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Inian woke up to find himself in a simply furnished yet extremely comfortable room. Janae and Burt were both sleeping on some cots that were next to his bed.

He got up to go to the bathroom, and when he came back, Janae and Burt were both awake.

"How are you feeling?" Asked Janae.

"I feel just fine now. I've got to say, that was the most difficult fight I've ever had. I've fought plenty of tough monsters, but it's different to fight a powerful man who has skills and a version 3 exosuit. How is Master Predo?"

"He woke up last night with several burns. But I've been told that he will live."

Inian sighed with relief, "that's good. It wouldn't be good for an alliance if I happened to kill an allied nation's leader."

Burt came up and hugged Inian, "I'm so glad you are alive, friend. I was worried about you."

Janae chuckled, "well, I wasn't worried for a second."

Inian laughed, "I'm glad. I knew I could beat him, hands down."

Inian walked and felt the soreness around his body from repeated injuries and healing. He smiled to hide the pain wracking his body.

Once the trio was finished getting ready, they went and saw Master Predo who was lying on a large bed in a medical room.

A couple of doctors were walking around and keeping an eye on him.

"I see that you've finally woken up, look at this mess you've made of me," Predo said.

He motioned towards his burned body, lying on the bed.

Inian gave a half-smile, "so does this mean we get to live, and we have you as an ally?"

Master Predo nodded, "you have my word that the Predo Dynasty is your ally. We will give you most all of our forces, including our behemoth level airship that we designed recently. There will only be enough forces left-back for emergencies."

Master Predo coughed, and black mush came out. "Damn it; I've been hacking up my lungs all night and this morning!"

Inian looked concerned, "I'm sorry for what I did, but ya kinda left me no choice."

Master Predo gave him a sharp look, "don't be sorry, boy. I was your enemy on the field, and that should leave no room for hesitation. Especially when we fight against the Empire."

Inian nodded, "alright, then I'm not sorry. The plan is to meet up in my old country near Mezulat in one month and two weeks to gather our forces before we assault the Empire. When everybody gathers, we will discuss our actual assault plan more."

Master Predo coughed again, "*hack* okay then. We will be there, ready for a fight. But first, Eno!"

Eno came running in from around the corner and knelt at his master's side.

"Eno, you are going to go with them as our representative until we arrive. Understood?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good." Master Predo looked at Inian, "now go and do what you need to do to get ready. Our forces will be ready and will meet you at Mezulat at that time."

Inian nodded and thanked the Master. Eno went and gathered his things, and their trio has become a party of four.

They all got ready to leave, and by the end of the day, they were heading back home on their ship.

Janae was wretching over the side of the ship again, and Eno was right next to her. Inian chuckled and shook his head, mocking their weak stomachs.

His stomach became a little weak once they crossed back out into open waters, however.

Inian had gotten a fear of very deep water after his encounter with the dragon's descendant on their way to the Predo Dynasty. Just imagining the powerful beast below him shook him to his core.

He was on edge the entire journey back home and felt sweet relief as soon as he saw the shores of Weton.

"Ahoy! I see you're back with a ship that's still intact, thank you," said the dock manager.

He examined the ship from bow to stern, "I can't believe there's no damage. Weren't that monsters bad at there?"

Inian paused for a moment then answered, "we must just be lucky."

The manager raised an eyebrow, then shrugged.

Inian, Janae, Burt, and Eno all went back to the vehicle they had left parked nearby, hopped in, and began driving towards Mezulat in Seyukha.

"I have never been to the mainland," Eno said. "It is not as beautiful as I imagined."

They were driving on dusty roads and passing some crumbling buildings.

"It gets better once you get to know it," said Burt.

They traveled for several days until they reached Mezulat to the NorthEast of them.

Inian observed the familiar landscape around him. He saw the mountainous terrain and the rusted iron of the city walls. Mezulat was not too far from his home city, so the landscape was remarkably similar.

The forces from Irigia were already starting to gather outside of the city, and they must've been the ones to chase away the Empire's garrison forces that were staying in Seyukha.

Inian looked at the gathering forces of Irigia around him and muttered, "let's do this."