

Aaron took the afternoon off work one day at the beginning of December so they could go to the doctor and have the ultrasound that would reveal the baby's gender. Keeley, who had finally turned in her dissertation draft and was now preparing to defend it, had been looking forward to it all week.

She was bouncing in her seat as they sat in the maternity ward waiting room. He was holding her hand tightly, his wedding ring rubbing up against her fingers.

"Mrs. Hale?" a nurse called after what seemed like hours.

They both jumped to their feet and followed her to an examination room. The nurse took all of Keeley's vitals and then asked her to lift her shirt so she could check for the baby's heartbeat.

She checked multiple places on the stomach to try and get the best sound but ended up doing a double take when she got to the other side.

"What is it?" Keeley asked in a panic.