
Mystery Genealogy

With the door closing shut, Ron slowly turned around to face Quirell. Who's entire bearing had taken a drastic transformation. His skin resembling candle wax, and his beady black eyes shined with a intimidating glint.

" What did you want to discuss with me professor?"

A seemingly naive and gullible Ron asked, reminiscent of Red Ridding Hood meeting the Big Bad Wolf. His innocent outlook leading to him unable to dodge Quirell's piercing gaze.

' NOW! Legilimence!'


> Quirell's POV <

' Master made it very clear that I'm to find if he's had any interactions with the Headmaster. Bid your privacy farewell boy, because I'm not going to stop until I dig up your deepest held secrets. Don't worry thought, you won't notice my intrusion, now show me, Everything!'


> Ron's POV <

' Seriously? Being completely honest I'd be scared to death if that Psycho hiding under your turban was the one trying to peek inside my head, but you? A mediocre wizard, who's an even worse teacher wants to invade my mind? That's absolutely ridiculous, but don't worry I'll show you something that'll leave you speechless!'


> Quirell's POV <

" Ron, what did you want to talk about?"

" Daphne do you remember the deal I made with your father, about me- us being engaged?"

" I know that I rejected it, and I know it's an idiotic reason, but I felt that I didn't deserve being with you."

" Ron..."

" For that reason, as the Prewett Family Heir, I'd like to formally ask you. Daphne Greengrass would you do me the honor of becoming my fiancee?"

' Completely useless information! I need to go deeper.'


" Because we are Purebloods, we shouldn't shout insults across the classroom, it's honestly beneath us. Besides, if you continue behaving like this, you'll end up like Draco here. I wouldn't want to do that to such a nice and gentle lady as yourself."

" You think we'll listen to you!? You're a Weasley! You're no ttue Purebl-"

" Silencio."


" Unlike all of you, I'm actually the current head of a Noble House. Firmly placing me above you all in rank, so you'd do well to heed my warning. Unless you're confident in beating me, otherwise you better keep your mouths shut!"

' How exactly did he manage to not get sorted in Slytherin House? Is he really a Weasley, those infamous blood traitors the other purebloods despise? He's practically the perfect Slytherin, although I'm not sure why he's defending Granger. No, let's not delve too much into these mundane memories. Master's orders were to find anything... Eh, what's that?'


" Etch my words into your mind, the Black Family are superior to the other families in the Sacred Twenty Eight. Our Family is not defined by our vast wealth or distinguished title of British Royalty. We are one of the most powerful and influential Wizarding Families in the entire world!"

" Yes, Aunt Lucretia."

" Never forget that Half-Bloods, Muggle Borns and those Blood Traitorous Purebloods are beneath you. It is your birth right to rule over them, Toujours Pur!"

" Toujours Pur!"

' So his heroic personality was a facade, but to hide himself so well... Truly a snake hiding inside the eagles nest, this might be of interest to Master. Huh!? There's a mental barrier placed around this memory, what is he trying to hide? While such barrier might fool subpar wizards and witches, I easily saw through your little trick.'


" When I die you will become the last true member of the Family. Leaving you with the responsibility to raise the family name from the ashes from which it's been buried. On your journey, know you carry the pride of not only myself, but also the entire Black Family lineage.

" You have my word Aunt Lucretia, I hereby swear on my name, Volanis Black that the name Black will once again be synonymous with Status, Wealth and Power!."

" Volanis, you cannot let anyone know your true identity until your eighteenth birthday. For that's the day you'll have complete control over the Black Family's assets. For now you will remain to pass off as a Weasley, that'll allow you freely. Now go back to Britain, in Hogwarts you will be able to grow, gather allies and mature safely..."



" Aunt, you should go rest you're still too weak to be out of bed."

' What!? He's a true Black!? They were supposed to have all died, with the last one locked up in Azkaban. Who's child is he!? Who's could.he even be? I have to inform Master if this at once!!!'


Breaking off their mental connection, Quirrell hastily went over to obliviate Ron's memory. Unfortunately, being overwhelmed by the news he'd just uncovered, he missed Ron.

" Eh? What's going on? Professor what happened?"

' Did I somehow damaged his memory when I cut off the connection abruptly? Either way just to be safe I'll erase the last few minutes of his memory.'

Aiming his wand at the confused Ron, Quirrell casted his spell. The stunned crimson haired boy stood completely still allowing himself to get struck by the spell.

" Obliviate."

Due to the spell Ron fell down to the ground, opening his eyes a few seconds later. When he came to, the stuttering Professor was no nowhere to be seen. Culminating in Ron standing up with some struggle before leaving the empty classroom.

Then from within the shadows, Quirell began to converse with himself.

" Master the boy is gone."

Unexpectedly a slow, distorted and unnerving voice answered his words.

" What did you see...?"

" His entire self is nothing more than a hollow facade, he's not a Ravenclaw in fact he's more of a Slytherin than those young Heirs and Heiresses."

" Don't waste my time Quirrell, has he or hasn't he had contact with Dumbledore!?"

When the voice began to raise it's tone, the Professor's body started to tremble. Trying to quell it's anger he began to unload the secret he found in Ron's memories.

" At first I didn't find anything out of the ordinary, but then I came across a mental barrier surrounding a specific memory."

" Spit it out already! What did you see!"

" Master, the boy's name isn't actually Ronald Weasley, it's Volanis Black! He's a true member of the Black Family!"

" What!? That's impossible! Are you honestly trying to deceive me Quirrell!?"

" No! No! I would never Master!"

When he heard the anger and fury in the voices tone Quirrell began to plead with it.

" Then I'll go through your memories!"

" Aaahhhhhahah!!!"


> Voldemort's POV <

" You have my word Aunt Lucretia, I hereby swear on my name, Volanis Black that the name Black will once again be synonymous with Status, Wealth and Power!."

"* What is this!? There shouldn't be anymore Black's! The last two males were Sirius and... REGULUS!!! Is this your child, Regulus!? The brat's age barely passes, but if he is... I'll finally be able to get my revenge! I will turn your bastard into my most loyal and faithful follower. He'll become what you should've stayed as all those years ago, my Pawn!*"


Outside the classroom down the hall a familiar crimson haired boy walked through the empty corridor with a wide grin.

' Arrogance is a king's downfall...'

Updated: 7/4/20

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