
Ruler's POV (DxD FanFic)

A Ruler died and his soul transmigrated to the world of DxD. What journey will his second life be? Should he pursue greatness again or be an ordinary person in this second life? AN: I do not own the original High School DxD story. Cover photo is not mine. I just want to write a version of my own MC. I am new to writing and English is not my primary language so bear with me.

ZyC0 · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter 21: Heiress Of The Gremory

3 Days Later

Night Time

Lucas was wondering outside Kuoh Town looking for Stray Devils. He stopped at a nearby abandoned factory and walked inside.

Lucas: "Come out. I already know that you are there." He said while looking ahead.

..: "Devil!! You are seeking death for your arrogance to come here alone!!"

A deep voice came from the darkness. A tall figure like a Minotaur appeared in front of Lucas and was looking at Lucas angrily. He has Red eyes and a Half bull half human body.

Lucas was calm and he looked at his left hand. His hands began to enlarge and a red dragon scale armor condense in his arm and hand. His hand transformed into actual dragon hand.

The Minotaur saw this and began to panic as he can feel the aura of a high tier Devil emanating from Lucas. He tried to turn back but before he could run.

Lucas: "Boost!" he whispered. A yellow draconic eye opened from the back of his hand and glowed.

Lucas aura surged and the minotaur who was about to run knelt to the ground because of the pressure.

Minotaur: "SIR!! Please have mercy!! I can be your most loyal ser..!!! The monster pleaded for mercy.

Before the minotaur can finish his words, Lucas summoned a spear of light that is red in color that is larger than the minotaur and threw it to him. 

A big explosion occurred creating a big hole to the ground.

Lucas: "HOLY SH**!!!" Lucas did not expect that it would be this powerful and he flew up as he might be affected by his own attack. Good thing he did not use it in the villa or else he will be homeless. He also sealed the area so that no one will notice the commotion.

He looked down below and saw the big pit he created.

Lucas: 'I guess I need to lower down the mana to be used'.

After becoming a Devil, he learned that he can duplicate abilities the first time he trained in the villa and tried to imitate the light spear he saw from the fallen angel who attacked him. Well the light spear he created is not consisted of holy light but red lightning. 

This duplication ability has limits. The ability to duplicate takes some days of visualization and training and it depends how rare the skill or ability is. He only took 1 day to learn the Light spear and as for the Twice Critical, it takes him 3 days to learn it as it has a higher tier.

The second limit is that he can only Duplicate abilities according to his level of power and cannot duplicate abilities with higher tier above his power level as his body cannot take it.

After the explosion, he labeled the ground to its normal appearance and erase the evidence of a battle. He then prepared to leave and go back home but before he could summon a portal, he saw a sealed dome from afar like the one he created.

Lucas: 'Hmm, Who might it be?' Lucas thought curiously and went to the direction to check.

As he was arriving, he saw Sona and her peerage fighting with 2 Stray devils. Sona and Tsubaki were standing idly as they watched the fight. He can also see Issei on the group as he fights one of the stray devils. He stopped nearby and conceal his presence.

Lucas: "Upper Grade Low Class?" He murmured as he looked at the two stray devils. One is a Spider like devil and the other is snake like devil. 

Lucas was surprise to see Issei's left arm change form. It looks like a full arm dragon armor now rather than the first time they met. 

Lucas: 'Interesting.' Lucas tried to see what is new about Issei's new form. Issei made 3 boosts and Lucas was surprise to see that Issei's aura became 3x stronger. He made up his mind to duplicate this ability after he went back home. He can see that the ability to boost depends on the users physical limit.

Lucas was distracted and noticed some movement from the dark corner that was a blind spot to Tsubaki and Sona. He was also surprise that he just noticed it now when the figure moved closer to his target. The stray was a Half Mantis and Half human Appearance.

Lucas: 'It seems this stray devil has the ability to conceal himself.' 

The stray devil launches forward to a silver haired girl ready to make a lethal blow.

Sona and Tsubaki noticed the Stray Devil and tried to stop him.

Sona: "MOMO Careful!!" She tried to alert Momo. 

Tsubaki: "MoMo watch out!!" She ran towards Momo with great speed summoning her Naginata.

