

Godsent_Banky · ファンタジー
57 Chs

Chapter 51 Honeymoon In Venice.

Two weeks had passed since Kara and Joffrey came to the Tagaryean Island.

Throughout the two weeks, they spent their time in the morning, exploring the island, while in the evening they engaged themselves in their pleasure ride.

It is Monday and 7 am, the sun had just risen perfectly, shining brightly in the clouds, illuminating the entire sky with its bright light.

Joffrey and Kara were still sleeping in their King size bed, totally knocked out from their lovemaking, the previous night.

After about thirty minutes, Joffrey woke up feeling a bit tired, he stood up from the bed carefully without waking up Kara and went straight to the gym room to work out.

He drank some energy drinks before doing some push-ups and raising some weight.

An hour later, Joffrey came out of the gym room and went straight to the bathroom to get his shower.

A few minutes later, he came out of the bathroom and went straight to their dressing room to get dressed.

Joffrey came out of the dressing room, wearing a blue Jeans trousers, a white T-shirt alongside a white sneaker, and a diamond wristwatch.

He was looking so hot in the outfit, that any girl who lay their eyes on him will drool over.

Joffrey went straight to the Kitchen, prepared their breakfast, and brought the meal on a tray to their bedroom.

He has been serving Kara's breakfast on bed these past two weeks.

"Good morning My love! How was your night?? Joffrey asked Kara who just woke up from her sleep while putting down the tray containing the meal.

"Good morning, Honey! I slept well, what about you??? Kara asked Joffrey warmly while caressing Joffrey's cheek.

"I slept well also," Joffrey replied Kara warmly.

"When did you wake up?? Kara asked Joffrey while looking at him inquisitively.

"I woke up two hours ago," Joffrey replied Kara warmly.

"Muah! You look so pretty this morning," Joffrey said to Kara while stealing a kiss.

"Honey!! (Smack) I haven't even brushed my teeth," Kara said to Joffrey, slightly irritated with his behavior while smacking his arms.

"Ouch!! Damn!! What's your hands made off," Joffrey said to Kara pouting while rubbing his arm, pretending to be hurt.

"Honey! I'm sorry, did I hurt you?? Kara asked Joffrey worriedly while taking Joffrey's arm to check for any swollen spot.

"Yes, You did and I need to be compensated," Joffrey said to Kara like a spoilt prince.

"With what?? Compensated with what?? Kara asked Joffrey in a confused manner.

"With this! Muah! Joffrey said to Kara while kissing her.

"Pervert!! So that's what you had on your mind," Kara said to Joffrey while pretending to be irritated with his behavior.

"I'm so sorry, Honey!! I couldn't help it! You just look too sexy and pretty this morning." Joffrey said to Kara while trying to defend himself.

"What about you?? Did you know I've been drooling over you since my eyes fell on you??? Damn!! Honey!! You are looking so hot and sexy, and naughty thoughts have been clouding my mind," Kara said to Joffrey while walking towards the bathroom.

"So you were craving for me?? Joffrey asked the exiting Kara.

"Huh-huh! Maybe I could have been the one to steal a kiss first if you hadn't made the first move," Kara said to Joffrey from inside the bathroom.

"Then I guess we both are perverts," Joffrey said to Kara from outside the bathroom.

"Fine! Whatever you say," Kara replied Joffrey curtly.

"(Sighs) I guess there's no need for us to eat here in the bedroom, she didn't take a bite at all, but she normally eats her breakfast on bed, why is today different??? Is it because I stole a kiss??? Joffrey said to himself while taking the tray containing the meal to the dining table.

Ten minutes later, Kara came out of the bathroom and went straight to their dressing room to get dressed.

Kara came out of the dressing room, wearing a blue Jeans trousers, a white T-shirt alongside a white sneaker, and a diamond wristwatch, identical to the outfit Joffrey was putting on.

"Honey what's for breakfast??? I'm starving." Kara said to Joffrey as she took her seat on the dining table.

"I thought you weren't going to eat," Joffrey asked Kara in a confused manner.

"Who said anything about me not eating breakfast??? Kara asked Joffrey while taking her fork and knife, proceeding to eat.

"You normally have your breakfast on bed, so when I saw that you didn't take a bite, I just assumed you were skipping breakfast this morning," Joffrey said to Kara in an explaining manner.

"That's because I'm not a porcelain doll who eats her breakfast on bed, I'm not so lazy to get up from the bed and eat my meal on the dining table like civilized people," Kara replied Joffrey curtly.

"Okay! I didn't know about that! I just thought....

"Honey! this meal isn't gonna eat itself, let's eat before it gets cold," Kara said to Joffrey, interrupting what he was going to say.

