
Run of the Mill or Not?

Give it up for a misanthropic anti-hero of a teen protagonist who hates humanity in general. Grifton Tinroy, a draconic/humanoid hybrid as well as abandoned orphan. He's just trying to survive man, and do so in a comfortable way.

Draeme_Saekyr1 · ファンタジー
163 Chs


Chapter 72

Flange Orphanage, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, the Year 2030, Planet: Grimoire

As they viewed it, it seemed as if they'd passed much further than necessary to reach the spacious barn or shack that Denby's team usually utilized.

"So, where is this communal bath you were talking about?" Grifton was baffled.

"Hmm?" Denby glanced at him. Ah, that's right. There was no reason to introduce you to the communal bathhouse on the property before now." He exchanged glances with the team members. Well, it is understandable since only the employees were allowed access to it before now." Denby exhaled in frustration when he realized Grifton wasn't convinced. What is bothering you about this?"

Everything that had happened so far bothered him, but Grifton knew he had to say something and asked a question. He was a kid, so he might as well act like one in this case. "So, what is the change all of a sudden?"

Denby and the others coughed at that question. "Uhm..." He trailed off at a loss. Morton sighed. "We only took him on the assignments."

The others exchanged glances. "Oh, that's right. I don't think anyone ever gave him or his cousins a tour of the grounds." Clearly, they hadn't expected that from him. "What a dilemma," Grantham muttered.

It also reminded them that he was still young enough to not know everything about the orphanage grounds. "You always act older than your age, so we forgot your particular circumstances," one of the other men admitted.

Heck, no, Grifton wasn't convinced. It's not just because of the timing, either. "It must have been really drastic that an employee-access-only facility was opened up without any warning." From what Grifton could tell, this sounded way too convenient a reason to mess with the regular routine. So what? Did that mean something happened to the facilities in the Orphanage itself? There should've been some warning. Grifton folded his arms and regarded Denby skeptically.

Denby acknowledged his skepticism and shrugged. "However, the reason for the change is very simple. Someone vandalized all the bathing facilities in the Orphanage." He scowled angrily. That includes all the outer facilities."

What an unbelievable excuse for this particular excursion. "I see," Grifton was dubious for a reason.

Catching his understandably dubious expression, Denby grimaced. "Word just came down to me." He admitted with a sigh. "I just thought it would be faster to go to the communal bathhouse first."

Oh yeah, right. It might've been viewed as kidnapping if the Director hadn't known Grifton was with them. This was practically going outside the Orphanage's known boundaries.

Denby saw that Grifton wasn't really convinced even after he added, "Then I would give you the news of what happened to make this feasible." He shrugged. I'm sure that this was also sent to other instructors and adults in team leader positions."

Err, all right, maybe there were some grounds, but that was pushing his limits of believing this situation. Still unconvinced, Grifton sighed. "That isn't what is bothering me." His stomach growled in complaint.

The noisy rumble startled all of them into muffled laughter.

Grifton shook his head in embarrassment. "Well, that is also a factor." It also ensured that no one would have time to eat a mid-morning meal. "I just had hoped we would still get a meal between work and afternoon lessons." He was reluctant to admit what bothered him more.

Well, other than his grumbling gut being outrageously noisy right now, "This type of delay is rather too convenient if you ask me." The fact that they would also miss the later dinner didn't impress Grifton at all.

Clearly unable to figure out the other reasons, Denby spread his hands. "That's the official decision from the Director, kiddo." He gestured. "We need to continue."

Adults were weird when it came to making decisions such as these. "Uh huh," The fact that there weren't other concrete reasons for these actions. "I guess he'll make an announcement in the bathhouse or afterward?" None of what he heard made sense to Grifton.

"From what I could determine, yes, that will be the case." Denby nodded. "Although I can't say much more, a meal will be prepared while we all are in the bathhouse." He scratched his head. "I can't wait to get rid of this grime," Denby mumbled.

With that cessation of conversation, the group headed to the bathhouse that Denby had much anticipated. Even the other members were clearly pleased with this change in routine.

At first glance, the building appeared very simple in appearance and construction. However, when they entered the doorway and were ushered to an area where they disposed of their garments, including their footwear, and donned linen beige robes and slippers, the layout became rather more complicated.

Much to Grifton's surprise and discomfort, there was quite a commotion when he and his team headed to the communal bath. "Oh, oh, here comes the last team. You all are certainly lagging."

"Wow, I didn't know other teams were in the farthest orchards."

"Now I remember, there's a voiceless loser in that last team. What a drag for them."

Ah, hell no, those bastards were there? Damn it all. He didn't want to have any friction caused by his presence on his team. Much to Denby's shock, Grifton froze because he heard unwelcome voices shouting and clamoring from within.

The entire team halted and frowned at Grifton when he objected to going further inside. "What's going on, Grifton?" Denby demanded.

The others blocked Grifton from immediately running away. "You need to tell us what is happening." Morton insisted.

Grifton sighed and clarified that he wanted nothing to do with what was happening within. "You know what? I'll pass on this experience." He informed Denby and Morton. "There'll be another opportunity in the future." The last thing Grifton wanted was for those damn bullies to cause problems.

Denby shook his head. "Nope, this is the only opportunity you'll have to bathe, I'm afraid." He grimaced when Grifton cast him a startled stare. "The other facilities were vandalized. I already told you that."

Grifton grimaced because he did remember that. "I'll be honest, I'm having difficulty believing that happened," he spread his hands while explaining his reasoning, "When most students were in classes or in the weapons training arena." he watched Denby, and the others consider his logic.

Rarely did students have the opportunity to wander around aimlessly. Grifton added what else he recalled none of them being told about. "I didn't hear about any visitors with kids allowed on the grounds either." That type of notification was also something that had been added as additional protection for the residents. It gave the orphans time to find places to be elsewhere than alone and ripe for bullying or unwarranted interrogation.

"You have too good of a memory." Denby sighed. "All right, I'll tell you what happened." He shrugged. "While walking here, I received word, as did other team leaders."

Grifton began seeing where this was going.

Denby clarified that not everyone was privy to all information within the Orphanage. "Something else has changed, so we're going to clean up here," the other team members looked disappointed at that being the reason.

Why was he included in this? Other than as part of a team? Grifton shook his head.

Denby shrugged. "It seems that afterward, we need to gather in the outer arena, where there is more space to assemble."

Okay, so there were going to be more announcements made. Grifton knew where the outer arena was located. It was too familiar to him and not in a good way either.