
Royal Resurgence

In my former life, I was the sole SSS-Rank Climber, feared and revered in a world suddenly besieged by massive Towers and the monstrous beings they unleashed. I fought tirelessly, honing my skills to protect what mattered most. But in the chaos, I fell, my efforts ending in bitter defeat, unable to save my world. Now, I awaken not in familiar streets but in a realm of swords and sorcery, a world starkly different yet eerily similar in its need for heroes. As memories of my past life flood my mind, so does the weight of regret—I died without fulfilling my duty, without safeguarding those I loved. But here, reborn into a fragile infant form, I realize fate has granted me a second chance. With remnants of my former strength stirring within, I embark on a journey fraught with uncertainty and tinged with the ache of missed opportunities. As I navigate this new existence, I vow to rise again—not as a warrior, but as a ruler who will not fail twice, determined to shape a destiny worthy of redemption.

WhiteDeath16 · ファンタジー
51 Chs

Eighth Birthday

Life passed uneventfully, a blessing in disguise. Over the last four years, I trained as much as possible while also spending time with my new family.

My advancement had been remarkably swift. Perhaps due to my past life's experience with mana, I could progress my mana core quickly.

I trained almost exclusively in spearmanship but ensured I didn't neglect my swordsmanship. I practiced in secret whenever I could, keeping my skills sharp without drawing attention.

Training in front of others wasn't an option. My swordsmanship was too advanced, even for a genius. My parents already thought I was exceptionally gifted with the spear due to my rapid progress. Revealing my swordsmanship would be inexplicable.

After all, my current swordsmanship level was a result of decades of battling countless aliens and protecting humanity from invaders. There was no way I could convince my parents and the knights that I had reached this level through natural talent alone.

It would also be frustrating to hold back when I was so skilled. Using the spear as my primary weapon and keeping the sword as a backup was the best approach.

It was time for my eighth birthday.

"Lancelot!" my sister called, waving at me as I set my spear down and wiped the sweat from my brow with the sleeve of my training garments.

A light smile curled my lips as I waved back at her. Elara ran faster, tackling me in a hug. Being four years older and much taller, she easily ruffled my hair as she embraced me.

In my past life, I had no siblings, so this level of affection was a bit difficult to get used to. Her love was different and unique from what I had experienced before—something that warmed my heart.

"You're about to turn eight years old!" Elara exclaimed, rubbing her cheek against mine. I blushed and pushed her away, flustered.

"D-don't do that to me," I stammered.

"Why?" Elara pouted, her lower lip jutting out. "You won't be a kid forever, so I won't be able to do this to you for much longer."

Her words made me pause. She was right; childhood was fleeting. The bond we shared was precious, and her playful affection was something I would miss as we both grew older.

"I guess you're right," I admitted, softening a bit. "But still, not so rough."

Elara giggled and ruffled my hair once more before stepping back. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, but there was also a hint of sadness, a recognition of the inevitable passage of time.

"Come on," she said, grabbing my hand. "Everyone's waiting for you. We have a lot planned for your birthday."

As we walked back towards the estate, the warm sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the distant sounds of celebration preparations. It was a perfect day, one that promised joy and laughter.

Approaching the main courtyard, I saw the decorations being put up and the servants bustling about, setting tables and arranging flowers. My parents stood at the center, overseeing the preparations. They turned and smiled warmly as they saw us approaching.

"There's the birthday boy!" my father called out, extending his arms. I ran to him, feeling his strong embrace lift me off the ground. "Eight years old already. Time flies."

My mother joined in, kissing my forehead. "Happy birthday, Lancelot. We have a wonderful day planned for you."

Of course, being nobles, there was going to be a grand birthday party thrown for me later. But for now, we had a family picnic planned.

"Where's Lucas?" I asked, scanning the area for my older brother.

"He just finished his training and should be coming soon," my mother replied with a sigh. "I like that he's dedicated to his training, but I hope he isn't pushing himself too hard."

I nodded, understanding her concern. Lucas had always been dedicated to his swordsmanship and magic, often pushing himself to his limits.

The picnic area was set up in a sunny meadow near the estate, a picturesque spot surrounded by blooming wildflowers and tall, swaying grass. Maids bustled around, laying out a large checkered blanket and arranging baskets brimming with delicious food. Knights stood at a respectful distance, ensuring our safety while giving us privacy to enjoy our family time.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby trees, carrying the sweet scent of blossoms. Birds chirped cheerfully, and the sky was a clear, brilliant blue. I picked up a sandwich, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face, and took a bite. The fresh, crisp taste of the bread and filling made me smile.

Just as I was about to help unpack more, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Turning, I saw Lucas striding toward us, his training sword still in hand. His face was flushed from exertion, but his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Sorry I'm late," he said, grinning as he joined us. "I lost track of time during practice."

