
Ruler Of Worlds

What's going on, why is it dark around, oh right, the last time I was passing an old woman across the street, thank you truck-kun, you put me to sleep comfortably, I've only seen such things in manga.

Cgab · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Ruler Of Worlds -New Life 2

"What is the feature of unlimited lineage?"

[Unlimited bloodline allows you to store multiple bloodlines and also triples your Qi gathering speed and allows you to gather purer Qi]

"Doesn't it have any other features?"

[unlimited lineage does not gain any other features unless you store another lineage]

"I have one last lineage awakening left, use it, wait a minute, what will happen to my unlimited lineage if I awaken the lineage again?"

[Master does not need to worry, the unlimited lineage has merged with your body and spiritual field. From now on, all the bloodlines you try to get will be stored in the unlimited lineage and you will be able to use all the bloodlines you have stored with all their features, but if you store more bloodlines than your body and spiritual forehead can handle, it will cause your spiritual field to collapse.]

"Okay, start your awakening"

[lineage awakening begins]

[Congratulations to the master, he has awakened the peak-high level Celestial Lightning Lion bloodline]

[Should the lineage be stored?]

"yes store it"

[lineage awakening is stored and merged with the master's spiritual field]

[danger! danger!]

[lineage awakening resists spiritual union]

"ahhhh this pain is worse than before"

[Master's spiritual Qi is running out, if the lineage merging is not stopped it may cause permanent damage]

[Should lineage combination be stopped?]

{The reason why merging was so difficult was that the heavenly lightning lion lineage attracted the heavenly lightning. Normally, heavenly lightning only attracts people who have moved from the acupuncture opening realm to the Qi gathering realm. The entire sky around the pavilion was surrounded by heavenly lightning clouds. In the end, the heavenly lightning moved towards Ken Long, but Ryu Long blocked the heavenly lightning with one hand }

"Hahaha, my son is indeed a genius who has just been born, but he has already reached the 8th level of the body tempering realm. As soon as he was born, he awakened the peak-high level heavenly lightning lion bloodline, but this heavenly lightning is trying to destroy my son, get out."

{After Ryu Long said get out, the heavenly lightning began to disperse. Ryu Long did not shout normally. He applied pressure with his Qi. Anyone who heard that sound and whom Ryu Long considered an enemy could only be torn into pieces. Even the heavenly lightning could not hold out any longer.}

"I told you to go"

{ The heavenly lightning attacked for the last time, but when Ryu Long shouted for the second time, the heavenly lightning dispersed and disappeared. At that time, Ken Long was still trying to unify the bloodline, but what he didn't know was that Ken Long had no lightning Qi in his body, and that was the reason why the heavenly lightning lion attracted the heavenly lightning into its owner's . }

{Ryu Long combined the heavenly lightning in both hands in the palm of his hand and began to add his own Qi. After a while, Ryu Long approached Ken long and integrated the heavenly lightning into his body. After doing this, Ken Long vomited blood. His mother, Mey Long, tried to rush towards her baby with her weak body, but Ryu Long does not allow this 

Mey long started to hit Ryu Long as if he was crazy and collected all his Qi. Ryu Long did not even move despite all the blows he took and.}

{Ryu Long}"This is a pain that he must bear. If he cannot bear this pain now, he will be looked down upon and ridiculed by everyone in the future. You know that better than I do."

{Mei Long said while crying}

{Mei Long}"But he's just a baby. I don't even love him properly yet. What do I do if something happens to him?"

{inside Ken Long's spiritual domain at the time}

"The pain increased for a moment but then I feel more at ease, hmm odane, there should be nothing here except the lion and me."




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