
Roses Are Red!

bfanco · ファンタジー
6 Chs


Red and blue flames were all around Bai luoheng.

when she opened her eyes, the two were different colors, red and blue which was constantly exchanging their colors.

12 tails suddenly appeared on her back. six were red and the other six were blue, they were constantly exchanging colors too.

suddenly, she started flying in the air still with her meditating like position and was also rotating.

after a few minutes, she heard someone knocking. she released herself and landed steadily with her feet on the floor.

she opened the door and was surprised to see her mother and Bai huizhen.

"oh, mum you're here."

"yes, and your sister came with me"

"oh, I see you got to convince her. I think that's why you look so tired" Bai luoheng said looking at Bai huizhen.

"sister, you should mind your language" Bai huizhen said

"why, I didn't say anything wrong. what I see is what I believe. at least I'm better than some people who try to kill their own blood all because of not minding their business right sis?"

"you better behave yourself luoheng, or else...." Bai Huizhen said pointing her forefinger at luoheng.

"or else what, huh?" luoheng said as she held huizhen's hand and brought it down.

"what strong power she has. my hand still hurts badly. I can't believe luoheng has changed so much. or was the poison meant for another thing entirely?" Bai huizhen asked herself "but I can't just sit here and allow her to keep saying these things. mum would become suspicious" Bai huizhen thought, stealing a glance at her mother. luckily, Mrs Bai was looking away.

"or maybe you'll try killing me for the second time. right?"

"oh, sorry if it's for the incident that happened. forgive me sister" Bai huizhen said and hugged luoheng.

"seriously, is this all you can do to cover up your shameful act?" luoheng whispered in Bai huizhen's ear.

"I'm very glad you're alive sister. I can't imagine what would have happened if you didn't wake up" Bai huizhen said in a loud voice and smiled.

"I'm glad you're alive too. you should also be thanking God for keeping you alive to see this hour. none of us knows when death will come you see. some even get killed because of jealousy." Bai luoheng smiled back.

"I'm so happy you're back but I've got a headache and there are some things I have to do. sorry I couldn't spend much time." Bai huizhen said and turned to walk away.

"oh, don't worry, the headache is only natural for people like you" she smiled "but don't worry sis, we'll surely have a discussion again. bye" Bai luoheng said with her hands on the shoulder and her mouth, 3 inches away from Bai huizhen's ear. then she smirked.

"wait, not so fast.what was that just now?" Wang Yinan asked.

"you can try asking sister huizhen, I'm pretty sure she get the situation more than I do. right sister?"

"yes" she said with clenched fingers and gritted teeth. "it was nothing mum"

"what incident happened that had her almost killed?" Mrs Wang assked

"umm... no mum, an accident happened some months ago when you were not home. I and luoheng were practicing an experiment but it didn't turn out how we thought it would"

"so where's the scar?" Mrs Wang asked

the question made Bai huizhen to freeze but God helped her that she was lucky to see a cut on luoheng's wrist.

"there mum" Bai huizhen said pointing at it

"oh, but that's just a small cut. and why does it have a weird shape."

"it was not a very big failure in the experiment I think it healed"

"oh, then you guys have no reason to quarrel over that. how childish." Mrs Wang said and left.

to avoid anymore ugly situation, Bai huizhen followed her at the back and closed the door behind her.

"right, about this." luoheng said touching her wrist. it was actually the mark that 'she couldn't know about'