
Run of the Mill or Not?

Give it up for a misanthropic anti-hero of a teen protagonist who hates humanity in general. Grifton Tinroy, a draconic/humanoid hybrid as well as abandoned orphan. He's just trying to survive man, and do so in a comfortable way.

Draeme_Saekyr1 · ファンタジー
163 Chs


Chapter 48

Flange Orphanage, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, the Year 2022, Planet: Grimoire

Oh yes, he would deal with those rascals later, Doyle had hoped they would begin mending their ways. Clearly, the measures he'd taken earlier hadn't quite been through enough. Rather annoyed, he turned his attention back to what he needed to accomplish right then.

"Well, I shall take the bassinets in," Doyle murmured. His head snapped up when a familiar voice interrupted him. Right, he had to preserve some dignity. He'd slipped into old patterns of his misbegotten youth it seemed. He moved away from the carriage door hastily.

"Not necessary, sir." Ah, his butler Shamus appeared at the doorway. He signaled four familiar youths to step forward. "Carleton, Jessup, Mosaic, and Andrew have volunteered to take them in."

Hmm, Doyle's eyebrows rose when he espied some colorful patches of scarlet, crimson, and brilliant blue colors now adorning certain areas of the shirts and pants. The three delinquents had volunteered for this duty, huh?

His gaze locked with those four youths whose faces turned just as crimson and scarlet as those cloth patches and Doyle sighed.

Now what trouble had they gotten into this time? Especially doing chores of the kind that required them to do voluntary work they never bothered to do regularly?

The boys' shoulders hunched, and their heads bowed when passing him with the bassinets hugged tightly to their chests. "What happened in my absence?" Doyle inquired.

Shamus grinned well aware of his wariness regarding the delinquents of the orphanage. "Actually, nothing at all." He shrugged and sighed when Doyle eyed him skeptically.

"Uh huh, out with it." Doyle looked at the vanishing backs of the four boys. "I know darn well they wouldn't volunteer to do anything that had to do with babies." He folded his arms against his chest. "So, what gives?"

His butler's shoulders hunched a little before he stiffened to proper posture once more. "There truly was remarkably little going on here." At last, Shamus admitted. "Well, except for the usual troublemakers and rumormongers that attempted to invade the property in your absence." He shook his head.

"I see, well that is a bit deflating." Doyle nodded thoughtfully. "Ah, who is going to be assigned to watch over the infants?" He'd scanned the faces earlier and he'd seen some new hires, but a few faces were missing. Of course, he knew about the housekeeper's circumstances.

"Oh right, we brought Miss Anne Greaves back from the schoolhouse," Shamus recalled. "She was suffering from a bit of burnout in dealing with the four miscreants."

Doyle rubbed his temples. Those four were becoming unmanageable it seemed. "All right, well I do remember she was a nanny before. Is she up to the vigorous activity that will be in her future?"

Shamus nodded. "Yes, indeed. She will have assistants." He reassured Doyle. "I didn't want her to be overburdened with the solo caring of the four arrivals."

Doyle relaxed. "All right then." He looked around. "Perhaps we should begin taking our conversation inside." He glanced at the sky and grimaced. "Ugh, the commander was right. I do believe we'll have another storm arriving soon."

How irritating that the Commander's weather sense was right on target. Doyle sighed heavily. He had other problems he would have to take care of as well.

"Yes, sir." Shamus and Doyle dismissed the others so that they were free to return to their duties once the carriage was completely unloaded of its contents.

"What other news has happened in my absence." Doyle hoped there wouldn't be any delays for necessary items that made the running of the orphanage easier.

Shamus gave him a long look. "No delays for the foodstuff, materials, and other things necessary for the upkeep." His calm reassurance made Doyle sigh in relief. "Why, what happened?"

Doyle hesitated. "I've heard rumors that there are thieves forming gangs." It was something that concerned him lately. "I also heard that once their formal groups are formed, they're rampaging around the countryside."

Shamus frowned. "I have heard about some areas targeted because they aren't within formal boundaries of Three-Pronged Forks." He acknowledged having heard them as well.

Doyle nodded with a sigh. "I was just worried that we're going to be targeted as one of the prime properties that is also a working farm and hosts a schoolhouse for the local farmer's children."

The two men grimaced in aggravation at the realization of the necessity for additional patrolling security that would need to be assigned to occupants or hired.

Sounds of hoofbeats were heard clearly before either of the men could go about their business.

"Oh, now what?" Doyle growled in disbelief. He frowned in recognition of the rider who appeared. "Desmond Glacier, what are you doing here?"

Desmond spotted him. "I am so glad to see you." He wheezed. "One of the local suppliers, Ian Dermott was just attacked. I was sent to warn you and see if I could get reinforcements."

There was clattering from the stable. Seven stablemen showed up and another horse was procured for Doyle. He mounted the horse without even hesitating. He glanced at Shamus.

"I'll send a report to the Commander and other personnel." Shamus didn't blink an eye. He knew Doyle was annoyed at the Commander lately. However, Darmono was the only one reliable of late who would respond to anything having to do with the outer boundaries.

Doyle nodded. "Use the red code of R410, and relay that I was the one who authorized you to make the transmission." He took off with the other men while Ian Dermott mounted a fresh horse, and he led the way.

Well, this calm morning and afternoon had just gone into overdrive for chaos to surely break out. Shamus sighed. "Never a dull moment around here." He shook his head and turned to examine the carriage's condition.

Grimes approached. "So, what happened?"

Shamus filled him in, and Grimes grimaced. "I should've known there would be backlash after what happened two days ago." He shrugged. "Well, I'm off to see to my wife and newest child."

Shamus waved him off. He would learn about the paid leave later when Doyle signed it into effect and not a moment sooner.

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