
Hi there

Hello my name is Roody or Get Off The Couch on special occasions. I have lived with the Newmans, for about eight years tomorrow. My family consisted of Roger aka Dad, Helin aka Mom, Judith, Sara, Franny and Meredith. But one day it didn't.

It had been happening for a few weeks, quieter at first but than it was louder and scarier, I got in trouble a few times, but no one was mad at me like that, so i would hide. Judith would come and find me, tell me its okay and we were going for a walk. Me, Judith, Sara, Franny, and Meredith would go to the park for a while; I got to chase the ball while Sara, Franny and Meredith ate lunch ( I got a few pieces of food too.) When we would go back home it would be quiet again, but Mom would be crying. Judith would put a movie on for the girls, and go sit with Mom.

The yelling got worse, things would slam and break; and Judith would take everyone to the park. But one day Dad came to the park too, he wasn't happy when I tried to say hi, he kicked me. Judith got mad, and yelled at him, she yelled again when he reached for Franny, and he hit Judith. I didnt know what happened, I, I reacted. She hit the ground and didn't get up, the girls were crying and yelling... He reached for Sara and I, I bit him. He was Dad and I bit him and it wasn't right, I'm sorry I didn't mean to, but Judith didn't get up, she didn't say it was okay. He kicked me again and again , but a man hit Dad before he could do it again. More people gathered around and were yelling at Dad, a few ladys were hugging the girls, another man was touching Judith, I tried to get up but I hurt, I couldn't get up to lick her face and say it was okay.

A man came to look at me, he smelled like cleaner and a bit of a copper tang (but that could have been me), the man talked to a lady that brought me from the park. The man shook his head and the lady got mad, she yelled at him and he put his hands up, and he said something, but my world went dark.

I heard it, I heard it, she said it's gonna be okay, but the voice was wrong, familiar but wrong, I opened an eye but it was too bright, Mom said it another time, but I didn't believe her, she was crying again.