
Rumput ttnngga lbih hijau

作者: Vy_Nara
Romansa Kontemporer
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What is Rumput ttnngga lbih hijau

WebNovel で公開されている、Vy_Nara の作者が書いた Rumput ttnngga lbih hijau の小説を読んでください。. Rumput ttnngga lbih gairah sebut saja nm wanita Riri dia br pindah k sblh kanan rmh ku . sbnr ny kami SDH cukup kenal Krn Riri jg prnh jd ttngga dl , kita sllu ngobrol bersama , baju Riri belahan ...


. Rumput ttnngga lbih gairah sebut saja nm wanita Riri dia br pindah k sblh kanan rmh ku . sbnr ny kami SDH cukup kenal Krn Riri jg prnh jd ttngga dl , kita sllu ngobrol bersama , baju Riri belahan dadany yg montok bikin suami ku matany TDK bs berkedip SM skli , d saat itu lah suami ku sllu ketemuan hmpir tiap MLM k blkng rmh nemui Riri . Bu RT yg memberitahu ku sring x liat MLM" suami ku k blkng rmh , Riri sprti TDK pny salah dg sikap yg biasa , dia mnyapa dn sllu ikut di mobil ku ketika jln" skluarga , Krn trllu sring heboh ttngga akn d sumpah pocong tp sy nolak kasian ank" ku nnti akn d olok" oleh tmn" ny , akhir ny g jd sumpah pocongny , ko ad y tmn udh d anggp adik sndiri tp msih nusuk dr blkng mau suami ku ... Riri dn suami dg nada dering sama , no pun SM beda ujung ny saja , Riri pny suami jg ank 1 , sbnrny TDK cntik dpt putihny saja dg payudara bsr dg baju seksi ny jd belahan dada ny sllu trlihat . suami dan Riri hubungan mereka putus nymbung trs bertahun tahun tnp sy tau .... klu kmbli lg skrng akn sy tikahkn saja , sy cerai dg suami dn riri hrs cerai jg dg suami ny biar kn mereka bhgia ...dr PD zinah trs , klu teringat sakitny smpe skrng ....itu CRT ku moga trhibur ... sabar ku moga mmbawa berkah


A better man is coming

Life moulded everything, including man and his dreams. This happened to Naomi Hasan who studied at Bold School of Nursing and Midwifery, Hokda state. She went on to work at Ibadan, one of the populous city in Nigeria. As came to Ibadan, she was famished and angry. She was tired. She wrote a letter and attach it to the certificates and other credentials in an envelope. She went on struggling for her survival. At the end Naomi succeeded with aid of her boyhood friend. Babandi Daniel, her boyhood friend helped her a lot. He adevised her so many times. He cared about her life. Because of an incidents happened before. Babandi Daniel was boy who they grew up together with Naomi Hasan. They studied at the same school. His father overworked him. But with aid of his mother, he got to realized he was a man,he was to work for himself, and not his father to work for him. He did maNY hard works and even hawk like no tomorrow. But at the end of the day, he made his life successful and a role modeling with most charity of his mother. Though, Naomi Hasan took a significant part in the journey. Naomi Hasan, Babandi Daniel and Babandi's mother realized that the journey to success requires long steps, you must be stumbled, famished and angry. Only when you sacrifice whatever you have, including time, energy, and money you can it somehow easy but not easier anymore. Babandi Daniel realized that in life one can't make a good name just like that without working for it.

Daoist4Lj0TO · ファンタジー
1 Chs


From a Senior Network ‘Engineer’ to a Network ‘KING’. Follow the reincarnated Senior Network Engineer Hagen Wolfing in the Alternate Magical world of Orkin, as he uses his Networking Knowledge to implement advanced computer networking concepts and technological advances like a switch, routers, and servers, to rise to the top and rule them all. He will grant you access to the distribution of his core magic which is definitely A Tier 3. (fufufu, git it? No? it’s okay. like a loudmouth Villain from a B Grade movie, Hagen will explain it to you, also his Naming sense sucks. Like really sucks.) Writing Spirit Inscription to make or create talisman, formation, or enhance weapons? isn’t this just a PowerShell or Terminal like CLI? {command line interface} The world uses Soul stones to recharge the spirit aura? Isn’t that just a {disposable Portable battery?} Does the emperor have sole ownership, mining, and distribution rights to the spirit stone? Isn’t this just like OPEC Monopoly in my world? Screw that I will create my own renewable soul energy source. What! you take away my {communication morse code protocol jades} worth billions of Gold coins, by forcing a sale paying me Just 10,000 thousand gold coins? {Fufufu have you ever heard of a backdoor? Here take this trojan horse for you, b***h.} I know what you did last Summer, love, My very own NSA. (National Security Agency) Steal my inscriptions? {forget cracking my encrypted commands, has your daddy even learned a basic cipher?} Only Mages can use Magic? {have you even heard of a simple low-level thing as a batch file? I will make the hundreds of thousands of mortals in my county into {script kiddies} and turn them into shock troop level {Private Military Contractors}.

Reflame · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Adventures of a Magic Wolf

John was a scientist while he was alive on Earth, he was recognized by his peers and had a stable and normal life, but one day all changed... He accidentally interfered in a millionaire robbery, folding the plans of the bad guys without noticing... Later that day he was victim of shoot by and died on the spot! He thought everything was over, but as luck would have it, a voice called upon him "do you wish to continue?" it said, John couldn't be more happier about this, another chance at life, a way to end his unfinished business, but John didn't think he would end up in a completely new world... Watch as John becomes a magical wolf in a hostile and different world, here magic exists, and a basic system shows you information about your power level, how does this system works? does it change based on the user? is he the only one that has access to it? How will our young scientist approach this new world? Will he be able to adapt to his new body!? Stay and read to figure it out... -------------------o------------------- Hey, ImBlackMagic here, I'm extremely new to writing and everything could end up in disaster, so please advise me and correct my English errors (it's my second language)... About updates, well, I promise nothing, I have a full time job, so maybe once or twice a week, depending on my work load there will be some weeks without chapters, but I will let you know if that happens. Thanks for reading and I hope you like this. The drop of "Divine Wolf or ..." made me want to write this novel, it will take a different route, and probably will be the different adventures John has around this new world, and how his seemingly insignificant actions have enormous repercussions...

ImBlackMagic · ファンタジー
2 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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