
Run of the Mill or Not?

Give it up for a misanthropic anti-hero of a teen protagonist who hates humanity in general. Grifton Tinroy, a draconic/humanoid hybrid as well as abandoned orphan. He's just trying to survive man, and do so in a comfortable way.

Draeme_Saekyr1 · ファンタジー
163 Chs


Chapter 21

Central Plaza, Cornell Academy, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, Year 2050, Planet: Grimoire

Earlier the six siblings hadn't felt any qualms when joining Harper, Daryl, and Grifton. Now, however, they were very nervous indeed. The atmosphere altered substantially, and it made them quake in their shoes. What happened earlier that made Grifton so angry?

This wasn't how they'd anticipated the afternoon and evening to end. On the other hand, at least the storm hadn't triggered too early and none of the trio was soaked to the skin. That was fortunate.

Everyone jolted when the storm hit with heavy ferocity. Anara shivered. "Well, I guess it wasn't going to hold off after all."

All of the siblings were a tad hesitant to address Grifton, Harper, and Daryl. Therefore, they chose to play it safe and wait for cues that would help them direct the conversation into channels that wouldn't cause explosions of anger to occur.

Even then they were confused about what to do next. They all watched as Grifton unlocked the door and removed any small traps he'd set up before leaving.

Jennifer exhaled. She was glad that Holly and the others had exercised restraint and hadn't gone inside. That day, Jennifer didn't want to take any more risks than what already happened.

Even now she wondered what was going to be discussed inside.

Anara was looking around the suite with admiration as they walked into the area. "You've updated some of the furnishings, I see." She glanced at Grifton. "Are these some you made yourself?"

A few of the chairs, drawers, and tables from what they could recall, didn't quite fit what they had learned of his personal taste so none of them knew what to think.

Grifton shrugged. "Preventative measures to ensure nothing was stolen while the inspection was going on." He informed them. "That is always something to take into consideration."

Wow, even the inspectors would steal stuff? Jennifer found that quite reprehensible.

"Though that has eased up since the eight of you showed up." Grifton was amused. "I think it had something to do with the fact that you nearly tore up a few intruders the few times that you patrolled the session endings."

Ah, Jennifer reddened. Right, she hadn't gone easy on the intruders, but neither had others who were observing everything going on. "I don't think I was the only one." She muttered.

Her brothers shook their heads. "Those incidents were the only times we cut loose," Ambrose confirmed.

When Harper and Daryl nodded, Jennifer relaxed and felt much better about what happened.

"We only followed the instructions given," Sherpa murmured with a faint smile.

"I guess all the instructors are tired of the inspectors stealing the hard work of students," Anara commented sourly. "Otherwise, I doubt they would've given us such free rein, knowing what we're capable of doing."

That's right, Jennifer did remember being surprised at the loosened restrictions. "Could they have also planned to throw us to the wolves as scapegoats this time too?" She could see that possibility.

Sapphire made a rude noise in her throat. "If they had, they shouldn't have allowed Commander Darmono access to the grounds along with that duo from the independent committee." Her disgusted observation made the others laugh.

"We've all improved our combat ability somewhat," Anara confirmed. "Though we're still more of the support and defensive strength." She shrugged when Grifton glanced at her sideways. "I've always known my strengths and weaknesses." Anara's simple acknowledgment gained nods from the other seven. "It was only when we arrived here that I realized I really did need to improve on the weaknesses and turn them into strengths instead."

Jennifer smiled faintly. "Yes, we've learned the hard way that the weaknesses can be fatal. Therefore, we chose to do something about it in a formal matter."

All the extra classes and hunting missions that focused on mastering weaponry with and without magic came in handy. Now they were proficient in different kinds of spells, aura usage, and long-term sustainability when casting high-level support barriers.

Grifton shook his head. "I have to admit, I'm envious because I never dared to learn any of that." He rubbed his jaw with a sigh. "Though after you all came here. I learned that it does pay to do even basic hunting." He shrugged. "So, I finally entered some of the classes where non-magical-based combatants could learn skills."

Jennifer frowned. "I always thought that you infused aura into whatever you created and that was your specialty?" She was confused.

Grifton blinked at them. "If I was doing it, it was unconscious because I don't even know how it happened."

Jennifer gestured at a sparkling item that had jewel tones. "See that? Only aura or magic-infused lightness can create those particular sparkles to do so twenty-four hours like that." She tilted her head. "The fact that it dims and brightens with the amount of natural light was clearly built into it as well, right?"

Grifton nodded.

Holly interposed at that time. "So obviously you'd observed someone doing something similar and began subconsciously incorporating the mechanics without realizing it."

Grifton blinked. "Really? Then I can pinpoint the change. It was after I'd met you all." He shrugged with a faint smile. "I felt a resonance and began noticing changes within my body once we encountered each other. I just didn't know what it all meant."

They all grinned at one another in happy realization. They'd helped him break through some kind of bottleneck.

At last, Harper murmured. "Well, that is a discovery that is something to enjoy and celebrate."

Normally they wouldn't hesitate to do so, but they also knew that Grifton wasn't much for that type of thing. He'd been hurt a few times by troublemakers when trying to go out and about.

"The weather isn't good for that," Daryl stated. "I think we should remain indoors."

His reminder along with another loud crack and rumbling made all of them grimace. Sapphire suggested with a laugh. "Maybe we should have some candles just in case something goes awry?"

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