Chapter Nineteen [ The family structure]
“My wife's cousin should be seen as a human person with his own rights to own land if he deserves it. However, I should be careful with every move I make to construct a peacekeeping mission to my wife's family issue.”
Rudolf muses while he analyses the circumstances. Rhoda must now recollect all of the family's past memories in order to determine the facts and reasons for Ron's behavior.
"I'm not sure why Ron is so angry at us and determined to fire his pistol at us through the window." Rhoda ponders.
"Think about it, Rhoda."
Mildred asks. Rudolf was quietly listening to learn how he could begin to assist his beloved wife in her distress.
"You know, honey," Rhoda explains to her husband.
"Ron was my childhood playmate, and he's almost like a younger brother to me," Rhoda explained.
"He stayed with us in Manila and worked as a company guard," Rhoda added.