
Rubber Human in MHA

An orphan saves the lives of some children but gets killed in the process, as an act of pity towards him, one of the gods of the universe decides to have him reincarnate with two wishes. "I want to have the powers of the Gomu Gomu no mi!!" "We have a few problems with that wish but I can make it work" Follow the adventures of Tomomi Mizushima as she lives as she pleases in the world of MHA that surprisingly, has a lot more than what she bargained for. "Is it bad that I died before Wano ended?" Author's Note : This Fanfic is written how I think a reincarnation of this type would work, extremely slow and with a lot of slice-of-life elements before the events of the manga. Coupled with my interest in the exploration of the MHA world and my own obsession with the powers of rubber, it will take a long time before canon (I guess around chapter 40-ish). Also, this is technically my second time writing something and sticking with it for more than 20 chapters, so bear with the early chapters being small or badly written, I'll try to improve. Lastly, I am more of a One piece fan than an MHA fan but I'll try to make it as faithfully as possible to the source material (The MC hasn't read One piece past the middle of the third act of Wano, and 4th season of MHA) ---Warnings--- [Crossposting between Scribblehub and Webnovel] [I'm not very good at English so bear with me] [I don't own My Hero Academia or One piece, those works belong to Kohei Horikoshi and Eichiro Oda respectively] [No Harem]

BioedwinMX · アニメ&漫画
39 Chs

Takeshi Mizushima (3)

[Author's Note: Double chapter today!

I Did not post on June 1st so this is to make up for that, I also got inspiration to write at 2AM for some reason, Anyways thanks for reading]


"Alright, that's enough for now... it's pretty late and you have school tomorrow" Takeshi finished his story once he saw what time it was, It was the end of the weekend and both he and Tomomi had things to do in the early morning.

"I wanna know what happens next!" Tomomi protested while being picked up by him.

"Your mom and I married and we had you," he said as he put her down on the ground in front of the bathroom "Now go brush your teeth"

"You're no fun!" She said with a giggle before turning.

"I declare myself guilty"

Tomomi simply walked to the bathroom and started to get ready to go to bed, once he made sure she was tucked up he walked off and close the door before going into the living room. He found Aiko sitting in the living room sipping on her coffee with a smug smile on her face.

"You really push Tomomi to me every chance you get" He stated while sitting beside her and putting an arm around her shoulder, the two of them leaning towards each other.

"I know you probably don't know how to act around children" He nodded at his wife's words, he never really knew how to act around children "But Tomomi really admires her father so much more than you think, so I think it good that you two spend time together" she ended.

"Tomomi looks like a carbon copy of you, I thought she would be more attached to you" He explained, it seem that his genes did not put a fight when she was born.

[It is a plus in my book, she looks absolutely adorable] He thought before thinking that he would make his training harder to fight anyone who would ask for her daughter's hand.

"Yeah I can see that, but she still acts more like you... I think she is trying to imitate you?" Aiko said with a pout, Tomomi loves her all the same but the number of times she had to tell her to loosen up was astounding, thankfully she had enough energy for both her daughter and husband.

"That's..." Takeshi definitely wanted her daughter to possibly take her own path in life, but he of course had no idea of how to do it.

"It's fine~ it probably means that she wants to spend time with you" She said while waving him off "So you need to take every opportunity I give you ok~?" she said while looking at his eyes. Takeshi looked a bit troubled about spending time with her daughter before her wife huffed.

"If you're worried about me, I'm already spending a lot of time with her, we are trying to get her to stop bouncing all over the place with some success" she explained, Takeshi looked a bit better about that and simply decided to bitter bullet and do it.

"Oh come on don't make that face! you know you are happy when you see her~" Takeshi definitely enjoyed seeing her daughter happy and definitely would give her a happy childhood.

"Alright, I'll be sure to spend time with her" Takeshi said as he stood up.

"Nice! Now" Aiko put her arms towards Takeshi "Carry me~" Takeshi raised an eyebrow at her before pulling her in a princess carry.

"You gain a bit of weight," he said as he noted how he needed a bit more strength than last time, Aiko immediately looked a bit shy before complaining.

"You don't like it?" She said with a fake pout while eyeing his reaction. Takeshi took a second before thinking about the supposed advice that his friend had told him years ago.

