
Lin Qian Past Life 5

Lin Qian didn't cry at all. She had only stared as Xiao Ji get buried by Wang Hao Han. After paying their respect to her, they started to take cover. They both climb a tree and stay there for the entire day. Wang Hao Han was trying to cheer her up.

The moon shone brightly above them. Lin Qian looked up toward the sky, and she didn't know when but tears were falling down her cheeks. Wang Han Hao saw her crying and was worried. "What wrong?"

Lin Qian grabbed Wang Hao Han's arm and clung onto it tightly. "Don't leave me as well. Everyone I cared for has left me. So you can't leave me as well!" Lin Qian demanded with tears running down her face.

Wang Hao Han was slightly surprised. He could only mummer softly, "I promise." He wants to pat her head, but he held back. Lin Qian's head was cover in his shoulder as she cried. She cried for the longest time in her life. She had let everything loose in front of him. She continues to stare at the stars after she finishes crying. Wang Hao Han was at her side the entire time, silently accompanying her.

"My mother died when I was little. I could barely remember her. However, I do remember that was very warm and happy. The only thing we had left of her was her belongings. My father became addicted to gambling, but he was terrible. Every time he lost a bet, my mother's belongings disappeared one by one until there was no more. Within a year, we lost our house. We were beggars on the streets that no one cares about us. My father continues to drink and gamble. The only thing he had left was me. I should have left him. I should have run away. I should hate him, but I can't!" she cried even harder with snot coming out of her nose.

Wang Hao Han pats her head this time. "My father was a fisherman. Although it was not a high paying job, my father never complained. He was always giving away anything to the poor for free. I admired him for that. My mother on the other hand never agrees with his actions. She would always fight with him about those issues. My mother had enough of his foolish behavior, and she ran away from home. My father was distressed about her when she did return nor did she send any letter. He went out to find her and left me with my aunt. I never saw him again. My aunt was evil. She would work me to the bone. You would beat me up to vent her anger. My uncle was in debt because his business failed. My aunt didn't want to lose anything so she sold me away to get money."

Lin Qian stops crying and looks up at him. He had a bitter smile on his face. She knew that he also needed her, so she smacks his head. He groans in pain. "Listen! Let's go find your father. I am sure that he is waiting for you to come back to him. We will find him," Lin Qian said with a smile at him making him smile back at her.


Wang Hao Han and Lin Qian woke up as soon as the sun's shine on their faces. They moved as fast as they could. They couldn't travel far because they were only eleven and twelve years old kids. They didn't have high stamina, and very easily tired. Lin Qian's feet had blisters, and she sat down under a tree very a huge shade.

Wang Hao Han looks at her feet with pain. He felt very guilty. He felt he was the cause of this. Lin Qian saw his gaze and nudge his head away with her finger lightly. "It's not your fault," Lin Qian said. Lin Qian knew that she was at her limit, but if she didn't keep on going then soldiers will capture them.

Wang Hao Han turns his back toward her. "Get on," he said. Lin Qian didn't hesitate because she knew better than to refuse his offer right now. He carried her for as long as he could. Lin Qian starts to regret her decisions, they were moving a lot slower than normal even with her blisters. Wang Hao Han was also starting to get tired as well.

Just at that moment, they heard footsteps from behind them. They pick up their pace and race forward. Lin Qian looked at her surroundings and tried to look for a place to hide. "Hao Han, I see a cave ahead."

Wang Hao Han listened to Lin Qian directions and ran toward the cave. They took shelter there. Lin Qian told him to put her down. He took her arm into his, and they both walked farther down the cave. They came across a small pond of crystal clear water. He put her down.

"I will bring you some water," Wang Hao Han said. Lin Qian nodded at him. He went to the pond and drank a sip. As he brought some to Lin Qian, he felt like his entire body was burning. He quickly dropped to the ground and groaned in pain. Lin Qian was surprised at his groan, forgetting about her thirst. She moves over to him and moves his body to where his back was against the floor.

"Hao Han! Wang Hao Han!" she yelled as she tried to figure out what was wrong with him. She touched his face but quickly retreated because he was burning hot. He was too hot to touch, and she didn't know what to do. She starts to panic and looks around her. Her eyes fell on the pond, and it suddenly dawned on her.

Was the pond poisonous?

She turned her attention back to him when he started to scream and his eyes opened wide. "Wang Hao Han!" His black hair starts turning scarlet red, and his brown color eyes turn the exact color as his hair. He fell quiet and closed his eyes after that. "Hao Han?" she said. She slowly reaches out to touch his body, but it was cold. "Hao Han! Hao Han!" she cried.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Sorry for not updating in so long. You know how chaotic it is now. The internet been down so much around my area, and also because I am super lazy at the moment.

Also, I hope during this time, everyone stays safe and sound. Wash your hands daily and anytime. Please just stay safe and away from people.

What do you guys think of my new cover? I would like to know your opinions.

Thanks for reading! Love you guys! ByeBye!

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