
Run Free (Werewolf)

What can two people go through before they finally break? Follow along with Melanie and Justin to see just how much pain they can endure.

Autumn_Garling · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 2

Melanie's POV

When I came to, my head was pounding just slightly. I took a look around, taking note of my surroundings. Cell, they put me into a jail cell. I mean, I knew the Beta was not going to go against the Alpha, but I didn't think they'd chain my ankle to the ground. That's just icing on the fucking cake now, isn't it? 'Maddy? Are you there?' Silence. So I take it these chains are silver cause I cannot contact Maddy. Some random door down the hall opened up and slammed closed. Please don't be coming over to my cell. It seems I have run out of luck because the footsteps stop directly in front of my cell door. "Good, you're awake." My eyes snapped up at the sound of the Beta.

I thought the Alpha was going to be coming here. "I am genuinely sorry for this inconvenience. But Alpha doesn't trust Night Blood pack members." Once again, his eyes went soft. I knew this man was not someone that wanted to hurt any females but had to do what he the Alpha advises. "I tried to tell him your Mate rejected you, but he thinks that's a cover story. I am sorry about hitting you on your head, and I am sorry for this." He held up a syringe, and a transparent liquid floated around inside it. "What is that?" His eyes held the saddest look I could ever imagine. "This is going to help, and you won't feel any of the pain. I am so sorry." With that, he stuck the needle into my neck and pressed the syringe down.

Slowly my entire body became numb, I looked at my fingers and attempted to move them, but I couldn't. Well, this is great. Beta picked me up and carried me out of my cell and down the hall. He turned into a room that had a table and a chair. The chair had leather straps in four places, and guess whose ass got to sit in that? Mine. Beta was gentle and lowered me down into the chair, then strapped my wrists and ankles into place. Once he was through, he took a step back and pressed a button on the wall's side. "Alpha, she is ready and put in place for you." There was no response, but I could hear a door slam open and thunderous steps closer to this room. "Once again, try to ignore the pressure. You can't feel anything at all right now. I am going to call your Alpha and get him to one grab you as soon as possible. I am sorry." As soon as he completed his sentence, the door slammed open, and in walked the same man that she saw in the forest.

"Alpha." The Beta bent his head down and bared his neck. "Ashton, hand me the tools. We need to get this investigation started." Nodding, Ashton handed him a toolbox, and he looked straight at me with sad eyes. 'Pretend.' He mouthed a single word right before I felt a slight pressure on the top of my skin. Looking down, I saw that the Alpha was holding a silver hammer against my stomach. I watched as the skin sizzled, remembering what Ashton said. I cried out and let the tears fall. I could almost do this on command because I've been in so many similar situations.

About an hour or so later, I had multiple cuts and about four burns when the Alpha stood up and walked out. Ashton stayed behind and helped unstrap me from the chair. Lifting me, he walked out of the room. However, instead of going back to my cell, he went up the stairs. "Wh-what are you doing?" Ashton looked down and smiled. "He's letting you stay in a room. You passed his test. He does this to any rogues or wolves from other packs to determine whether they were lying." Was it a test? What the hell? "Ho-how did y-you know I wasn't lying-lying?" Ashton chuckled. "Because I saw the look on your face when you talked about getting rejected. I have seen someone before with that same look." "Who?" I was quite intrigued. "The Alpha." What? So he has been rejected before then he should have known I was speaking the truth. I guess he just put the fact that I was from the Night Blood pack. He was irritating. Eventually, we made it to a room, and Ashton laid me on the bed. I sank into the fluffy blankets. "I have never felt a bed so soft! This bed is amazing." Ashton started laughing until something hit him.

