
Run of the Mill or Not?

Give it up for a misanthropic anti-hero of a teen protagonist who hates humanity in general. Grifton Tinroy, a draconic/humanoid hybrid as well as abandoned orphan. He's just trying to survive man, and do so in a comfortable way.

Draeme_Saekyr1 · ファンタジー
163 Chs


Chapter 77

Flange Orphanage, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, the Year 2030, Planet: Grimoire

Director Moline escorted everyone to the bathhouse, which was constructed with an eye toward aesthetics that matched the gothic castle of the Orphanage. However, it was clearly also made to blend into the cliffs directly to the east of the main building.

Before entering the surprisingly minimalistic interior, which was stark compared to the external appearance, Darmono noticed that the arena where the combat and sparring exams were held was spacious. It was more than big enough to host intercity competitions and remain neutral. He followed the others through the ritual of removing clothing and shoes before donning a loincloth, robe, and slippers. This reminded him of other bathhouses from other eastern continental countries.

"Where did you get this concept from, Director Moline?" One of the visitors asked in shock at seeing the vast structures hidden behind the castle.

Darmono saw calculations taking place in that visitor's head. He estimated that someone would probably attempt a hostile takeover in the next few months or years.

"Could you repeat that question, Prime Minister Dexter?" Doyle hesitated when he heard the question.

Clearly irate that he had to repeat himself, the minister did so. "I would appreciate it if you paid more attention to others." Dexter snapped irately. "Now answer the question."

A glint appeared in Moline's eyes when he finally responded courteously. "I gained the idea from the Atropos and Hualian continents," Moline informed the individual politely. "I traveled to both continents in my childhood."

Darmono blinked. That must have been before he was disinherited and thrown out of his ducal home. Wow, he had quite a well-traveled background in that case.

"I see," Prime Minister Dexter cleared his throat. "So, what family did you come from if you weren't from here originally?" He was on a fishing expedition.

"I no longer have a family or kingdom I claim as a former home." Moline cut him off, still polite but with a distinctly icy warning. "However, we're not here to discuss unrelated histories." That was a rebuff and apparent dismissal of the Prime Minister's nosiness.

Darmono had a hard time not laughing.

Others didn't bother hiding their amusement at Director Moline's apparent distaste with the Prime Minister's lack of courteousness.

"It is common courtesy in the Republic of Shantu not to inquire about one's background." Merchant Lamberton interceded when Dexter sputtered in outrage. "I'm shocked you weren't informed of such basic etiquette."

That stopped anyone else from making similar mistakes. Much to Darmono's relief because he sensed that Dexter would've gone after him next.

"I only inquired because I wondered what the status of secondary genders possessed in the Republic," Dexter growled. "I must inform you that none of that was discussed before my briefing in Kingdom Bellonia."

Ah, Kingdom Bellonia is one of Batan's most restrictive, stagnant, and staid kingdoms. Darmono watched Director Moline's face darken when he heard the name. Oh, dearest deities, he hailed from there? No wonder he refused to talk about his homeland.

Moline sighed heavily. "Not that it matters, but the Bellonia Kingdom is not my homeland." His lips curled in disgust. "I do come from one, but it no longer exists. Estelline Empire swallowed it up twenty years ago." He regarded Dexter coldly. "Does that help?"

Dexter blanched. "Somewhat." He bowed his head. "My apologies for asking an inappropriate question." He exhaled slowly. I thought I should warn you. People in Bellonia are claiming that you're a missing royal heir." He shrugged when Doyle gazed at the sky above, which was starting to cloud over with dark, ominous clouds.

Darmono glanced upward and frowned. Another storm again? Lately, it seemed they wouldn't catch a break from such unexpected occurrences. Not that it bothered him. It meant his people could break from monster and renegade hunting.

The Director grimaced when he glanced back at the Prime Minister and sighed. "Yes, I'm aware of that misconception." Doyle shook his head. "Next time, research before coming to places like this."

Now, his voice turned cold and flat with rising aggression. "I'm being polite right now, Prime Minister Dexter, in not taking physical action against you."

There was shocked silence from the others around him. Rarely did anyone express such hostility toward an ambassador or diplomat. However, Director Moline did hold quite a bit of power when it came to politics. He just rarely exercised such power. Evidently, he sensed that this occasion was once such an instance where he had to lay a limit on the visitor in question.

"Others would've beheaded you, diplomat or ambassador regardless, for that rudeness you just displayed." His flat tone made Darmono wince because Doyle was correct in his warning to Dexter.

Before anyone else could speak, much less the prime minister, Lamberton interceded with a heavy sigh of aggravation. "Prime Minister Dexter, please refrain from requesting more information."

Dexter sputtered, but Lamberton had enough of him. "Currently, you're being very undiplomatic." He had a pair of handcuffs dangling from his left hand, and he shook at Dexter in warning. "I request that you cease and refrain from ruining the mood further than you already have done."

Now that was finished, they all continued their trek to the bathhouse. It was built into a nearby slope and connected to the arena and other outer buildings without a specific purpose.

Doyle's gaze met Darmono's and Lamberton's gazes. {Those four buildings are currently disused. I set them aside for the final crafted items of the orphans apprenticed to various artisans. As you can see, I would rather they not be conscripted.}

The two men nodded, understanding why he'd taken them to this separate bathhouse now.

Now that Darmono thought about it, he realized that all the bathhouses constructed in Three-Pronged Fork followed that blueprint. It certainly did use all the underground geothermal hot springs that comprised most of the hidden water sources. After putting aside his neatly folded robe and slippers, Darmono went to a corner where the steam was the thickest. It was almost at a scalding temperature but felt perfectly suitable to him. "This is wonderful," He exhaled as his body relaxed in the steaming water.