
Royal Devil

What will happen if a modern man was transported to a story as an unknown character? A follower of the story 'Who Made Me a Princess' Heusc died because of a virus and woke up at the body of a young bratty prince who had no part in the story. Heusc was forced to enter the Obelia Empire and he was forced into the story... How was he supposed to fit in the story? "What will the plot do to me?"

NileCarviella · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Familiar blonde

Walking out of the hospital, the familiar smell of the city air filled Heusc's lungs. He did not miss the air but it wasn't too bad. For the first time in a while, he was wearing something more loose and casual. His hair and eyes were back to their normal black and dark brown color. Quite sad though, he did like the half-and-half look, maybe he'll dye it in the future. The streets all looked familiar as the cars drove past him.

"You're acting like you haven't been here in years," Amber said, the youngest one here, only 20 years old.

'You have no idea how right that sentence is.' Heusc sighed and patted her head making the young girl pout. "Now, don't you have college to attend?" If his memory serves him correctly Amber should be in college.

"Nope! Not today, I got a day break from school, and they allowed it. Plus all the courses I need to learn have been posted by the professors. So it's more like studying than anything else." Amber had long quit the military as her passion was art. Heusc has always told the group to go enjoy what they want and not worry about money since the government will cover it anyway.

"Right, right. Let's go home shall we?"

Everyone cheered as they walked to the two cars that will carry the eight of them home. Heusc looked at the advertisement boards that were on the tall building. He didn't mind much as he was just spacing out wondering about his life and what happened to everyone who was back in the Princess world. He trusts Claude on being able to handle himself in fixing the mess he left behind. He felt terrible about just leaving it like that but he didn't control where he went.

They soon arrived home, and the familiar medium-sized mansion that fitted all of them was in sight. Honestly, with eight people living in a space like that sometimes there isn't enough space for all of them. Especially when a few of them have their partners and invite them over a few times. It wasn't too disturbing for the two oldest members but for the rest, it was something they tease each other about.

"We're here!" Mia almost screamed as she got out of the parked car and ran to the front door, bursting into the empty home after going through the maze.

"You're still as enthusiastic as always, Mia," Heusc whispered mostly to himself as he got out of the car. From the side of his vision, he noticed a tuft of blond hair between the iron gates. His first thought was how tall the other was. They seem to be getting some mail from their mailbox. Heusc couldn't help remembering how close he and Claude were when little.

"With heavy regret, I might say I guess I'll never see him again…I do not know how much trouble I might cause them."

"Quit mumbling to yourself and go home!"

"All of you are excited huh?" Heusc said as he got dragged into the house. But just before the door could close Heusc thought he saw a familiar pair of jewel-blue eyes. 'No, no, it just has been just my imagination…how could a fictional character be in the real world…' Ignoring his mind telling him otherwise, he hung out with the rest.

If Heusc did remember correctly, he and Mia are the same age. The oldest two and the leaders. The youngest are Amber and Blake, both around 20 years old. The rest four, Jean, Ivon, Lucas, and Jack were all around 22 or 21. Not like it matters much to Heusc as he has to get used to, well, not being a prince anymore.

'No more formalities, no more formalities.' He continued to remind himself after getting into his room. "Why does this have to happen to me? At least I'll have some other entertainment than just those boring old books." Switching up his games, Heusc had to take time to remember what each button did. And man was he rusty. He felt like a five-year-old for the first time touching a controller, just feeling around and being surprised when he found a new button that did something different on the big screen in front of them.

Heusc went down to get himself some snacks when he saw a pink ball in the backyard.

"Is anyone there?" A little girl's voice sounded over the vine-covered fence. Heusc got curious and walked over.

"Hello little girl, did you drop this ball here?" He asked, wanting to be a good person to the little girl. Ironically, it was the same neighbor who had the familiar blond hair. Life is just dicking him over by reminding him of how he left Claude and Athy back in that world. Shaking his head to get the thought out of his brain, he threw the ball gently over the gate.

Heusc was tall enough to see over the wall but the angle the girl stood at made her not visible to him. Right beside the wall, and in front of him.

"Thank you!" She said and ran away. Heusc didn't bother to see what she looked like as he rather fed his stomach. Looking in the fridge he baked himself some things. He was kinda sad that he didn't get to see Claude anymore, his lovely interactions with Athy. Well, it's not like he belonged in that world anyway. He was well more attracted to this one. Although he will miss the adventures and the little amount of magic he possessed.

"I'll miss those late-night runs on the rooftops." Muttering to himself Heusc pulled out the pizza from the oven, triple checking to make sure the oven was off. He realized he had picked up a few habits from being so formal all those years. Fixing his collars here and there, back straight at all times, talking like he was Sherlock Holmes.

A tear dripped down his face and landed on his hand. What great memories they shared. Although he never had that feeling of belonging, he couldn't help but call it his second home. Spending so much time with the people he cared for.

Heusc regrets how many times he messed up in that world. He knew he didn't have a second chance but didn't take it seriously anyway. But at least Athy can have a better childhood, well started better at least. Enough thoughts about them, he should focus on his mini pizza.