Momo was startled by the sudden appearance of a stray devil and tried to make a shield in panic but the hand blade of the stray devil was already a meter away from her. She subconsciously close her eyes ready to endure the pain she will receive.

Suddenly, she felt a warm body hugging her and subconsciously looked up. He saw Lucas handsome face and stopping the blade with his bare hands.

Lucas did not attack as he knew someone is coming.

The stray Devil panicked and was going to attack with his other blade but he was impaled by Tsubaki who appeared from the side and then made a slash, cutting him into two.

The 2 stray devils panicked seeing their companion being killed and there plan was unsuccessful. Sona joined the battle and the 2 stray devils were defeated in an instant.

Lucas noticed Momo was in a daze and did not move.

Lucas: "Ahem, are you okay?" He said in a casual tone looking at Momo.

Momo woke up from her daze and hurriedly moved away from Lucas.

Momo: "Th-Thank you Agawa Kun." She thanked while blushing shyly.

Lucas: "It is nothing. I was just passing through and saw you fighting so I stopped by to watch." he said while smiling gently.

Momo saw his smile and became even more shy and lowered her head.

Lucas: 'Ahh, Hero saves the beauty is really an effective strategy to capture a girl's heart'. He thought.

Tsubaki who just finished killing the Stray saw this but did not say anything. She approached Lucas and bowed.

Tsubaki: "Thank you Agawa Kun for the help. You have my gratitude." Tsubaki said sincerely as she was too late to react on the situation.

Lucas: "It is Okay. I considered you and Sona as friends so it is normal for me to help." He said casually.

Tsubaki was surprise by what Lucas said. She looked at Agawa's face and nodded in agreement.

Sona came after she dealt with the 2 stray devils. She looked at Momo to see if she is alright. She sigh a breath of relief after confirming she is okay and looked at Lucas.

Sona: "Lucas, Thank you for saving Momo. You can request anything as long as I can do it." Sona bowed and said sincerely.

Lucas raised his eyebrows and looked at Sona.

Lucas: *Chuckle* "I will take the offer then." He said while smiling.

Sona saw that Lucas agreed and relaxed. She does not want to have any favor for anyone.

Sona: "What are you doing here Lucas Kun." She asked curiously.

Lucas: "I was also hunting stray devils and just saw you fighting so I stopped by to take a look." He said.

Sona nodded and looked at Lucas. She remembered the time when they played chess. She lost 6 times in a row and he should be her unofficial fiancé. Well to be officially become her fiancé, it should be an official battle with witnesses but we only played a casual game that time.

Sona blushed a little after thinking about it.

Sona: 'He is only a normal human that time and I did not take him seriously but now I can't even see through him now'. She thought.

Before she could ask Lucas power level a voice came from behind her.

Issei: "Kaichou, we already finished cleaning up the Area." 

Issei and the others approached Sona from behind. They also noticed the commotion but they can't assist to help as they were busy holding off the 2 stray devils. 

Issei met Lucas again and just nodded. He made up his mind to get stronger after the incident with the fallen angels. He also wants to help his team mates during battles so he tried to discover his power.

Issei: 'Ddraig how strong is Lucas.' Issei asked in his mind.

There was silence for a moment in his mind.

Ddraig: 'I can't tell partner. But I felt some connection in him that make me revered.' Ddraig said. 'Don't try to antagonize him.' he added after a pause.

Issei raised his eyebrows upon hearing Ddraig's words. He looks at Lucas and made up his determination to catch up or even surpass him.

Lucas: "Alright Sona Senpai. I will be going first as I can see that the problem is solved." Lucas said.

Sona: "Okay Lucas Kun. Take care then. If you have time you can visit the Student Council Office and we can have casual chat." She waved her hand and smiled.

Lucas nodded casually and summon a magic portal. Momo wanted to say something but Lucas already disappeared. Tsubaki saw Momo and shook her head helplessly.


It was Sunday and Lucas started his training. Yesterday night was fruitful as he made some discovery on how the booster gear was used. He also called Asia to train together to improver her stamina. The other members also came and joined Lucas and Asia with their training. After training they went to the hot spring to relax.