He looked back at me and rushed over to me. "You can feel the bed?" Nodding, I moved my arm around, kind of making a snow angle movement but with blankets. "Shit shit. I wasn't expecting it to wear off so soon." Ashton lifted me and rushed me into the bathroom. He set me down in the bathtub and turned the water on to cold. "Ah, Ashton, what are you doing?! That's so fucking-." My sentence got cut short because it seemed as if all the pain came at once. Even cut, I could feel, and every burn was engraving itself into my skin over and over again. I now realize why he put it on cold. The water seemed to sting at first but then cool down the cuts that were on fire, and the burns were slowly healing already.

As I got out, standing up was hard. Nonetheless, I did it, and as soon as I walked back into my room, I screamed. There on my bed sat the Alpha. "Wh-what are you doing here?" I tried not to show my fear, but it was useless. "Well, considering this is my room. I am sitting on my bed." Wait what? His room, but I thought Ashton… Dammit. "Sorry, Alpha, I did not know this was your room. I deeply apologize and will leave immediately." I started moving for the door but again halted because of his voice. Flashbacks were already happening. The last time I accidentally saw Alpha Justin's room, he beat me until I couldn't move. Then hit me some more cause I was already in place and not leaving. "No, I told Ashton to bring you up here. Thought maybe you'd like it better than the cell." I looked back at him. He was genuinely lovely. It was weird.

"Well, thank you for your hospitality, Alpha, but I must make one simple request." "Go on." Okay, you can do this. It's a simple question. "Can I make a phone call. To the one person back at the old pack that was like a little sister to me?" He growled slightly, and I prepared for a letdown, but I heard him let out a big sigh. "Yes, that is alright, only if I can be in the room with you. I just want to ensure that you are betraying me. Sorry for being paranoid." Omg! He is going to let me call Lilac!! 'Maddy, did you hear that?!' 'Yes, Melanie, I did. There is something off about this Alpha I don't know what, but I don't like his intentions.' The Alpha stood up and walked away, not before turning back around, "Oh, these clothes are for you. Considering yours are soaking wet." Nodding, I took the clothes off of the bed and went back into the bathroom.

These smelled a lot like him, probably are his. Slipping them on, I walked out and noticed he was waiting by the door. "Ready?" "Yup." He walked out, and I followed him. As we walked, multiple members of his pack walked by, and some growled but soon stopped when the Alpha would bark at them. We finally reached the door. He pushed it opened, and I recognized it as an office like Justin's back home. "The phone is on the desk. I'll sit here. You can call whoever it is you want to call." I rushed over to the phone and dialed Lilac's number. Please pick up. Please.

After about four rings, someone finally answered the phone. "Lilac!" "MELANIE?!" Pulling the phone away from my ear, I stared at it in shock. That was not Lilac's voice. That was Justin's. I started reaching for the end button when he spoke again. "Please don't hang up. Listen, please." My hand stopped, hesitating. "What do you want, Justin?" Alpha looked up, his eyebrow raised in confusion. 'It's her brother,' I mouthed to him. He nodded and looked back down at his phone. "I just want to find out where you are. I messed up Melanie. I am sorry." 'Mate said he was sorry! Mate wants us back.' It was the first time that Maddy has spoken this much in a long time. 'Maddy, you don't know that he might be playing us.' Maddy growled. 'Mate would never play us twice. Let me have control.' 'Fine, but don't do anything stupid.' I felt myself get pushed back into the back of mind. Maddy still let me see what was happening, but I couldn't control my actions.

"Rhydian. It's Maddy. Come to me, Mate." There was a shift through the phone. Justin's voice got more profound, and when he spoke, it sent chills through me. "Maddy? Is it true, my dear Mate?" Tears were slowly finding their place on my face. "Yes, it is. I have missed you." "As have I. I am sorry for what Justin has done to Melanie. I never knew she was our Mate, I never knew you used to be my Mate. If I had known, he would not have been able to get away with all of the beatings." Maddy smiled a little bit. 'Told you.' She was sticking her tongue out at me, 'If you don't put that tongue back in, I will take back over.' Quickly she pulled her tongue in, but a smile still graced her lips.

