
Royal Devil

What will happen if a modern man was transported to a story as an unknown character? A follower of the story 'Who Made Me a Princess' Heusc died because of a virus and woke up at the body of a young bratty prince who had no part in the story. Heusc was forced to enter the Obelia Empire and he was forced into the story... How was he supposed to fit in the story? "What will the plot do to me?"

NileCarviella · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Mysterious realm

'The Emperor was going to visit me… THE EMPEROR IS GOING TO VISIT ME! Wait, why am I freaking out, I've been in much worse situations before plus it's next week so I should be fine. I'll just call Aaron and tell him the news.' Heusc thought and started to try to find Aaron. After a while, Heusc found Aaron lost in thought with a book open in front of him. 'I'll just tell him later, he looks pretty into it. I'll just plan the meeting out and write down the story plot and what I can remember.' Heusc walked away not noticing anything wrong with Aaron.

A few hours earlier, Aaron was walking around the garden thinking about what happened this morning, coming up with crazy theories only to be proven false later. 'What happened to the book? It felt like it was trying to tell me something, but why would it disappear when Heusc was near? Did it not want Heusc to read it?' Coming back to his senses there were tables and chairs placed next to him.

*Aaron's pov*

'Hum? This wasn't here before.' looking at the table, a similar item was placed on top of the desk. It was the book I was thinking about a few seconds before and was on the master's desk. I was getting a little bit freaked out, but still sat down and opened up the book. This time the book was glowing faintly, but the longer I looked the brighter it got, and then everything was covered in light.

"Where am I? Is anyone there?" I asked or yelled as my voice echoed. Blinking a few times I took in where this place is. The place was full of pillars with bridges connecting some of them with clouds supporting the structure. This place looks like a celestial realm. I looked around, and behind me was the book that transported me there.

The words seem to describe a person's story, I must say it was very interesting. The more I read the more I'm into the story, it's like I'm attracted to the book and can't take my eyes off it. It seems like I was watching a movie. I have to say this person's life is full of surprises. After finishing the final page I closed the book, and it disappeared like last time. "Was the story interesting?" A voice echoed through my ears and the place, I was pretty sure people a mile away could hear their voice. "Well?" It asked again, I turned around to be met by a male.

The male was wearing a cape-like scarf with a hood and of course pants, but his whole chest was revealed, which showed some weird golden-black tattoos. His aura will make you want to bow down to him. His face is covered with a mask and his hair is covered with a hood. But the weirdest thing is that he's stepping on air. More like a magic circle appearing underneath his feet.

After trying to gather all my courage I asked, "Who are you?"..."Haha!!," laughter sounded through the world after a short pause. "That's all you have to say?! Oh my god I'm dying from laughter here, oh god! Hahaha..." The said person was lying in the circle, and after a minute of him shaking on the ground, he is finally calming down. I couldn't do anything, I almost stopped breathing at the sound of his laughter, his voice is smooth like wine but it was also smoky.

"Oh god, I've never laughed like before," the person said, taking off his mask and I can finally take a good look at his features. He has molten gold-like eyes, with sparkles floating, and a few strands of gold and white hair on his face. A face that can compare with the gods, even emotionless people or gods will feel their heart thumping loudly. "Now, are you going to answer my question?" Once I heard his voice I realized that I was staring at him and answered. "U-um yea, I was pretty into the story."

"I'm glad to hear, but how did you get here?" The person asked, I looked at the person and answered "I was reading the book, and before I realized I was here. By the way, who are you and what are you?" I asked back, "Well shouldn't you answer me? Since you are the one who was sent here?" "Oh I'm sorry, my name is Aaron, I am the personal guard of the Endurium emperor's 4th prince, Heusc Endurium Ice. Now can you answer my question?"

"Very well, I'm the god of this realm, you may call me… what should you call me? Since you can't speak my native language." The god was now thinking about what cool names to call him until my voice cut through the silence. "I'll just call you Xavier." I said after a pause, "Xavier that sounds good but why?" "Because you look like molten gold and I'm about to go blind."

"Hay!" The god said, "Well it's about time that you go back, and I promise we will meet again, but next time I will visit you and your prince. Bye-bye." And then with a flash, everything was gone and I'm back to the real world."Now that I think about it, who is Heusc Ice? Aaron mentioned him in our talk," A smirk appeared on his face, "This is getting interesting. Now I can't wait to meet him and his companion."

*3rd pov*

Aaron woke up to the sounds of birds chirping, and Heusc sitting on a chair next to the bed he was on. Aaron looked around as he was in his room, questioning how he got there. Looking at the prince who is sleeping on a chair somehow not falling onto the bed using his arm to support his head. The more Aaron looked the more red he became. 'How am I here? And why is the prince in my room!'

He looked at the handsome face until his eyes fell onto the parted lips of the sleeping prince. 'I wonder how it'll feel if I put mine on his...' Aaron started to close his eyes and lean closer, only to pull back from embarrassment when he realized what he was doing. Turning his head away from the prince to look outside the window near the bed. The silence was disturbed by a husky voice.




"How's your sleep?"