
Run Free (Werewolf)

What can two people go through before they finally break? Follow along with Melanie and Justin to see just how much pain they can endure.

Autumn_Garling · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 5

Justin's POV

It was as if the fight never took place. The hospital got cleaned up, a little packed? Yes, but everyone was being taken care of at a fast pace. The field out front was spotless. There were no traces of blood or dead bodies anywhere. All this happened because of Melanie. Speaking of which, she was currently singing in the kitchen. No one was around except me. I was leaning up against the doorway, just listening to that beauty. "I've been alone with you inside my mind. And in my dreams, I've kissed your lips a thousand times." I watched as she reached up and touched her lips. "I sometimes see you pass outside my door. Hello, is it me you're looking for?" She stopped singing suddenly, and I heard a sniffle.

That's when it hit me. She was crying. "I can see it in your eyes. I can see it in your smile." Melanie jumped and threw head towards me. I saw the tears streak down her cheek. It hurt me to see her cry. "You're all I've ever wanted, and my arms are open wide.��� I held open my arms. She slowly made her way to me. When she reached me, she wrapped her arms around my waist and held on tight as if I would disappear. "Cause you know just what to say. And you know just what to do." I sang to her and slowly turned us in a circle. "And I want to tell you so much, and I love you." When I reached the last three words, I slipped my hand underneath her chin and lifted it. Melanie's eyes were staring back up at wide and filled with anxiety. "Melanie, I love you. I will spend every waking moment, letting you know how I feel. If that means I get to sing to you every day or do something special for you, then so be it. You are my life. You are my mate, and no one can change my mind."

Once again, the tears were spilling down her face. Concern immediately flooded my emotions. "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Melanie shook her head, "No Justin, you did everything right. It's just. I never thought I would have this in life. I thou- thought that I-I.." She couldn't even finish her sentence before the tears started up again. I pulled her close to me. "Don't worry anymore, and I'm here. I got you. I'm sorry it took me this long to act." Relief overwhelmed me. She's going to accept me, Melanie is officially mine. "Justin. I need you to promise me one thing, though." I looked down at her. Fear flooded my veins. "Anything for you, sweetie." She looked up at me, tears still falling. "Promise me that no matter what happens to us that you will always and I mean always put the toilet seat down." Wait what?

"Do what now?" She giggled, "I want you to promise always to put the toilet seat down." This female will either give me a heart attack one day or kill me with her bare hands. "I guess I promise, but how will that work when you have your room?" I felt a small hand touch my cheek, reeling my focus back in onto her face. "That's going to change starting tonight. I've had my stuff moved into your room. Since we are mates and we will be together, we should live in the same room. But that does not mean I am ready for you to mark me." I held my hands up, "I got it!" Then it hit me, Melanie just said she was moving in with me! "Wait, you're moving in with me?!?" She just nodded. She does not know what she just did to me!

"Melanie, I swear you will not regret this for the rest of your life. I will cherish you and honor you as no man or werewolf has ever done before." Her smile could light the whole world and then some. I am so glad she is willing to give me another chance. All this happiness is making me nervous. Anytime there are so many good things happening, one big lousy thing is coming. "Hey, Melanie, would you like to go for a run?" Her eyes lit up, and she jumped towards the door. Well, I got my answer. We both headed towards separate trees. I waited till I heard the crunch of bones before I started shifting. My wolf immediately took over and ran over to Maddy. 'Hello, my dear.' He bowed his head to her, and in response, there was a snicker. When Rhydian looked back up, Maddy/Melanie was gone. 'I guess little mate wants to play chase. So be it.'

Rhydian let out a loud howl then tore off after them. 'Rhydian, catch her before she makes it to the river.' He pushed himself faster, and before you know it, Maddy's back paws were in view and getting closer. Right, when Rhydian was about to lunge out, Maddy skidded to a stop. Quickly Rhydian stopped and looked at Maddy with concern. 'Mate, what is it? Why did you stop?' Maddy just focused on something to the left of her. Lowering his nose, Rhydian sniffed the ground. We both shared control for a second, but that second was all they needed.

Rouges jumped out from the tree line and dove towards Maddy and Melanie. 'WATCH OUT!' Rhydian threw his body in front of them and took the rouge down. Latching our teeth into the neck of the rouge, we squeezed until we felt a snap. Throwing it to the side, we turned and faced the rest of them. We took one step, and that was as far as we made it. Pain shot through my body. Wait, my body. It was no longer in wolf form; I lay in human form with three cuts along my abdomen. That rouge must have led with their claws, but I didn't notice any sooner because I was protecting Melanie. 'Melanie, get help from the pack.' She turned her head towards me. She was still in wolf form. 'No, Justin. You protect me all the time. It is my turn to do the same. There is one thing I have been keeping from you.' She turned her head back towards the rouges and crouched down, ready to pounce. 'My wolf never takes full control of me. She goes blood crazy when she does. Maddy does this because I never let her out enough growing up with her. I was always too afraid of the consequences; she now goes mad when she takes over.' My eyes went wide, and I nodded slightly. I laid my hand over my abdomen and started applying pressure. My healing was slow, and I needed to slow the bleeding. 'Please don't watch too much of this.' With that last statement, Maddy took over. I could tell because Melanie's whole demeanor changed. She started snarling at the rouges. There were three of them left. They looked at each other, and that was their first mistake.