Night came and Ophis came by using her teleportation magic. The others were stunned and looked at the girl, who seems to be 10 yrs old, appeared suddenly.

Lucas quickly introduced her as one of his little sister "Elfis". He also explained to them that she was a descendant of a dragon that was abandoned as to not make everyone suspicious on how she can use magic so easily. They were surprised when they heard Elfis was a Dragon's descendant as it is rare to see them. They seem to believe Lucas story telling and nodded in understanding. They started to prepare dinner and Akeno also helped Lucas in the kitchen as she also knew how to cook. Everyone had a happy dinner with a variety of Lucas and Akeno's dishes.


Lucas was on the Terrace of the Villa looking at the moon and stars.

Lucas: 'The moon really makes the night beautiful.'

After some time, Lucas heard someone approaching and saw Rias with a red light dressing gown. He raised his eyebrows upon seeing Rias beautiful figure as he can see through her dress and what she is wearing.

Rias noticed Lucas eyes and chuckled.

Rias: "~Is it good?~" She teased as she approached him.

Lucas: "Its Beautiful." *Chuckle* He said and turned to stare at the sky.

Rias blushed hearing his words. She came to his side and also stared at the stars.

Rias: "The night is beautiful today." She said.

Lucas: "Yeah" then he turned to look at Rias. "Why are you up so late?" he asked.

Rias: "Well I would asked the same to you?" *chuckle*

Lucas did not bother and just stared at the stars. Rias also silently looked up.

Rias: "I can't sleep because I am thinking a lot of things." She said after some time.

Lucas was intrigued and looked at her depressing face and thought of something.

Lucas: "Is it a family matter?" Lucas looked at Rias and asked curiously.

Rias saw Lucas looking at her curiously. She sighed deeply.

Rias: "Never mind, you will eventually know it." She said after some hesitation.

She stared at the distance.

Rias: "Well I have an arrange marriage with someone... He is Raiser Phenex from the Phenex Household, one of the Major households of the underworld." She said and sighed.

Rias: "I felt something uneasy when I heard that Raiser was chosen as my fiancé... Yes, I think father and the others chose him in case something like the rating game is to happen. They chose Raiser so I will have no choice but to marry him. Even if it becomes a match between households, they knew that there was no way for me to win. In chess you would say they tricked me. A swindle."

Lucas raised his eyebrow upon hearing Rias words.

Lucas: "Why are you against this marriage Rias Senpai?" Lucas asked curiously as he did not know the details.

Rias looked at Lucas then sighed again.

Rias: "...I'm a "Gremory"."

Lucas raised his eyebrows and just waited for Rias to continue.

Rias: "I'm a Devil from the House of Gremory, and that name will follow me to wherever I go."

Lucas: "Oh, do you hate being a "Gremory"?" Lucas asked.

Rias: "I feel proud of it. However, this is also something that is a burden to me. Everyone looks at me as Rias from the Gremory. I can't have them look at me simply as Rias. That's why I'm enjoying my life in the human world. They don't know about the Gremory the Devil. Everyone looks at me as who I am. I really like that feeling. I never felt something like this in the Devils' society, and I never will now on as well. The only time I can enjoy my life as myself is when I'm in the human world."

Rias look into the distance with sadness in her eyes.

Rias: "I want to be with someone who will love me as Rias without the fact that I'm a Gremory. That's my small dream I have... Unfortunately, Raiser only looks at me as Rias from the Gremory. And he loves me as Rias from the Gremory. That's why I hate it. But still, the pride of being a Gremory is very important. My feelings may be complicated, but I want to cherish this small dream I have." She added.

Rias was having her moment but...


She heard Lucas chuckling and her mood was destroyed but before she says anything.

Lucas: "It is a good and touching dream but.." Lucas sneered at Rias.

Rias felt insulted seeing the sneer on Lucas face.

Lucas: "Rias, what do you think of the Fallen angel I defeated, Raynare?" Lucas asked in a serious tone.

Rias was silent for a moment.

Rias: "What do you mean? She is just a mid class fallen angel." She said confusedly. 

