
Run of the Mill or Not?

Give it up for a misanthropic anti-hero of a teen protagonist who hates humanity in general. Grifton Tinroy, a draconic/humanoid hybrid as well as abandoned orphan. He's just trying to survive man, and do so in a comfortable way.

Draeme_Saekyr1 · ファンタジー
163 Chs


Chapter 6

Central Plaza, Cornell Academy, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, Year 2050, Planet: Grimoire

While registering for a new suite within Lamberton House, Anara grimaced slightly. She felt very awkward with her smoke-stained clothing. Not only that but she heard loud whispers and sneering remarks. Clearly, some people were not pleased with her and the sibling's relocation to Lamberton House. Anara chose not to react, it would only encourage their rudeness. Therefore, she put on a calm front and accepted the keys to the new suite.

The receptionist noticing the atmosphere becoming hostile and tense, rolled her eyes. "Hmm, seems we've got some dissenters here. Do they want to end up in the prisoner for aggressing on our volunteer water bearers?" Her calm, but distinctly aggressive tone made the crowd immediately simmer down and disperse rapidly.

Surprised, Anara blinked at the receptionist. "Thank you, Miss." She hadn't learned the woman's name but remembered her from prior visits.

"No problem, Miss Anara. If you and the others hadn't stepped in when you did, I think there would've been actual fatal casualties." The woman smiled. "My name is Emmeline Grace." She waved a hand. "If you need anything, I'm always around on the afternoon to midnight shift five days a week."

Anara smiled in relief. "Thank you." She considered her options. "Rather than go to my suite immediately, I should perhaps go to the requisitions office instead." She also had a locker there for optional storage. For once, Anara was grateful that she'd chosen that option rather than leave everything in one of those warehouses.

"Wait, Anara, I'll come with you." It was Sapphire, Holly, and Jennifer. They were all clad in clean clothing, with no sign of soot or smoke adhering to their clothing. So, she was the only one left who hadn't managed to clean up appropriately. How embarrassing.

"I just got word from Harper," Sherpa startled them. He'd appeared from another wing that was for men only. "It seems that Tinroy is more deeply affected than originally thought."

Well, that didn't shock Anara in the least bit. The poor senior had lost all of his designs in one fell swoop. "I imagine he's going to have quite the challenge in reproducing everything in time for the finals before the summer break." That would be something all of them faced.

"What I also wanted to say is that we'll be joining the three of them in Tinroy's quarters." Sherpa continued. "That gives us all time to regroup, rest, and figure out some solutions to our current dilemmas of reacquiring materials."

Anara shrugged. "Materials aren't a problem. Finding my diagrams are." She hadn't thought to keep another set of them in the room. However, she had kept a copy of them off-site, and not on campus grounds either. A lucky decision on her part. "I'm going to the Requisitions Office."

Sherpa nodded politely. "We'll go with you since we're going to have to replace our uniforms and the other medals and mandatory decorations." He glanced at Emmeline. "Thank you for all your help. I hope we can assist you in the future in repayment."

Emmeline inclined her head. "Just part of my duties as a receptionist for the Lamberton house when many people need emergency shelter." She stated cheerfully and waved them off on their way.


Once they left the vicinity, Emmeline watched as the most vicious of the snarkier individuals approached her. Of course, it was Rupert Smith and his gang of immature lackeys. Why had they come here? They weren't even residents of this place.

Maybe it was because the Frost and Payne girls were now residents? Emmeline did recall that they were popular with the males for all the wrong reasons. She had reason to pity them because now the worst of nobles began targeting them as their next seduction victims.

Emmeline sighed and braced herself for what was to come next. She so wasn't in the mood for this stupid crap going on.

Sure enough, it was their addresses and contact information they wanted, as Emmeline assumed.

"So, what is their information?" The worst of the group snapped at her.

"None of your business." Emmeline refused to hand it out. "No bribes, please. I don't care to give you anything." She moved the book beneath the counter before anyone could grab it.

Rupert Smith's eyes narrowed. "You do realize I could have your head, literally if I wanted it?"

"So what?" Emmeline despised these individuals. "I'm merely following regulations and that includes not giving out private information." They had no couth or class even if they were designated as being nobles.

"Why you annoying little slut. How dare you treat me as if I'm a nobody." Smith glowered as he clenched his fists. "I will definitely make you regret not giving me the information, you bitch." It was obvious he wanted to attack but was holding back.

"I repeat, I'm not giving you that information." Emmeline knew that wouldn't last much longer. "I'm simply obeying the rules of Lamberton House."

Rupert made a rude noise. "Such nonsense." He dismissed that reasoning. "You know damn well that nobles are exempt from such rules and regulations."

Emmeline shook her head. "I have heard no such thing." She insisted firmly. "I will not give you that information. Now please leave before I call security." Surely that would make him fall back?

They were arrogant brats who knew nothing except indulging their every whim and desire.

"You truly think that will make a difference?" Rupert laughed contemptuously.

Emmeline refused to cater to any of their demands.

"Give me the information or else." Rupert threatened. "I don't have time for your useless stubbornness. I will get that information one way or another." He pulled a knife and slashed at Emmeline's throat.

Now that was going way too far of what Emmeline would tolerate. She hit the emergency alarm when one of them menaced her with a knife.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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