
Rudeus Greyrat: A Second Chance Through Time

In a parallel world, Rudeus made some subtle adjustments while using time magic, no longer relying on his diary, but instead, he went back to the moment of his birth. And so, the time magic succeeded. Life begins anew. The legendary life of Rudeus Greyrat, now, is just about to begin!

SHU_21 · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

[8] The Gentle Rudeus

In the blink of an eye, I turned six years old.

It had been exactly six years since I had returned to this world using time magic.

During these six years, I had been continuously training and refining my magical abilities.

I could vaguely sense that my current magical power seemed even more substantial than the total amount I had in my previous life.

Although it had no immediate use, perhaps there would come a day when it would be invaluable.

On the other hand, I was also teaching magic to Sylphy.

Sylphy was a child with great magical talent. Despite having Laplace factors in her body, she could still control the faint traces of mana.

In other words, if she started training from a young age, she could become even stronger than me.

However, there was no need for her to become too powerful. Excessive strength could lead to danger, as I well knew from my attempt to single-handedly oppose Perugia Dola.

That time, I had lost...


I didn't want to dwell on those memories.

In any case, I would help Sylphy become slightly stronger than she was in my previous life, but only to a certain extent.

That would be enough until I met the Dragon God.

Under my guidance, Sylphy had successfully learned silent casting and fusion magic.

It's probably because of the Laplace factors.

Sylphy's magical talent was truly astounding.

Laplace factors are quite handy, aren't they?

"Ah, Rudy, it's raining!"

Sylphy suddenly exclaimed.


I looked up at the sky.

The raindrops began to fall lightly.

Is that so?

It's already this time, huh?

Although it might not be the best thing to say, a smile crept onto my face.


Sylphy's Perspective:

It started raining.

I had been quite excited after learning silent casting a moment ago and hadn't even noticed the sky.

Rudy had been smiling at me all this time, seemingly not noticing it either.

We hurriedly ran out from under the big tree because Rudy had said it's not good to hide under trees when it's raining. But now we were both completely soaked.

"Rudy, can't you make the rain stop?" I asked, somewhat puzzled.

Rudy was really amazing, capable of doing anything. If he could easily make it rain, then shouldn't he be able to make it stop too?

"While I can do that, we're already wet, and crops need rain to grow. I won't intervene unless the weather becomes so bad that it's troublesome," Rudy explained.

Ah, Rudy was really smart. Just a moment ago, I was feeling proud of learning silent casting, but compared to Rudy, I still had a long way to go.

Before I knew it, Rudy had already dragged me through the gate of his house.

"S-Sorry for intruding," I nervously said.

Maid Lilia was waiting with a large towel.

"Welcome back, Master Rudeus, and your friend. The hot water is ready upstairs. Before you catch a cold, please go upstairs to dry off. The Master and Madam will be back soon, and I need to prepare for them. Are you fine on your own?" she asked.

"No problem," Rudeus replied.

Rudy took my hand and rushed upstairs. I couldn't help but feel like he was a bit excited for some reason. Was it just my imagination?

We took off our shoes and walked barefoot, drying our hair and feet, as we entered the bathroom.

In the bathroom, there was a big tub filled with hot water.

This is...

I turned to look, only to find that Rudy had already taken off his clothes.


Rudy's body... wow...

I could feel my face getting incredibly hot, probably turning red.

"Isn't Sylphy going to undress?" Rudy asked.

"Huh? Um... um..."

I didn't know how to answer. Should I undress? Do I really have to undress? But I'm a girl... Would it make me seem a bit shameless?

Just as I was thinking about it...

"Come on, raise your hands high," Rudy said.

Without thinking, I instinctively raised my hands.

By the time I realized it, Rudy had already taken off my upper clothing.

"Uh, uh wah!"

He saw it!

Rudy saw my body!

Even though it's just a child's body, I am a girl, and Rudy is a boy...

Mom said that a girl's body should only be shown to a boy she likes.

Uh, upon careful consideration, I do like 


But isn't this a bit...

Just as I hesitated,

My pants were forcefully pulled down by Rudy as well.

"Uh, uh uh..."

My body trembled slightly, and I couldn't help but start crying.


"Come on, raise your hands high," Rudy said.

Without thinking, I instinctively raised my hands.

By the time I realized it, Rudy had already taken off my upper clothing.

"Uh, uh wah!"

He saw it!

Rudy saw my body!

Even though it's just a child's body, I am a girl, and Rudy is a boy...

Mom said that a girl's body should only be shown to a boy she likes.

Uh, upon careful consideration, I do like Rudy.

But isn't this a bit...

Just as I hesitated,

My pants were forcefully pulled down by Rudy as well.

"Uh, uh uh..."

My body trembled slightly, and I couldn't help but start crying.



Afterwards, Rudy sincerely apologized to me.

He said that he always thought I was a boy, which is why he did such an inappropriate thing.


When he said that, I became even more upset.

Isn't he basically saying that I have no femininity at all?

Well, even though that's the truth...

I'm not angry at Rudy.

I'm just too embarrassed.

But after clearing up the misunderstanding, Rudy didn't seem to mind at all and continued to treat me gently, although his gaze became a bit lewd.

Rudy is always so gentle... and a little bit perverted.

I don't dislike him.

Oh dear.

I have this feeling that I won't be able to live without Rudy anymore.