
Romance, Murder and Betrayal

Aliza_Ali_9839 · 若者
2 Chs

CHAPTER 1: I can’t be late for school AGAIN!

"NO! NO! This can't be happening!" I sobbed bitterley,but then realisation struck me."Who did this? Who fucking did this!? DYLAN?! Dylan, please wake up I'm begging you please! Don't leave me Dylan! Open your eyes." I could've cried all night, but a million tears would'nt bring him back.They couldn't. Francis pulled me out of my thoughts,"C-come on Julie w-we have to get out of here." He stuttered. "You're just going to leave him? All of you?! He was our friend? Do you have no shame what so ever? I'm telling you, whoever did this I'll find them and burn them alive!" I cried at the top of my lungs. As Police sirens were near, my brother quickly grabbed me and forcibly wrapped the seat belt around me. "Francis please I'm practically begging you. We can't leave him here!" I yelled. "I'm sorry Jules but if we stay we'll all go to jail for something we didn't do!"

3 months earlier

"Crap! I'm going to be late for school!" I muttered. "Julie! Julie!". My brother Francis's elevated voice was quite irksom but all I could do was endure it. "Just five minutes," I said while clenching my teath together.

As I went downstairs trying my best to keep my eyes down so that I didn't have to pay much attention to the indignant look on my brother's face. "What is it you little prissy? Oh Come on, don't give me that look." I said with my puppy dog eyes.

"Are you fucking serious?! That's the fifth time this week." He complained. "Yeah, well at least I'm not up all night watching porn like you, asshole!" I responded with a look of confidence. My brother whose expressions rapidly changed from quirkiness to abashment, said "Okay fine, you win this time but please all I ask of you is that you get ready for school on time, because then I'm the one who gets scolded for being late." "Okay,now can we please go," I pleaded.


As I bursted into class, without realising that the principal was standing right in front of everyone; with a stern look on her face she turned towards me and angrily asked why I was so late? I looked down at my feet trying to avoid locking eyes with her and replied, "My apoligies for being late Mrs.Hawkins,I had a doctors appointment this Morning." She rolled her eyes and said "If you're late next time, I'll make sure that the security guard doesn't let you step foot on school premices.

I sighed in releif as soon as she left and cursed that horrid woman in my mind.That bitch I swear one day I'm gonna murder her,who does she think she is,huh? I walked over to my friends and sat beside my best friend Abigail.

"Hey Jules," A high pitched voice said. "Oh my Lanta,you scared the freaking hell out of me," I said while panting rapidly. "Well it's not my fault your a prissy like your brother," said Scarlet bursting into laughter.

Scarlet Victoria is the most fiestiest and dauntless human being you"ll ever meet. She has jet black hair, sparkly blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean evertime I stared at them and white skin and she had one of the most symetrical faces ever. She is also one of my best friends and knows all of my dirty secrets.

"Oh Jules look, here comes your boyfriend Dylan!" said Scarlet with excitement in her voice. Dylan Edwards is the best friend of my brother Francis Scott.Both of them have been best friends ever since Kindergarten. He is the second smartest in our class and every single teacher praised him because of it.

Dylan has the body shape of a swim suit model,every single guy in our school would kill to have those abs not to mention the girls whose bloods boil with jealousy everytime they see him and I together. He has blonde hair, flawless tanned skin and huge dark brown eyes.Not to mention he's six feet tall!

"Hey,how's my baby this fine morning?" Said Dylan with his heart shaped eyes staring right at me. "Not as fine as you are," I replied with a smirk. "Woah! Woah! Woah! Get a room, you guys are disgusting," Francis said while fake puking. "Well it's not Juliana's fault she's so stunning! I mean just look at that brown wavy hair of hers, those delicious red lips, not to mention how prominent and beautiful the black ring around the eyes of her iris's are! It goes great with the tanned skin she has, isn't she a beauty?" asked Dylan

"Okay class have a seat, we will be starting todays lesson with Hooke's Law." Said Mrs.Redner."Ugh, sometimes I can't stand physics. Not to mention how irksom the teacher is," I told Dylan while biting my lower lip. "I thoght you loved physics." Said Dylan. "Just because someone gets good grades in a subject doesn't mean that they also have emotional attatchment towards it too honey." I replied.