
Royal Devil

What will happen if a modern man was transported to a story as an unknown character? A follower of the story 'Who Made Me a Princess' Heusc died because of a virus and woke up at the body of a young bratty prince who had no part in the story. Heusc was forced to enter the Obelia Empire and he was forced into the story... How was he supposed to fit in the story? "What will the plot do to me?"

NileCarviella · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Lost, Emotions, Coma

Going to bed at night, Heusc once again got on top of the sheets. It's been a few months since he joined Anastacius's training, he must say his body is getting stronger every day, his magic is also getting better as the days pass.

Xander had moved back with his parents to continue his studies as a prince. Xander was proud of Heusc, even though his younger brother has a memory loss he is still the same genius as he was before.

Heusc felt happy he couldn't wait for tomorrow. When he woke up everything was dark. It wasn't his room that's for sure.

The place he woke up in was dim with a soft blue light in the middle of the room. Heusc stood up from his bed which was still here somehow and examined the place.

It was like a dreamland, with each step he took water ripples appeared but he was not sinking. The place he is in looks infinite. Heusc looked down looking at his reflection. He still had his half-and-half look, but his clothes were modern, a hoodie and jeans. It's what he would normally wear before he died.

Looking up Heusc saw a starry galaxy, it was outright gorgeous. But something else shined brighter, so of course, he wanted to know what it was.

Walking to the middle of the room he saw a small tree. It was a foot or two tall at most, making a soft baby blue glow. The crystal is intertwined between the branches of the tree looking like water flowing around.

If Heusc were to describe what he felt when the glow shined on him, it would be sadness. It was almost like he could feel the heavy sadness from the tree, it felt like the tree was sentient.

A guilt arrow shot through Heusc. A tear fell out of Heusc's eyes. For the first time, Heusc felt helpless, lost, and confused. He didn't know how to get out of here and go back to his brothers and friends. He didn't know how his team from his first life was doing.

He was pretty happy with his second life, he had a family this time even siblings! But where is he? His family must be worried, how long has he even been here? Will they even care if he died?

As he thought about those questions, tears fell more and more out of his eyes. Heusc was wiping his eyes, sobbing quietly in front of the tree. That's when he noticed movements in the corner of his vision. Turning to look in all directions, only to see nothing.

Looking back at the small tree, Heusc was surprised to see a snake-like creature crawling around the branches. It opened its eyes showing a golden brown glow with a slit in the middle. Heusc's hand went up automatically to pet its head.

The creature was wary at first, but seeing no hidden intention in Heusc's eyes it let him pet it. More tears fell out of Heusc's eyes as he sobbed louder. Crying missing his first family, and the probability of never seeing his second one.

The creature floated around Heusc's head and neck, using its head to wipe away the fallen tears. "Thank you, little guy. I feel a lot better now." Heusc said, smiling softly at the creature. The creature looked up at him while playing twisting around Heusc's fingers.

"You look like a dragon." The small dragon was brown with the tip of its hair turning golden yellow, the same with his horns which have a small curve at the end. One of its ears has a small earring attached to it.

"You're so cute." A soft giggle escaped Heusc's light pink lips, "I wonder what I should name you since you're my only company." The dragon flew up the Heusc's head using his soft hair as a bed and pillow.

Heusc sighed and walked back to his bed getting into the sheets to sleep, only to wake up in the same place again.

*Five years later*

A handsome male was seen standing by a bed, their head was tilted down looking at the person in the bed. Claude used his hand to brush the long locks of the man in bed, deep sadness was shown in his eyes, but his face was as blank as ever.

'When will you wake up? My dear... Heusc.' Claude thought as he caressed Heusc's face. "So many things happened while you were asleep. I killed my older brother, you probably wouldn't like that but I have my reasons." Claude whispered, holding onto Heusc's hands for comfort.

"I married the love of my life even though she's a dancer. She was too weak to have a baby since the baby had too much mana... she chose her child over me, and she dared to name the child Athanasia."

Claude has never talked so much to anyone other than Heusc. Not even to his wife. Claude looked at the unmoving male and let go of Heusc's hands, "When we were children I used to play with the crystals you make… I remember that time when you bandaged my hands and the look of concern on your face made me feel something, but I don't remember what it was."

During the whole time Felix was standing outside the room, he heard constant talking but couldn't tell who Claude was talking to. All he knows is that the person who owns this room is important to Claude, maybe even more important to him than Diana.

Claude opened the door, Felix snapped out of his thoughts and bowed down. And just like usual Claude gave a command. "Tell me if he wakes up." "Understood." The same command was heard by Felix.

Claude had been in this room almost every day when Felix was appointed as Claude's guard. But one thing Felix is sure about is whoever is inside that room, is one who has Claude wrapped around their fingers. Maybe they're someone who is even more terrifying than







The emperor of Obelia.