
Rumyu Nugyu

Rumyu Nugyu He is the boss of Bizuraka, the new mafia of Storka Country. Rumyu Nugyu doesn't care about anyone but himself and will do anything to take his gang to the top.

StingRaymond · 都市
2 Chs


Chapter I

The story takes place at the beginning of the twentieth century, at a time when technology is developing rapidly and many things are changing in society. One of the things that are changing are the social classes. More and more people are rising up against the rule of the wealthy and powerful to create a society that is more equal and just. This time of social revolution is known as the era of change. This is a time of great turbulence and change, and it is a time when new ideas and values are being formed that will shape the future. He looked out the window of his office and saw his men walking around and talking with each other outside. He could not help but smile to himself. After all the hard work and sacrifices, he had finally built what he had always dreamt of having. His own criminal organization. His own little empire where he had complete control over everything and everyone. Finally, he could live the life that he always wanted to live. He would no longer have to worry about anything else. There was nothing left to do but enjoy his new life and do everything that he could to protect what he had worked so hard to achieve. "What does he want this time?" I ask with a look of annoyance on my face. I know that this detective has been trying to find a way to bring me down for years, but so far he has been unsuccessful. I'm not sure if he has something new up his sleeve or if he is just here to annoy me again. Either way, I know that I have to be prepared for anything. I motion for my associates to bring this detective in so that we can talk.