"Lucas, you need to pace yourself," my mother chided gently, though her smile showed her pride.

"I know, I know," Lucas replied, ruffling my hair as he sat down beside me. "But I want to be the best, for all of us."

We settled down on the blanket, the sun warming our faces as we enjoyed the feast. Elara handed me a pastry, her eyes shining with delight. I took a bite, savoring the flaky crust and sweet filling.

After we finished eating, Elara jumped up and grabbed my hand, pulling me toward the open meadow. "Race you to the tree! No mana!" she called out, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

We dashed through the tall grass, the blades tickling our legs as we ran. My heart pounded in my chest, and laughter bubbled up inside me. Elara was fast, but I pushed myself, trying to keep up with her longer strides. She reached the tree first, turning around with a triumphant grin.

"You almost had me there, Lancelot," she said, ruffling my hair affectionately.

Nearby, my father was unpacking a kite, its vibrant colors catching my eye. "Want to learn how to fly this, Lancelot?" he asked, holding it up for me to see.

I nodded eagerly. He showed me how to hold the string and angle the kite just right. "Wait for the wind," he instructed. "Feel it against your face? Now, run!"

I took off across the meadow, feeling the resistance of the kite pulling against the string. My father guided me, his hands steadying mine until the kite caught the wind and soared into the sky. I watched in awe as it danced against the backdrop of blue.

"Great job!" Lucas shouted, running over to join us. He grabbed the string from my hand, showing me how to maneuver the kite higher and lower with quick, deft movements. "Try it like this," he said, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

I imitated his actions, feeling the kite respond to my touch. Lucas and I worked together, guiding the kite through loops and dives, our competitive spirits turning it into a playful contest. The vibrant colors of the kite blurred into a whirl of motion, painting the sky with our shared enthusiasm.

As the sun began to dip toward the horizon, casting long, golden shadows over the meadow, we gathered our things with the help of the maids. My mother called us over, her gentle smile radiating warmth. "Time to head back," she said, her voice soft and melodic.

I glanced at my family, feeling a deep sense of contentment. We walked back to the estate together, the day's simple joys lingering in my heart, a reminder of the precious moments we shared.

After the family picnic, it was time for the main event: the grand birthday ball. My father had invited nobles from far and wide, and the estate buzzed with excitement.

Servants rushed about, putting the final touches on the decorations. Chandeliers sparkled overhead, casting warm light across the elegant hall. Floral arrangements adorned every corner, filling the air with a sweet fragrance.

As guests began to arrive, the sound of laughter and conversation filled the room. Women in dazzling gowns and men in tailored suits mingled, their voices blending with the soft music playing in the background. The atmosphere was lively, yet refined, a perfect celebration of my birthday.

I took a deep breath, straightening my jacket, ready to greet the guests and enjoy the festivities.

As I stood near the entrance, I watched the elegantly dressed guests arrive. The women wore gowns of silk and satin in every color imaginable, their jewels glinting in the light of the chandeliers. The men were equally impressive in their tailored suits, some with medals and insignias proudly displayed on their chests.

The hall itself was transformed into a wonderland. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, and intricate floral arrangements decorated the tables, each centerpiece more lavish than the last. Candles flickered in crystal holders, casting a warm, golden glow that added to the enchantment of the evening.

I took a deep breath, straightening my jacket, ready to greet the guests and enjoy the festivities. My parents stood beside me, welcoming everyone with gracious smiles. Lucas was already mingling with some of the younger nobles, while Elara chatted animatedly with a group of ladies near the refreshment table.

The night was filled with the clinking of glasses, laughter, and the soft strains of a string quartet playing in the background. As I moved through the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and accepting birthday wishes, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Elara, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Come on, Lancelot," she said, taking my hand. "It's time for a surprise."

She led me to the center of the hall, where the musicians had just finished a piece. With a nod from my mother, the quartet began to play a waltz, the notes drifting through the air like a gentle breeze.

Elara curtsied elegantly, and I bowed in return, feeling a bit nervous. We took our positions, and as the music swelled, we began to dance. The guests formed a circle around us, their eyes filled with admiration and surprise.

Elara guided me with a steady hand, her movements graceful and fluid. I followed her lead, my steps tentative at first but growing more confident with each measure. We glided across the floor, the world around us fading into a blur of color and light.

"You're doing great, Lancelot," Elara whispered, her smile encouraging.

I nodded, focusing on the rhythm of the music and the feel of her hand in mine. We spun and twirled, our movements synchronized, the joy of the dance radiating through us. The guests watched in awe, their applause growing louder with each step.

As the waltz came to an end, Elara and I finished with a flourish, bowing to the applauding crowd. I couldn't help but grin, the excitement of the moment washing over me.

"Happy birthday, little brother," Elara said, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you," I replied, my heart full of gratitude and happiness.