
Rudra...yes that rudra-[ tensura X dxd ]

Ok so let's do this! how should i explain this well... i died and BAAM i reincarnated,NO it's not that simple i get my soul sucked and next i know the soul i have is half soul of my original soul and now i am in another world with my complete soul and someone else is using my body of my previous world of full soul... it's confusing right,SO READ THE CHAPTERS this is my 1st fanfic,so help me in the comments box & English is not my first language... SO i apologize in advance for all errors and cringe

UmU_UmU_UmU_UmU · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs



'Is this the end?, even after being boosted my power of destruction still i can't stop him'

It was a normal day, until i found out the great plan of issei destroying Excaliburs. After scolding him to not do such reckless things, without thinking through it before. we were going to sleep until Kokabiel revealed himself and stated his plans on restarting the Great War by destroying Kuoh Town. Daring Rias to try to stop him, He teleported to the Kuoh Academy to prepare for the final fight between them.

As my and sona's peerages rallied to Kuoh Academy, Saji informed me that the Sitri peerage had placed a barrier around the school to contain the damage of the battle. Sona and me discussed about calling our siblings for help as Akeno revealed that she had already contacted by brother and asked for his help as all we needed to do is stall for an hour before reinforcements arrived.

As we arrived to the school field, we became shocked at the sight of Valper Galilei trying to fuse the Excalibur swords together.

Kokabiel summoned his Cerebus to fight my peerage as he observed the fight. Me, Akeno and Koneko moved to fight the Cerebus, it is revealed that Kokabiel summoned a second Cerebus as well who leapt to attack Issei only to be killed by Xenovia. Issei used his Gift ability to increase my and Akeno's powers who used it against the first Cerebus as Kiba came and restrained its movements with his demon swords before the Cerebus died from the onslaught of demonic powers.

Valper was able to combine the Excalibur swords together into the Fused Excalibur, which Freed then wielded against my peerage. Yuuto and Xenovia cooperated in order to fight him as Valper mocked Yuuto over the fact that Valper was able to use Yuuto's comrades as lab rats to complete his Holy Sword research. Tossing the last 'light container' he had with him, Valper revealed that he has the ability to mass-produce them.

As Yuuto grieved over the loss of his comrades, their spirits emerged from the Light Container to encourage him. Absorbing the Light Container, Yuuto was able to achieve his Balance Breaker - Sword of Betrayer, which allowed him to create Holy Demonic Sword.

Using his Balance Breaker, Yuuto was able to fight on par with Freed who was wielding the Fused Excalibur. While Freed was busy fighting Yuuto, Xenovia was able to release Durandal from the alternate dimension she kept it in, and used it to shatter the Fused Excalibur, with Yuuto defeating Freed after further shattering Excalibur.

Seeing this a look of realization appears on face of Valper and just after that he was killed by Kokabiel, who taunted me to attack him. After having my powers enhanced by the Booster Gear. As I shot out my enhanced Power of Destruction. Kokabiel was able to block it. As he was about to attack me i thought 'Is this the end?, even after being boosted my power of destruction still i can't stop him.' Just as i was loosing hope suddenly someone teleported out of thin air. He has golden hair which just stop behind his ears, with royal blue eyes, a handsome face with a sharp jawline. He was wearing a blue jeans, a white t-shirt, with a black overcoat.

"What do you mean by affirmative...

Oh my Veldanava!

Didn't you say it's start of the story....

What do you mean by it's miscalculated?"

"So we are at the end of kokabiel arc"

'what is he talking about?, who is he' ,"Hey! who are you? and what are you doing here?"


After finding a cabinate full of clothes i took a blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a black overcoat. After getting ready i look into the mirror. I have long crimson red hair, silver red eyes, a hot face with sharp jawline.

"Damm! i am hot"

After admiring me for few minutes, i asked Assistant to changed my appearance to that of Rudra's from tensura.

"ok let's go to Kuoh academy"

I arrived and first thing i see is a vampire looking dude with 10 black feather wings holding a glowing yellow sword made out of light.

'wait! is that kokabiel?'


"What do you mean by affirmative

Oh my Veldanava!

Didn't you say it's start of the story?"

{*notice* it was a miscalculation}

"What do you mean by it's miscalculated?"

"So we are at the end of kokabiel arc?"

i hear from behind "Hey! who are you? and what are you doing here?"

I turn around and see Rais? 'oh! so i am in middle of there fight' "Sorry! i teleported here by 'miscalculation'...and i think you're busy, so I will leave. Bye bye"as i was about to leave kokabiel says "how dare you interrupt me in my great plan to start The Great War again human! "as he was about to throw that light sword to kill me, i activated my thought acceleration 'human? hey! Assistant why is he calling me a human?'

{*Understood* Devils, Angels, Gods are determined to be one by sensing demonic energy, holy energy, divinity respectfully. since you use demonic energy and holy energy by converting your mana into them. So, by seeing from other's perspective you look like human}

'So, that's how it is. Ok use Plunderer to copy everyone's Sacred Gear' i then deactivated my thought acceleration, just as the light sword that was coming for my head i deflected it with creating my own light sword, there was a mixture of realisation and shock on kokabiel's face. But that turned into pure shock when i come in front of his face in burst of speed my sword drawn to split his neck into two. He quickly created another sword to block my attack, but with a spin of my body and hand, bypassing his sword i slash him in his chest that send him flying until he crashed into the barrier.

