
Trostan Kingdom's Move

Alaric ran through the corridors of the academy like there was no tomorrow. He madly dashed around corners and even ran straight into Burt and Sarah.

"Watch out Alaric! What are you in such a hurry for?!" Sarah asked as she rubbed her head.

"Sorry! No time to explain!" Alaric yelled as he got up and continued sprinting to Burt's classroom.

He burst through the door of Burt's classroom and an entire class of year three students looked at him as well as one annoyed Burt.

"I'm busy, what do you need Alaric?" Burt asked.

Alaric said, "It's of national emergency, I need to talk to you for a minute."

Burt raised an eyebrow and looked at his class, "read pages 104-108 of your history book please while I'm gone."

He walked out of the class with Alaric and closed the door, "you know interrupting me is something that gets on my nerves, so this better be important!"

Alaric nodded like he was trying to shake his head off, "it is! Ethan was a spy for the Trostan Kingdom!"