
Roslyn’s Mark

Roslyn is 18, she had lived with her grandfather since she was four. Her tribe has always been different. They've been able to shift into wolves. They're werewolves. Roslyn had been isolated from her tribe beause she was different, shes never shifted ever. Many have doubts she even carried the trait to shift. She has no scent, no special abilities. Nothing, she was different and her parents knew. They had given her to her grandpa who lived in Miami. She visited her trbe twice up until her parents death. She never returned again. That all changes when her grandpa dies so she has to move back to Stehekin Washington. Her college is there and so is her uncle so everything will work out. Right?

Sin_Writes · ファンタジー
12 Chs


The drive back to the house is quiet. I've been observing the whole duration of the ride. I'm stuck in between two of my apparent cousins.

My Uncle Bo drives while his son sits in the passenger seat. My other Uncle Bill is driving behind us.

The one on my right stares at my face and the one on the left keeps sniffing me.

My uncle looks in the mirror and says "Jake stop staring holes in her Nol stop sniffing her."

I say "Oh I'm fine."

The atmosphere changes, more uncomfortable than before. I should not have blabbered.

When we reach the house I make sure to take a moment. They all go inside and I gather my thoughts.

Nol and Jake carried my bags inside. Their dad made them after my Uncle Bo informed him of the uncomfortable stares.

I walk up the steps to the unreasonably large house and open the door.

As soon as I do I can feel everyone's eyes on me. Why are there so many people in this place.

I gulp and my Uncle Bo says "Come on in, we're in the kitchen. We should introduce ourselves."

My uncle leans against the staircase with a charming smile.


He looks only a few years older than me. All of them do. Yet my uncle is supposedly 38 and the other one is like 40.

I walk into the kitchen. My fingers tugging at my sleeves. I'm so nervous.

I sit down at the table facing all my cousins and my two uncles.

My Uncle Bo says "I'm your Uncle which you should know already. This is my brother," he point to my Uncle Bill, "Those are your cousins Nolan, Jacob, and Chris."

All three wave. Announcing which one is which.

I say "I'm Roslyn."

My Uncle Bo says "Tell us about yourself."

I say "I'm sorry I rather not."

My cousins look surprised my Uncles look at one another.

Uncle Bill says "You're definitely your dads daughter."

I smile then say "Ugh can one of you show me to my room please."

Nolan and Jake both say "I will."

They start arguing and I say "It's fine you both can."

They both glare at one another and lead the way.

I follow behind, they sure were eager.

"Here is your room," Nolan says.

I say "Thanks."

I quickly enter it and sigh in relief.

I mumble "Weirdos."

I set down my bag and unzip it, flip it over, and my clothes spill out.

I grab the clothes and open the drawers to the dresser in front of my bed. Just throwing everything in.

I plop down in my bed once I finish.

These jeans are so uncomfortable. I shift, tossing and turning. Groaning as I try to find comfort.

A knock on my door stiffens me.

I say, "come in."

The door opens revealing my oldest cousin Chris.

He says "Hey"

I sit up and say "Oh, hey. Uhm didn't think it was you."

Chris says "Yeah I just wanted to check on you. I know how it feels being the outsider here."

I furrow my brows, "If you don't mind me asking, how?"

He says "No you're totally fine. My mom unexpectedly got pregnant in high school with my dad. She didn't have the money to take care of me so now I'm here momless."

I say "oh I'm sorry."

Chris laughs and says "Don't be, I know you were curious."

I say "Sorry but I don't really remember you."

He says "I don't expect you too. I only saw you when you were 5 I was 8."

"I have the feeling I understand you a little better than the rest do," Chris spews.

I look up and say "I don't get the feeling you understand very well."

He chuckles "Understood, I'm gonna leave."

I nod, he leaves pretty quick.

I hope my first day at college tomorrow doesn't end up like that encounter.