
Ballet Politics

Noah swirled his straw around inside his glass of lemonade. He wished he knew how to help Violet, who really didn't know how to deal with interpersonal relationships. The main reason they worked as well as they did was because he understood her enough to know she didn't actually mean any offense.

"Have you tried talking to her about it?"

Violet shuddered. "No way! You know I can't do confrontation. Ugh, I wish things weren't so awkward every time we got parts assigned. You know our next show is the Nutcracker. We're having performances all throughout December. She has her heart dead set on being the Sugar Plum Fairy. I'm afraid she'll never forgive me if I end up getting it instead."

Ah, ballet politics. She had vented her concerns about them many times over the years. This problem of getting better roles than most of her friends had started all the way back in middle school.