There was a silence for few seconds until someone sneezed behind me, as i was about to slash at the one who sneezed and ruined my cool moment. Kokabiel stood up coughing blood everywhere and with a look of craziness in his eyes said "I was preparing these to use when Devil Kings come but it's still fine with the death of two heiress who are also sisters of two Devil Kings The Great War will surely begin and this time god is dead and today's devil king are weaker than the real devil kings, this time fallen angels will win." after saying that he created a light sword and... stabbed himself???



After rolling my eyes at the obvious answer from Assistant i look up to see various magic circle appeared from which flying zombies are coming out?



'before you give me your affirmative, this is happening first time right?, this doesn't happen in the show'

{*understood* in the show Vail interfered after kokabiel reveals that god is dead, thus stopping him from ever using it. This is 'kokabiel's legion' he created in the great war by torturing and creating into his undead from both angel and devil factions. he commanded his legion from rear and survived the great war. After end of great war Azazel sealed his legion and banned him from using it again.}

'...so, these zombies have soul? and if yes than can i go through demon lord festival?'

{*affirmative*you can go through demon lord festival}

'ok let's become demon lord. creat a barrier around the first barrier so the soul can't escape' after that i deactivated my thought acceleration and look around me there are look of shock and despair present on everyone's faces.

I ready myself by creating a small distance between both of my legs, then push my hips down, take both of my hands in front of my stomach and start gathering Power of destruction and started


And just like that all 250,000 zombies to the first barrier created by sona everything was Annihilated but nothing happens to second barrier.

There was silence. But this time no one sneezed otherwise i would have fired a power of destruction Kamehameha at his or her (i still don't know who sneezed) face. But then someone sneezed again, i was going to turn around to see who is the one disturbing my cool moments. But I got a little dizzy.

'i know what is happening, can't i comp.. lite my evo.. lut.. ion without sle... eping'

{*Understood* not possible, but don't worry i will look after your body}

'ok... goodn.. ig.. h... t'

{*Understood* goodnight}

and then i black out.


Suddenly all around the earth an announcement was heard

{Harvest festival of individual named Rudra will now begins}

Place - Kuoh Academy

{Harvest festival of individual named Rudra will now begins}

And then there was silence but nobody know something was still going inside Rudra's body (AN-assistant copied booster and divine divide while mc was fighting kokabiel, and it's without there soul)

{evolution from arch demon to demon peer commencing}


{Booster Gear and Divine Divide are reacting due to having too much energy are sending energy in evolution}

{evolution into Dracronic Devil Lord commencing...}

[elimental attack resistance]->[Nullification]

[magic attack resistance]->[Nullification]

[demonic attack resistance]->[Nullification]

[holy attack resistance]->[Nullification]

[physical attack resistance]->[Nullification]

[abnormal status condition resistance]->[Nullification]

[spiritual attack resistance]->[Nullification]

{granting Dracronic Devil Lord's haki... successful}

{speed regeneration ->infinite regeneration}

{magic sense -> Universal sense} {evolution in Dracronic Devil Lord success}

{skill granting starts...}

{Unique Skill Chosen One is reacting with Unique Skill Plunderer...




Ultimate Skill 'Chronos' god of space and time acquired}

{Booster Gear and Divine Divide due to having same origin are reacting...




Sacred Gear Divine Dracronic Gear acquired}

{evolution of Unique Skill Assistant commencing...DENIED}×1,000,000,000

{sacrificing 100,000 souls and converting them into energy...evolution of Unique Skill Assistant commencing...




Ultimate Skill 'Athena' god of knowledge aquired}

{evolution completed}


In kuoh academy the light died down that enveloping the person. He was floating in air a meter above ground. He was wearing a blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a overcoat. But unlike golden hair from before he now has crimson red hair that stops at hips. when he opens his eyes you can see two emotionless blood-red eyes.

While staring into space in front of him, with his emotionless blood-red eyes. He moves his right hand in front of him, and said in an fluid genderless voice.

{In the name of 'Athena' I command the 'Chronos' demon summoning}

A magical circle lights up in front of the person from magic circle comes another person. She is an alluring lady with waist-long white hair and crimson red eyes. She is wearing a black military uniform with baggy pants.

She widens her eyes for a split second, before turning back to normal. While looking at the person floating in the air in front of her. She adderss him by going on one knee and bow her head by saying"My Lord"

{By becoming my servent you will be granted a name and evolution in demon lord. Name will be granted in advance , while evolution in demon lord will be granted in future.}

The lady with white hair and red eyes look up to meet the eyes of her lord, with a little hesitant in her eyes, she bow her head again and says "I Accept"

{From now on your name will be Testarossa}

Just after saying that the keeling lady was covered in black smoke, after few seconds the black smoke disappear and reveals the same lady with white hair and red eyes but her clothes were changed from black military uniform with baggy pants to a teal coloured dress. Just as she descends and kneels again and bow her head, the hesitation from before disappeared from her eyes and only clearty is shown on her face. Then she says "I 'Blanc' primordial Testarossa from now on will be your servent"

{look after the body and don't kill anyone present here}

Before the floating body could fall to the ground now named Testarossa caught him in her arms.

Looking around she looked at the same haired girl as her new master she spoke "Would you please give me directions for a room with a bed"

The crimson red haired girl stared at the white haired lady, open and close her mouth but no sound comes out. Just as she was going to say something, a bespectacled young girl with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes almost same height as crimson hair girl said "please follow me i will take you to a room" started waking in tough with white haired lady, with crimson haired boy in her 'princess' carry.

After laying the crimson haired boy in bed, black haired girl asked the white haired lady "why don't we have conversation over a cup of tea with a game of chess"

To which the white haired lady said "sure"


Give me Power Stones. UmU!


UmU_UmU_UmU_UmUcreators' thoughts