
don't do that

"I would be careful doing that next time if I was you." Houston warned. 

Houston hated the new place that he had to work in. The only good thing about it was the hotel. It was comfortable enough to allow him to sleep but couldn't compare to his home. He wished that he could go back to his mate. 

Everything else was a mess. The night he went out for drinks went from decent to bad when a few of the people at their table had a bit too much to drink and started causing problems. Houston wanted to get them to settle down but Ambrose told him to just let them be and that they'd take care of themselves. 

The detective didn't know though that 'taking care of themselves' involved getting into two different fights and harassing one poor girl who was just there trying to have a good time before they came along. It was thirty minutes of absolute chaos but his new supervisor stepped up to deal with the issue.