"I like it," He said before abruptly squishing a bit of Aiko's tummy with his hand, which made her go 'eep!' before she closed her mouth with her hands, Takeshi simply ignored her and continued "There's a lot more you to grab"

"Y-you damn pervert, What did Hamada do to my cool husband... you stupid cop!" She started hitting him lightly, he put her down on the bed, and simply decided to lay down beside her Aiko still had a face resembling a tomato in hue but managed to speak again.

"Remember me to punch Hamada when I meet him next time!"


Another day passed in the Mizushima household.

Takeshi woke up the next day with a refreshed mind, he didn't remember his dreams but it was definitely a nice one, probably because he remembered his past with Aiko, he stood up from his bath a proceeded with his morning as normal.

""Have a nice day dad!/dear~"" Both his daughter and his wife said goodbye to him as he derived to work, he parked beside an apartment complex where another person was exiting, he had a half-eaten toast in his mouth as he was adjusting his tie.

"Yo! Tahkesi" He said while tried not to choke on his toast, Takeshi opened the passenger door to his car so that he could get in while eyeing him, Hamada was about but stopped once he noticed Takeshi's cold gaze.

[R-right, no crumbs inside the car]

Hamada immediately chomped down on his toast before shaking the crumbs out of him, his eyes changed from brown to blue as he was inspecting his uniform, they took a few seconds before they turned red so he dusted himself momentarily until they returned to their usual brown color.

"Can I enter now?" Hamada said, Takeshi nodded at Hamada as he took a seat, adjusted his seatbelt, and closed the door while smiling.

"You still use your quirk for the dumbest things" Takeshi said with a frown, he was pretty lax with his usage of quirks in public, he simply understood that if he had one, he would use it in public occasionally.

"If it works it works! that's my life motto" He said with his nose pointed up high.

"I thought your life motto was fake it till you make it" Takeshi said, he was sure that was what he said last week.

"My life has many facets! I require many mottos" He said confidently, Takeshi just deadpanned at him before sighing.

"Sure I believe you" Hamada's eyebrow twitched at the dripping sarcasm of his voice.

"Anyways~, you ready to catch some criminals?" Hamda asked.

"We have a meeting today, they need us since we technically are the ones with the most experience with the case today" Takeshi explained as he derived up to the police department.

"The destroyed house one? can't believe it's already been 5 years since then" Hamada said while playing with some handcuff "You still hanged up in that one? really?" Takeshi's eyes were a bit troubled so Hamada wanted to assure him.

"It's a hunch" Takeshi said.

"Yes, yes, I know, you trust your guts as if they had sir Nighteye's quirk or something, but you only have at best, sketchy evidence" Hamada argued, he sighed in defeat at Takeshi's mood not changing and simply dropped it "We are discussing at the meeting anyways".

As they arrived at the meeting, they took their respective seats, besides them were other high rankings related to the case, Kenji Tsugaramae current Chief of Police, and Naomasa Tsukaushi 'True Man' a detective of the police force, in the room there were also some government officials and worse of all, representatives of the Hero Public Safety Commission, who we're currently glaring at Takeshi.

Takeshi simply scoffed at them with disdain, he did not really care much about them, they had already tried to challenge him since he had single-handled raised the popularity of the police force and failed to do so, he had already had enough of them. To Takeshi, they looked like corrupt politicians of old, so he never truly trusted them with decisions.

[I haven't seen Lady Nagant lately, she should be with them]

They normally had their best enforcer with them to look intimidating, but they had strangely stopped doing that recently, Takeshi did not really like that, especially when their new favorite winged boy was registered in their care.

The door was opened one last time, what arrived was the reason that the HPSC was trying to kill him with their glare, Current #1 hero All Might and his sidekick, Sir Nighteye. hoping beside them was Gran Torino. Takeshi had no idea why Gran Torino was there but he deduced that they had some sort of relationship with the case.

After a few pleasantries, Kenji, with the help of Hamada, began the meeting to discuss the topic at hand.

"Today we have arranged this important meeting to discuss a topic of great importance" Kenji opened up while looking at the heroes, they were the ones who had the least amount of information.

"Due to insistence of the Ex-chief of Police, Takeshi Mizushima, and with approval of the police force and the Government, we have decided to disclose this case to some of the parties with existing ties to this case" Kenji explained as he looked at Takeshi, then at All Might dead in the eye.

"Today we are discussing the closure of the case involving the possible murder and destruction of the Shimura family household, along with the alleged disappearance of Tenko Shimura"

Remember to Review and give me your stones! I thrive out of validation or something.

Have a good day!

BioedwinMXcreators' thoughts