Lucas: "Do you think that when you removed your identity as "Gremory" and have a normal bloodline, you can still be you as you are now?" Lucas again asked.

Rias was stunned when she heard Lucas. She was silent and don't know how to refute.

Lucas chuckled as he look at Rias reaction.

Lucas: "You don't know but everyone wants to covet your position or even wants to at least have half of your fortune. You who have everything and dreamed of a Romantic love story while others at the bottom are desperately struggling to survive. You did not yet see the ugliness of being at the bottom like the fallen angel who desperately wants power just to be recognized and have her revenge." Lucas said looking at the sky with a look of vicissitudes in his eyes. 

Lucas then look at Rias who was dazed and he sighed.

Lucas: "RIAS GREMORY!, Heiress of the Gremory Household!! This is your identity!!, embrace it!!, love it!!, cherish it!!, be proud and show it!!, because background and luck is also part your strength and identity!!." Lucas made some cool sh*t statement with a deep voice.

Rias was stunned and dazed. Those words kept ringing on her mind and she woke up from reality. She looked at Lucas and her heart thumped wildly.

Rias: "My identity" She whispered to herself and realized a lot of things.

Lucas: "Okay Rias, may be I know why your father treated you like that." Lucas turned back to his relax and casual tone.

Rias came back from her senses and was piqued when she heard Lucas. She look at him with curiosity.

Lucas: "Ahem!" Lucas composed himself ready to do something.

Lucas: "I am Rias Gremory, Heiress to the Gremory House.! My fate belongs to me and no one can dictate me!." Lucas began to act like a Rias wannabe who is angry.

Lucas: "So what did you observed?" Lucas asked.

Rias who saw all of this was dumbfounded.

Rias: "I felt like you are insulting me!" Rias eyebrows twitched a few times. The feeling she felt a while ago disappeared and she really just wanted to bash Lucas' face right now.

Lucas: *Chuckle* "Relax Rias, I only showed you how you actually act when you are angry." Lucas chuckled and explained casually.

Rias took a deep breath and folded her arm waiting for Lucas to finish his shameless performance.

Lucas: "Try to distinguish the difference." he said then composed himself again. "Ahem!"

Lucas changed his posture, his gesture, his aura, and, his expression.

Lucas: "I AM RIAS GREMORY!!! HEIRESS to the Gremory House!!! My FATE..!! Belongs only to me!!! And no one can DICTATE ME!!!" Lucas said those words with a deep majestic voice and a cold face.

Rias was dumbfounded again looking at Lucas.

Lucas: "So did you see the difference?" Lucas asked.

Rias was dazed and silent for a moment.

Rias: "What... are you trying to imply Lucas." Rias felt confuse. She really did not know.

Lucas smiled hearing Rias.

Lucas: "The first act that I did, in the eyes of your parents or even your household members, they only see a spoiled girl having a tantrum." Lucas explained.

Lucas: "What do you feel on my second act?" He asked.

Rias was silent for a moment.

Rias: "Domineering" She answered.

Lucas nodded in agreement.

Lucas: "Yes... You lack the Domineeringness, you lack the ambitiousness, you lack the determination, and you lack the Majesty of being an Heiress. May be your parents would have chosen another candidate if you have showed them this qualities." Lucas said.

He looked at Rias who was stunned and dazed.

Lucas: "So Rias, do you understand the difference?" Lucas asked again.

Rias was silent for a long time.

Lucas: 'Oops, did I go too far?'

Suddenly Rias approached Lucas. Lucas raised his eyebrows upon seeing Rias approaching.

Rias stopped closely in front of Lucas and Lucas has a look of confusion.

Rias suddenly grabbed the collar shirt of Lucas and pulled him. She kissed him on the lips for more than a second or so.

Rias withdraw her lips and smiled.

Rias: "You are mine!!" Rias said domineeringly.

Luca who was stunned, looked at Rias.

Lucas: 'Should it be the other way around.'

Lucas pulled Rias gently from her shoulder and gave her a deep French kiss while embracing her.

After a minute, Lucas withdrew his lips.

He looked at Rias who was dazed and grinned.

Lucas: "No. YOU ARE MINE!!"


AN: Write some review guys...
