
Gathering Storms

Inian stood out in front of the allied armies. They were marching towards the Aysel Palace through the desert.

The sun gleamed off bright red armor and the massive machines moving to fight. Low-tier mechas to the behemoth level one rolled over the sandy terrain. Predo's airships moved overhead, making it seem like it was a cloudy day when it was bright and clear out.

All different kinds of monsters lined the outside of the moving forces. They included Reclusa, Kraque, Ebony, and Tecale. There was one extremely massive monster that was like an elephant but was nearly the size of the behemoth level mecha they were moving alongside.

Janae was manning a low-tier walking mecha and was moving close to Inian. Burt was doing the same, while Eno was wearing a brightly colored version 2 exosuit. He walked calmly but with determination.

Queen Irigia and Master Predo each sat in their behemoth level machines, to command the flow of battle.

Inian looked behind him; there were masses of soldiers marching next to these massive machines of war. They had grim expressions as if they were walking to their death.

Inian sighed and faced forward again when he was asked, "why the long face? This army is the best chance we'll ever have of fighting against the Empire."

He responded to Burt saying, "It's not just about fighting the Empire. It's about me needing to fight my brother. All of these faces around us make me think that we are walking to our doom. It could've all stopped if Marc had just decided to end it when he became Emporer. But he chooses a different path. One with much more bloodshed."

Janae added, "as I said before, there's nothing you can do about him. He made his own choices, so now it's time for him to pay for them."

Inian asked Eno, "what are your thoughts on this war?"

Eno responded, "I do whatever my Master askes of me. That is all that is required."

"uh...okay!" Inian said to stop the awkwardness.

He quit asking questions and looked ahead, where he could see the armies of the Empire just beginning to form in his vision.

"I'm coming for you, Marc."


Marc stood in the armory.

Attendants were busy strapping on different parts of the version 4 exosuit that was newly made. Marc watched as the greaves were put on, then the legs, then the armor for his torso. It was all a fairly quick process.

Lastly, he stared into the eyes of the dragon helm, much like he did with the wolf's helm before he put it on.

He stroked the side of it and said, "today, you and I go into battle. We will come out victorious, and because of our sacrifice, we will change the whole world."

He then put on the dragon helm, giving him a fearsome appearance as he stood in the armory.

He walked outside to where his forces had gathered.

He stepped out onto the wall so he could observe the whole battlefield. On his sides were numerous soldiers standing in formations. Thousands of them lined the walls and stood next to the walls.

He had many mechas that were prepared to attack at any given moment. The airships floated in the sky, and Marc looked up to see the behemoth level one. 'I'm afraid I can't work on that ship today,' he thought.

The Imperial forces cheered when they saw their Emporer coming out to fight alongside them. Marc pumped his fist into the air as recognition to his troops.

The Empire's exosuit soldiers outnumbered the allied forces by nearly three to one due to Marc's push to rapidly expand the military.

Even the Empire's ships and mechas nearly outnumbered the allied forces by two to one. The allied forces were at an extreme disadvantage.

Marc had been trying to find Sophia for the past few days to get her help for this fight, but she was nowhere to be found. 'She'll pay when I find her,' Marc thought maliciously. He needed all hands available to him, and when he needed her, she left him, just like Inian.

Marc clenched his fist and watched the incoming forces of the Empire.

"Come to me then Inian, I am ready for you,"

Enjoy the story, guys! Please leave some power stones and a review for me if you enjoy, it would really be a big help. Thank you!

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