Fifteen minutes later, Joffrey and Kara were done eating.

"Pack up Honey! We are almost late," Joffrey said to Kara packing his luggage as soon as he came to the walk-in closet.

"Late for what??? Kara asked Joffrey in a confused manner.

"We are almost late for Venice," Joffrey replied Kara warmly.

"Venice?? We are going to Venice?? Oh my God!! How I wanted to see what life there is actually like! You totally deserve a reward for knowing the place I wanted to visit! Muah! Kara said to Joffrey while kissing him passionately.

"That kiss isn't enough, I deserve more pay than just a mere kiss," Joffrey said to Kara while pouting cutely, making Kara to giggle softly.

"You will definitely get more reward when we get there," Kara said to Joffrey solemnly while assuring him.

"Hehe! I can't wait to get paid full in bed," Joffrey said to Kara while grinning widely.

They started parking their luggage while chattering and laughing happily.

Twenty minutes later, Joffrey and Kara were done packing, they came straight to where their Private Jet was parked and loaded up their luggage on the Private Jet.

Joffrey and Kara got into the Boeing 747-8 VIP Private Jet and in no time he took off into the air, flying towards Venice.

After fifteen hours of flying, Joffrey and Kara's Private Jet landed at the Venice Marco Polo International Airport.

There was a limousine waiting for them at the tarmac.

Joffrey came out from the Jet alongside Kara who's head was cuddled in his chest.

"Good Evening Your Royal Highnesses," A male chauffeur greeted Joffrey and Kara while curtsying respectfully.

"Good evening Sir! How are you doing?? Kara replied the chauffeur warmly on behalf of Joffrey while extending her hands for a handshake.

"I'm doing great! Thanks for caring, Your Royal Highness," The chauffeur replied Kara warmly while taking Kara's hand for a handshake.

"Alright! It's enough," Joffrey said to the chauffeur sternly, detaching the chauffeur's hands from Kara's hands while glaring at him coldly.

"Here clean that hand! No trace of any man's hand apart from me should be found on your hand." Joffrey said to Kara coldly while handing over a handkerchief to her.

"Hmmm! My husband is overprotective and I love it but it was only just a friendly handshake," Kara giggled softly while dragging Joffrey to the limousine.

"I just felt pissed seeing him shaking your hands like that," Joffrey said to Kara while gritting his teeth.

"Is that how you are gonna be pissed at other world leaders when I get kissed by them on my hands??? Kara asked Joffrey feeling amused.

"They wouldn't dare! Joffrey replied Kara curtly.

"Whatever!! Kara said to Joffrey while rolling her eyes.

"Please, Mr.Chauffeur, move the damn car," Kara said to the chauffeur.

Without delay, the chauffeur turned on the ignition of the limousine and zoomed off away from the airport into the streets of Venice.

After two hours of driving, the chauffeur arrived at the lobby of the Hotel Mercurio Venice.

Kara and Joffrey came out of the limousine and went straight to the hotel reception, getting there, they met a female receptionist at the reception table.

"Welcome to Hotel Mercurio Venice, how may I help you??? The female receptionist asked Joffrey and Kara while smiling warmly at them.

Hi! Please can we get the keys to our room?? Joffrey asked the female receptionist sternly as soon as he came to the reception table.

"Sir! Did you make a reservation??? The female receptionist asked Joffrey warmly without taking her eyes off her computer screen.

"Yes, I did," Joffrey replied the female receptionist sternly.

"Okay, Sir, but which of the categories of rooms did you reserve??? The female receptionist asked Kara without taking her eyes off her computer screen.

"The presidential suite," Joffrey replied the female receptionist sternly.

"Okay! Please sit down let me check," The female receptionist said to Joffrey while gesturing for Joffrey to sit down on one of the chairs.

"You are Prince Joffrey??? The female receptionist asked Joffrey, looking at her computer screen while raising her eyebrow.

"Yes I'm Prince Joffrey," Joffrey replied the female receptionist sternly.

"Very well! Welcome to Venice, Your Royal Highness! These are your room keys," The female receptionist said to Joffrey, handing over a bunch of keys to Joffrey while smiling brightly.

"Thank You very much," Joffrey and Kara replied warmly while Joffrey accepted the bunch of keys.

Joffrey and Kara immediately went straight to their presidential suite.

Getting to their suite, Kara went straight to the bathroom to get her bath while Joffrey arranged their luggage.

A few minutes later, Joffrey was done arranging their luggage.

Joffrey slowly opened the bathroom door and tiptoed silently to where Kara was singing, standing under the showerhead, having her shower.

