
RPG Growth System

Ichmkami · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Sitting on the cliffside near the port city of Lunaris, Art was idly looking out to the ocean admiring a fantastic view of the sky meeting the water in the distance, waiting. Waiting for what? His system of course.

{6 Hours before}

"Please select the system you would like to acquire from the template."

This was what Art heard when he came to his senses. Looking around he saw that he was in a well-decorated room and sitting on an ornate sofa. Looking down Art saw that he didn't really possess legs. Not really, it was more like his legs merged together in a ghostly manner and were flickering. Putting two and two together Art realized the situation he was present in. He is dead, not really. Instead of being dead, it was more like he was in Limbo, with the possibility of being reincarnated. Before he could really come to a conclusion he sight fell to the virtual screen in front of him. The title on the screen was 'System Template Options'. Looking through the list, Art saw that there were several options ranging from Cultivation to Space-faring.

Intrigued, Art started to go through the different systems that were being offered. Though there really wasn't all that much to it, since apart from the name of the system offered, there wasn't any other info provided. After thinking about it for a while, Art settled on the RPG Growth System, his reasoning being that this was the only option that had the word 'growth' in it. To him, this implied the possibility of the system allowing him to grow endlessly. Once he finalized his decision he talked out loud,

"I want to pick the RPG Growth System."


"Affirmative. RPG Growth System.exe has been downloaded to the User's soul. This is now considered the User's Inheritance. The user will now be sent to their new dimension. Please recommend Natalisk's multi-dimension services to all your new friends and family. Have a good day!"

And with that Art's brief stay in this comfy room came to an end.


After coming back to his senses again, Art found himself resting on a cliffside. Looking around he saw that it was early in the morning. Apart from that, he saw that he was surrounded by woods. Just everywhere as far as the eyes could see. At the upper left corner of his vision, Art saw a countdown. Using all the valuable information that Art has acquired as an enthusiast of cultivation and system-type stories, he mentally willed to inquire about the countdown. Like a charm, a window popped in his view. It read, [Countdown to system installation: 7:58:47]. After reading through it, Art mentally urged for the pop-up to retreat, after which the window in his vision receded back to the countdown at the edge of his vision.

Getting up Art decided to scout the perimeter to make sure that there are no enemies nearby. To this end, he decided to devote the next 30 minutes to checking out his immediate surroundings. But apart from the harmless critters and the occasional squirrels, he didn't seem to notice anything in particular. As such he decided to return to the spot where he spawned, and sat back, relaxed, and enjoyed the view until his system finishes installing. And thus he waited.


[5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Installation Complete. Starting system now, please wait.]