

DaoistTO1iU9 · アクション
22 Chs


As Plato treaded the field towards the hospital, he was reminded of him and Constantine crossing a large field, running after a crashing craft. Same like the one he had come crashing down in. He looked at Marlon and he thought he would have been the same age as him. That time. A friendship that never bore the fruit like he had imagined up until then. The skies became dark and lightning and thunder ensued. Soon, there was rain all over and they got drenched. It's about time it rained in Maryland, said Marlon. Plato could only laugh. He then thought of a friendship that was unexpected. But nonetheless it bore fruit in a tree that he had never seen in his life. Does it rain out there? asked Marlon with as much sincerity and innocence you can expect from him. It pours, replied Plato as lightning struck a few feet away from them. That was a joke right? said Marlon looking up at the skies. Have you ever seen a lightning strike the ground so up close? he asked him. No, replied Plato as the rain brushed away the blood of his face. Every year, went on Marlon about how many people that lightning killed in America alone. We may never see a lightning up close again if we are lucky, he finished. We may never, said Plato with a big grin.