Slowly but firmly, he hugged Kara and whispered:-

"Honey! Why don't we bathe together???

"Are you sure you are down for it??? Kara asked Joffrey giggling while smirking at him.

"Why don't we find out??? Joffrey asked Kara softly, his breath etching on Kara's ear.

"Hahaha! That tickles," Kara said to Joffrey while giggling softly.

"Muah! Muah! Muah! Kara drew Joffrey close to her exposed breast and kissed him, totally surprising him.

"You shouldn't have done that," Joffrey said to Kara, ripping his clothes off while approaching Kara like a hungry wolf ready to pounce on its prey.

With his eyes filled with lust, he dashed towards Kara and showered her with hot kisses.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Hmmmm!!! Kara moaned softly in intense pleasure.

Kara was starting to feel hot all over her body, as her body was being showered with hot kisses.

Joffrey kept trailing hot kisses on Kara's body, slowly he trailed down kisses to her neck, and then her collar bone, before trailing his kiss down to Kara's stomach.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Hmmmm!!! Kara moaned softly in intense pleasure.

Kara couldn't bear the intense pleasure anymore, so she turned Joffrey in one swift move to the wall of the bathroom.

"Muah! Muah! Muah! Kara showered hot kisses all over Joffrey's body.

Ahhhhhhh!!! Hmmmm!!! Joffrey moaned softly in intense pleasure.

Without wasting time, Joffrey took Kara up and placed her legs upon his waist while Kara held his neck, showering him hot kisses all over his body.

The kiss was hot and demanding, Joffrey took Kara straight to their bedroom and placed her on the bed.

"Muah! Muah! Muah! He started trailing hot kisses on Kara's body, making her moan in ecstasy.

In no time their bodies were entwined, moving and flowing together harmoniously in the bed while screams of ecstasy and cries of love were heard all over the bedroom.

After four rounds of making love, their bodies were designed with their love juices.

Joffrey and Kara stopped their lovemaking and went straight to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

Thirty minutes later, Kara and Joffrey came out of the bathroom, they got dressed in their identical pajamas and went straight to their bedroom to catch some sleep because they were exhausted from their lovemaking.

The next morning, Kara and Joffrey left the hotel after having their breakfast, they got into their limousine and zoomed off into the streets of Venice.

After one hour of driving, Joffrey and Kara arrived at a tourist site in Venice called the St Mark's Square.

Joffrey and Kara came out of the limousine and went straight inside the square, taking selfie photographs and posting it on their social media accounts.

After about one hour of exploring the square, Joffrey and Kara got into their limousine and zoomed off into the streets, heading for their next tourist site destination.

After about two hours of driving, Joffrey and Kara arrived at the St Mark's Bascilica.

The St Mark's Bascilica is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Patriarchate of Venice in northern Italy and it is one of the most visited tourist sites in Venice, Italy.

The church is located on the eastern end of Saint Mark's Square, the former political and religious center of the Republic of Venice.

Kara was in a daze when she saw how beautiful the church was, the church was so alluring, enchanting tourists with its beauty.

"Oh my God it's so beautiful, I ain't seen anything like this before!! Kara said to Joffrey, in a daze.

"I know! That's why I brought you here," Joffrey replied Kara warmly.

Joffrey and Kara explored the St Mark's Basilica, taking photographs and selfies while posting them on their social media accounts.

Two days later, Joffrey and Kara came to the Quirinal Palace upon the invitation of the President of Italy.

Joffrey and Kara were treated to a banquet at the Quirinal Palace, the official residence of the President of the Italian Republic.

Joffrey and Kara spent two weeks at the Quirinal Palace before departing the palace to continue their honeymoon.

They explored popular tourist sites like the Rialto Bridge, Grand Canal, Bridge of Sighs, San Marco, and the Gallerie dell' Accademia.

After spending two months in Venice, Kara and Joffrey decided to end their honeymoon, because they also had responsibilities as members of the Royal Family of Echancia Empire.

It is Monday morning, the sun had just risen perfectly, shining brightly in the clouds, illuminating the entire sky with its bright light.

Joffrey and Kara left the Hotel Mercurio Venice at about 7 am.

They got into their limousine and zoomed off into the streets, heading towards the airport.

Twenty minutes later, Joffrey and Kara arrived at the Venice Marco Polo International Airport.

Joffrey and Kara came down from the limousine and walked straight to the tarmac where their Boeing 747-8 VIP Private Jet was parked neatly waiting for them.

Five minutes later, Joffrey and Kara arrived at the tarmac, they boarded their Boeing 747-8 VIP Private Jet and in no time, Joffrey took off into the air, flying towards Echancia Empire.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky