
Run of the Mill or Not?

Give it up for a misanthropic anti-hero of a teen protagonist who hates humanity in general. Grifton Tinroy, a draconic/humanoid hybrid as well as abandoned orphan. He's just trying to survive man, and do so in a comfortable way.

Draeme_Saekyr1 · ファンタジー
163 Chs


Chapter 50

Flange Orphanage, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, the Year 2022, Planet: Grimoire

Doyle couldn't believe the timing. "Why can't those bastards wait even a day before lashing out indiscriminately." He growled in disgust.

Dermott exhaled. "Well, they'd actually been rather quiet lately." He slid a glance at Doyle. "It felt more like they were just waiting for you to come back to the orphanage before causing trouble."

That wasn't in the least bit enlightening to Doyle. Though he supposed he should be grateful nothing worse happened in his absence. "Care to tell me about anything odd or strange that happened?"

Dermott shrugged. "Uhm, well, there's been a rash of disappearances of young women in the past year." He frowned when something clicked in his head. "Now there's been reappearances and several unexplained pregnancies going on."

Which meant there would be even more babies showing up on his doorstep and or driveway. Doyle grimaced. "Please spread the word that if any of the pregnancies need termination to go to Madam Murray's domicile, she will help do so safely."

Dermott nodded. "If they chose to go through with the pregnancy but cannot keep the child?"

Doyle exhaled. "Obviously they can bring the unwanted offspring to Flange Orphanage." He gave Dermott a somber stare. "Not ideal, but I'm not going to deny them a place to survive for the next eighteen to twenty-one years of their new lives."

Dermott sighed with relief. "When we heard about the new laws going into effect, we weren't sure what would happen to the orphanage, sir."

Doyle shook his head. "I'm not closing the doors anytime soon and I won't deny shelter to even the most desperate of cases either." That was his motto, and he would stick to it come hell or high water. "Now then, where are we headed?"

Dermott looked around. "Over there." He gestured with his right hand.

"Okay, you go and find the local security patrols." Doyle knew there was an official building somewhere nearby. "See if any of them will roust their lazy rear ends and come out here." He despised calling for Commander Darmono but knew he might be the only one to respond.

Dermott nodded. "On my way, sir." He hurried away with the horse as fast as it could gallop along the muddy and slick road.

Doyle approached the area where he could hear yelling, curses, and threats of intimidation being thrown around. That didn't sound good at all. A sigh escaped him as he watched from a safe distance and determined how best to approach the situation.

Right then, Darmono appeared on the other side of the clearing. He saw Doyle and signaled him to return back to the orphanage. Doyle nodded and departed. He hadn't wanted any part of that mess anyhow.


Rather conveniently and right after Doyle departed, Grimes approached Shamus with obvious curiosity. "So, what happened?" He peered around. "Why are the master and half the stablemen suddenly gone?"

"Hmm, a bold bunch of thieves decided to create a mess. Ian Dermott showed up and of course, the Master took off without a word." Shamus filled him in, and Grimes grimaced.

Shamus raised his eyebrows in question.

Grimes sighed heavily. "The timing is too well executed." He shook his head with aggravation. "I should've known there would be backlash after what happened two days ago." He shrugged. "Well, I'm off to see to my wife and newest child."

Ah, right, that was the other news that he'd almost forgotten to give to Grimes. "Hold up a second," Shamus blinked. "Oh right, Moline told me to give you the good news that you both have eight months' paid maternity and paternity leave." He smiled at Grimes' shock. "Don't object and just accept it. We've enough staff to cover for you."

Sharp pains struck his chest and made Shamus temporarily breathless. Why was he having pain in his right side all of a sudden? This was rather disturbing. He rubbed his jaw. "Didn't you want Stephen and Tennyson to get some practical work on the job experience?" He referred to Grimes' two oldest sons who were coachmen in training.

Grimes nodded. "That I did indeed. I'll accept with gratitude." Amusement glinted in his eyes. "I hope Moline doesn't regret giving me the freedom. I might even retire at this rate."

Shamus grunted derisively. "Sure, if you do, then I might as well do so." He was getting too old for all this excitement anyway.

Much to his shock and relief, Doyle reappeared on his horse. Hmm, well wasn't this unexpected. "So, what happened?"


His unexpectedly early return allowed him to make a quick survey of the property's boundaries. "My workload is now tripling with everything that has happened." Frustrated and determined to get something done that day, Doyle had surveyed the area attacked by ruffians. "Hmm, okay, I have a rough idea of what I can cobble up now." He made some notes on a small pad he always carried with him. "I'm thankful I still use old-fashioned methods to record information and thoughts on the fly."

After taking a thorough look around, Doyle nodded in satisfaction. Now that he knew what needed to be done to enhance the security measures, he could begin executing some backup plans. "Of course, this is with the intention of not making things too blatant." His goal was to do it without making it obvious that he knew of the weaknesses that were very blatant now that he knew where to look for them. "Now I should head back to the main entrance." He dusted his hands on his pants.

His horse tossed its head in annoyance at him stopping him from eating the grass. "Now, now, you'll get a treat for this unexpected trip outside." Doyle soothed him.

The horse tossed his head in agreement, and they headed back to the main entrance of the orphanage. Doyle hoped he was wrong about his gut instinct.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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