

Jerome woke up in a small room along with lia, Maria, John, Darren, and Michelle. Who all are acting strange, more strange than you can act when you wake up in a unknown place after being kidnapped. We are following Jerome in this nightmare, a new game for each room, designed by a mysterious man, who has an unknown motive for taking them.

fluffycows12 · ホラー
1 Chs

Part one of room one

Why is it so dark? I think... I'm sleeping? Or am I dead? Is this what death feels like? Wait. No I can feel a weight on me. Wake up...WAKE UP!!!

"Where am I?" I awoke inside in a cramped and dimly lit room. The stained and peeling wallpaper was a or used to be a bright yellow meant for a child's room. It had a disturbing atmosphere to the room, something that bothered me but I couldn't quite place it.

I feel like I can't breathe...oh that's what that weight was, there's somebody on top of me. I tried pushing them off but I literally have no strength in my upper body, so I tried rolling over.

It worked but the person on top of me woke up. You would think that's a good thing, until I tell you they woke up screaming and kicking. they kicked me directly in the face.

That's when they realized they weren't being attacked, hooray for them, but not for me.

I'm still on the floor in pain. I didn't get a good look at them before but, they looked pretty young like very early 20's?

She looked terrified, lost, and confused. As anyone would be when you wake up somewhere as disturbing as this room.

Such ugly wallpaper....

"Who are you?" She looked at me like I was the one who did this. I spread my arms out in a gesture like: take a look

She finally decided to realize there were bodies sprawled out all over the small room. The rest of the people varied in age. So that's one thing we know now, the person who brought us here wasn't targeting an exact age group or gender.

"W- What's your name?" The girl asked me pretty hesitantly like she wasn't sure she could trust me.

"Its Jerome, yours?" There was no point in holding back, we were all in the same situation.

"Leah." The name sounded oddly familiar like a distant memory from a long forgotten dream. There was also something off about her appearance- like I could only focus on her eyes. And everything else was blurred and blended in together.

Everyone started waking up slowly, but the reactions weren't as natural? If you woke up in here you would've been confused and scared.

But, they woke up estranged and unresponsive.

I tried talking to one of them but they only glanced at me but went back to staring blankly at the ceiling or wall.

The scariest part is when they did look directly at me, it seemed like they looked through me and didn't notice I was there.

It felt like this went on for hours. Time seemed slower, Leah's eyes started to unfocus, and eventually she stopped moving. I tried everything to get her attention, nothing worked I felt like I was going insane.

For what felt like an eternity of helplessly screaming for help until my throat was raw, I laid onto the floor and sobbed until I fell asleep.

Sleep didn't provide any breaks for me. I dreamed of my worst fear. Being completely and utterly alone in a cold and empty void for the rest of time.

This was better than my reality.

I'm not alone, but surrounded by people who don't move or speak which feels all the worse.

I felt something hit me suddenly, I woke up to everyone staring at me, it might've been my imagination but I swear their faces were constantly moving like something was crawling beneath their skin.

Everyone looked on edge; tense like they were scared of something... I realized they were all looking at me.

"What?" They were the ones who stood there for hours not moving or speaking. So why?

Leah was the first to speak up.

"Jerome... we've been trying to snap you out of it, " What? What is that supposed to mean? I've been trying to wake them up. That doesn't make sense...

Before I could ask her what she meant an alarm sounded and the room turned blue?

I had noticed the small T.V. in the corner of the room before, but I didn't think it would be of use. Until I heard a voice come from the old fashioned T.V.

The voice was surprisingly smooth and strangely comforting? I was expecting a raspy and creepy voice, like a horror movie cliche.

"Hello, my name is Sirus."