
Run of the Mill or Not?

Give it up for a misanthropic anti-hero of a teen protagonist who hates humanity in general. Grifton Tinroy, a draconic/humanoid hybrid as well as abandoned orphan. He's just trying to survive man, and do so in a comfortable way.

Draeme_Saekyr1 · ファンタジー
163 Chs

43 *Dreamscape* 7

Chapter 43 *Dreamscape* 7

Flange Orphanage, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, the Year 2022, Planet: Grimoire

Now this was rather surprising. Grifton eyed the jars speculatively. It looked like some of the seals cracked or were modified over the years. However, within their depths shone pure white lights. I hope they don't give up. No matter what it takes, they will be freed from those nasty prisons.

As Grifton watched with amazement and encouragement. Some flickered very dimly while others had strong flares emanating from them. Ah, all her victims, he realized. They were still fighting, hanging on for that slim chance to escape. While they didn't have any sense of time, they could catch different emotions that radiated from visitors to her little demonic circle.

What baffled Grifton was that he knew most of the demonic entities weren't evil or even neutral but good-intentioned. He was very clear on the fact that it was the celestial beings that had gone sour. So maybe a few of the bad ones managed to stir up all the nastier tendencies in this wench and a few others out there that were ripe for twisted manipulation.

That did make sense. Grifton grimaced. Somehow, this one had gone twisted and without good reason. He shook his head. Well, there are always a few that go bad at the seed. She's no different from the typical socio or psychopath it seems.

Now then, he turned his attention to the problem at hand. His eyes roved the area with concentration put toward processing everything he could see visibly. Simultaneously, Grifton began accessing his subconscious to start putting together a viable solution.

It was something he'd learned to do in several lifespans ago. Now he uses it for emergency situations such as this. How could Grifton interrupt this event?

If he could stop half of it from proceeding as that hag planned those spirits would go free. With their freedom, the hag's power would decrease to the point that she'd be expelled from that body.

There an unpleasant reality arose for Grifton to contemplate additionally. The hard part would be capturing that nasty soul from stealing some other unwary individual's body though. He remained in his niche, observing everything as possibilities raced through his mind.

That's when his knowledge of different magical processes finally kicked in. Bingo, Grifton knew it was hiding somewhere. Even if he couldn't activate himself. Surely there was some opportunistic rebel of a minion lurking around in the vicinity.

As for the knowledge providing several viable, and then narrowing down to actual useful solutions, Grifton found the ones that didn't require an outside activator.

It had remained dormant until now since he had no use for it. Now it seems I can avoid involving others in this risky venture. Grifton was relieved. His wry recollection of something else reared its head. Ah, looks like the idle reading for future reference will now come in handy besides the basic history texts. Grifton's eyes narrowed as he watched the hag's actions. His timing had to be accurate, or it would be all for naught.

Granted this was the first time he attempted intervention, but it occurred to him. If he could succeed, it might make things easier for Harper and company before they joined him at whatever academy they'd chosen.

Now then, it was time to begin his part of this crazy intervention. Damn, I hope this works so that I don't become ensorcelled with all the other souls here...

Even as he thought it, Grifton espied something unpleasant trying to grab him, he phased through the wall and popped back out on another side of the ceremonial sacrificial room. He dubbed it as such because he had no other way of describing what he'd seen. Not only that but Grifton recognized when something was about to get seriously out of hand. Where did that old creature think she was going?

He did his best to restrain her within the confines of the room but didn't have quite the know-how to accomplish it. On the other hand, Grifton managed to bust up the seals on the soul prisons. Though he only did it for those he noticed were the white-hued variety. Some which radiated vicious intent, he didn't mess with.

{Thanks, boy. We'll take it from here.} The masculine voice startled Grifton.

He peered at the man and recoiled in shock. {You are?}

The male laughed. {Your sire,}

Yeah, Grifton figured as much. What confused him was how he'd wound up in this place.

The male became aware of Grifton's confusion. His laughter faded. {I have an appointment to keep with the love of my life. Now she'll be waiting for me. That's no good.}

In other words, he could forget learning what really happened at the time of his birth it seemed. What an annoying bastard. Grifton grimaced. So much for not having a randy scumbag for a sire. He grumbled in his head.

Grifton was startled when the man returned to his side.

He met Grifton's gaze straightforwardly as he hovered in front of him. {Unlike other brothers and cousins, I possessed, I loved only one woman.}

Oh boy, looked like what Grifton thought had seriously offended him. At least he was finally getting some answers.

The man looked unhappy when he addressed Grifton straight up. {While I did impregnate your mother by mistake because she was my love's spitting image,} The man exhaled impatiently. {I'm guessing she was probably her twin now that I think about it, that doesn't mean I meant for that to happen.}

The excuses flowed steadily one after another, but Grifton accepted the fact that he was telling the truth. {So, what is your real name, not the alias that is on my birth certificate?} If the man would give him that much information, Grifton wouldn't insult him.

{Sonrisa 'Sonrai' Lamberton.} His prompt response made Grifton sigh in relief.

{As to why I wound up in so many different bodies and yet all share the same bloodline to become one sire, which is because they are all brothers. My soul's DNA overwrote theirs because I'm a dominant Alpha.} Sonrisa shrugged. {Now, I'm going to cause a disruption to that wench and prevent her from killing my kids, all of them.} He vanished without another word.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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