

The storm stopped outside of Inian's cave, so he stepped out. He unfurled his wings and jumped into the air.

The jump was much higher than it used to be when Inian's power was just at the mid-tier level. He was surprised out how easy it was to get moving in the air now. Even his wings have become stronger.

He smiled and flew at the speed of sound across the monster lands. He laughed, enjoying his flight to the fullest.

He was soon brought back to reality when he realized the extent of his powers and how he needed to bring Marc out of the Empire as quickly as possible.

Inian flew around the same space while he thought for a moment. Then he finally came upon a decision.

'I need to test my strength first to know exactly what I can do,' he thought. He needed an opponent that would let him use the full extent of his strength.

He needed a high-tier monster.

Using his ability to sense high-tier monsters, he flew down to one such creature. It was a sizeable pale creature that was blending into the rocks. It had a thin head with massive claws. The monster stood upright on several long and stony tentacles that it seemed to balance itself on.

"Hello my liege, what can your servant do for you?" The monster asked Inian. Inian was slightly taken aback, but then remembered that any monster at the high-tier level or lower must serve him.

"I would like to spar with you. I need to test the extent of my new abilities." Inian replied to the monster.

The monster nodded its head, "so be it. I will fight you with all I have then." The beast reared up, and a mighty presence emanated from it.

Inian felt chills creep up his body as dread began setting in. 'Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...' he thought.

The monster then sped forward to strike at Inian with one of its massive claws. Inian changed his arm into a sword to block it, but he felt no impact as the claw swiped through his arm. "Huh?" Inian muttered before a massive blow fell on his back.

He was launched forward into a boulder that was smashed to pieces when he fell into it. "uuugghh," Inian groaned.

He then heard the monster's voice ring around him, "my main ability is 'mirage' sire. I create illusions of myself while masking my real presence."

Inian began to worry; if he hadn't been told about the monster's ability, he could've been in real trouble from just being confused.

Inian then began to sense all around him. He realized he could detect the monster's real presence by using the king's heart. But he didn't use it because he wanted to try and find a different method.

Inian then gathered energy all around him. Lightning was cracking and whipping around his body, giving him the appearance of a glowing demon.

Inian put his hands together and then threw them away from his body, launching lightning in all directions.


A sound came from not too far away. Inian looked to see the beast clutching its stomach and leaning on a rock. "You have won sire; I cannot fight anymore."

Inian was elated for a moment, but then realized what he had just done. He had asked the monster to fight him, and then just injured it without any means to heal it again. 'That'll make it prey for other monsters! Stupid Inian!'

Inian smacked his head in frustration. The monster bowed and began moving away, still clutching its injury when Inian shouted, "wait a moment!"

The monster stopped in its tracks and looked at Inian with empty eyes. Inian asked it, "is there a mid-tier monster with healing abilities around?" He asked the monster.

The monster nodded, "there is, why?"

Inian continued, "I can heal your injury if I can see it use its power."

The monster looked surprised, "you would take the time to heal me? You don't need to do that sire; I am okay on my own. Thank you for your generosity, though."

The monster moved away, leaving Inian angry and frustrated at himself. 'I can't believe how selfish I am.' He thought.

He looked up at the sky, wondering what it means to have the responsibility of the king.