sometimes I get surrounded by pesky butterflies and bees and the majority of the time they get the message to not bother me, but some other are not intelligent enough"

Ya Zhouyue said as he showed her the recording of his classroom during lunch, and on it appeared clearly that the FL was just talking to herself, and how she (shamelessly) shyly began to pose for (in her own delusions) his to paint her.

".... flies"


"They are flies not butterflies"

'How can my little muse be this cute and adorable? I might not be able to hold back for long. I need to hurry and make her mine, but because of the pact with mom I need to wait until a month passes. How stressful'

"Yeah, they are some pesky flies. Let's go get your things and go home, ok?"

Anyone could hear the happiness in Ya Zhouyue's voice, and this alone left all the Juniors in college shocked silly.


Ya Zhouyue laughed as he guided her out of the school and towards the car. He was in such a good mode that he even petted little Moon which was in Wei Guiyin's arms.