"Rhydian, I am in the Midnight pack territory. Melanie ran four states over just for me. Justin hurt me, my dear, so Melanie left for my sake." Rhydian growled after Maddy's statement. "Why the hell are you there?!" "Rhydian calm down. As I said, Justin hurt me badly, and Melanie did the only thing she could think of, she ran. Will you come and get me back plea-." The phone got ripped from Maddy's hands, there stood the Alpha. His eyes were glowing bright blue. "He shall do no such thing. You will not be leaving anytime soon." Wait what? 'Who does this Alpha think he is?' Maddy growled at him, "Give me the phone back. Alpha I was not finished speaking with my Mate." I could feel my eyes shifting between Gold and Black. When I feel like turning into my wolf, my eyes will turn between the two colors. If I am pissed off, they will be black, and no one has been exposed to it before.

They mostly stay Gold, so no one finds out who I am. "Don't you talk to me like that! I am the Alpha here! You will respect me." The phone was still connected, and I heard Rhydian growl. "If you touch her, I swear to god Daemon, I will kill you with my bare hands." Daemon looked down at the phone. "Don't you dare come on to my land and we won't have to worry about that." This time Maddy growled. "I will be getting out of this place. You cannot keep me here. I am going home to my Mate even if he has to come on to your territory and get me, and I will be leaving with him." Daemon let out a ferocious growl and slammed the phone down. His eyes were bright blue, meaning he was in the process of shifting. 'Maddy run!' For once she listened, she turned and sprinted out the door, letting it slam shut behind her. She took off for the front door when we both heard the door upstairs, but open and thunderous steps echoed throughout the house. Maddy ran out the door and shifted into her form.

Maddy was a giant black wolf with a white star right below the right cheek. I could tell our eyes were pitch black because everything became heightened, we were running faster, and she was still mad as hell. I knew that Daemon was right behind us because I felt Maddy tense up. 'Maddy, do not do anything rash that would reveal who we are.' 'I know, Melanie, but if I don't do something, he might hurt us even more.' 'Just keep running. Maybe we can outrun him.' She yipped and kept running, pushing our body a little bit faster.

It felt like maybe 7 hours later, and we were almost back to the territory. Daemon was still on our tail. 'Daemon is still there, Maddy.' 'I know I can feel myself slowing down. Just be strong if we get caught.' Maddy was right. We were slowing down. As we dodged another fallen tree, Daemon swiped his paw out, catching our hind legs. There we are going tumbling to the ground, one second I'm on top; next second, he is. Eventually, we stop rolling, and I'm on top. Not for long, though. Daemon raked his paw, and he caught my side. I felt his nails go deep into my side. Whimpering, I got off immediately. Maddy switched with me while we were rolling so he couldn't see our eyes change.

I limped backward and lifted my right paw. 'Fuck Maddy, it hurts. I can't place my paw down.' 'Just hold on, Melanie. Justin is almost here. He is so close. Please hold on.' Nodding, I tried to back away but, Daemon growled, and I knew I wouldn't be able to run anymore. Shifting, I stood there, arm pressed against my side. Stopping the bleeding but having zero success. "Daemon, I need to see a doctor." He just growled, and that's when I realized his wolf was still in control. Damn, he was always there. I thought by now he would have been tired.

Daemon's wolf crept towards me. His lips pulled back, snarling at me. "Fuck." He jumped at me, and I barely had enough time to push myself out of the way, but he turned and jumped on me again, his paw raking up my back. I felt every inch of the marks start bleeding. I felt every bit of pain. Daemon was leaning in, ready to go for my neck. Then, poof, he wasn't there anymore. Blinking, I looked up and saw a big Dark Grey wolf. "Jus-justin." I could barely speak, but Justin heard me. His wolf turned his head and walked over to me. The other pack members were battling off Daemon.

"Melanie, I am very sorry. I will rep-." I didn't hear the rest because the darkness decided it was going to swallow me. Not that I'm complaining because as soon as it did, the pain seemed to be disappearing.