
Roland's odyssey

Roland, an ordinary otaku, tragically lost his life. Filled with regrets he is determined to live his new life to the fullest. unexpectedly he arrives in the new world already at deaths door. with the help of a system and his intellect he tries to survive. Author note: This is my first work that I'm going to put my heart into, so I hope you like it. (PS. I couldn't find a proper cover but as I always say screw the cover, I judge a book by its author)

The_Lazy_Author · ファンタジー
47 Chs


Huge wave

That was the thought everyone had.

A surging mountain of water that almost touched the clouds was slowly approaching. The water 'wall' stretched out to the distance, without any apperant end in sight.

"Quickly close the sails!" The first to react was First Commander, his shout brought everyone back to their senses.

The well trained crew instently executed his orders.

"Retreat!" The 'main' captain also issued his order as he bolted back to his ship. The pirates including the other captain, lost their interest to fight and all ran to their ships.

In front of a life-threatening situation, everything else was meaningless. The up most priority was preserving one's life, everything else was meaningless.

The huge wave approached slowly, but for some reason that 'slowly', was actually fast. Within a matter of seconds, the wave was already in front of the ships. 

Just as Roland, jumped into the stairs, leading to the lower deck, he felt the ship slowly losing it's centre of gravity and slowly tilt to the side. He knew that this was a critical time so he grabbed a rope and tied it to his ankle, before hugging the rail to the stairs.

On the other side, as soon as First Commander issued the order, he ran towards the steering wheel of the ship and quickly turned it to the side, with all his might, the huge wave arrived at that moment. The ship turned to one side, resembling a surfer on a board. The ship was literally, 'surfing the wave'. 

The other ships weren't doing so well. Besides 3 others that were also 'surfing', the rest had either capsized and swallowed by the 'wave' or lifted up to the top, due to the surging water, before being thrown up into the sky. 

The ships that had been swallowed by the wave initially didn't turn sideways or have enough 'sailors', and had been capsized first, before being swallowed. The one's that had been thrown into the air quickly, were made of weaker material, and had fewer meterial, making it 'lighter' and less resistant to the surging wave.

"Quickly drop the anchor! And brace for impact!" First Commander who was holding the wheel so it doesn't turn to the side, almost shouted out his lungs. 

The ship slowly rose with the wave and was tilted at an acute angle, everyone was hanging on for dear life. No one could execute the orders without risking their own lives. Even then, some individuals tried to get on the other side, which was currently at the top, but they got pulled by gravity and the force of the wave.

"Enough! Just hang on." Seeing more of his men get dragged away by death, and the ship nearing the top of the wave, First command shouted with gritted teeth.

Two of the three pirate ships were already swallowed by the behomoth, the other one started to drop lower and lower, presumably because of the anchor.

Roland's grip strength had failed him, the surface of the ship was mostly slippery after all. Luckily he had tied a rope to his foot otherwise he'd be a winner by now. His body was outside the ship, fluttering in the wind like a piece of laundry.

Roland grabbed the rope and slowly pulled himself towards the ship, inch by inch. Luckily his arm strength was good. Just as he reached the ship and was hanging onto the ship's rail, his attention was quickly drawn by a blue light ahead.

He squinted his eyes and saw old man Apus, wrapped in a soft blue light, walking up the steep deck. The 'Walking' was obviously strenuous for him, veins popped out of his skin as he took large steps with a strained expression. He reached the other side where a wheel was located, he pulled the lever, and the chain started unravelealing at a frightening pase, dropping the ships anchor.

'The old man is clearly stronger then the captain!' Roland thought of the conversation he heard between the other crew member, that the First Commander was the strongest person on the ship. 'Is this old man hiding his stregnth?'

At that moment, the ship tilted to the other side, as if someone had pulled it with force. Maye the anchor caught something but the ship did a complet one-eighty and the deck was about to slam on the 'mountain of water'.

Like a whip, Roland's body drew an arch in the air, as if time froze, he couldn't help but blurt out "Fuck", before he and along with the ship and everyone in it were swallowed by the wave.

An irrisistable amount of force followed by lots of spining, lack of air and turbulance, lots and lots of turbulance, and finally unconciousness.

The above is what everyone felt, no one could control their bodies.

_An unkown amount of time passed_

Roland gradually regained conciousness, he body was in pain, espacially his left ankel. He was gradually getting use to it, "If I had a dime for everytime I woke up with this feeling, well I wouldn't be rich but i'd still be able to by some snack"

The first thing Roland saw when he opened his eyes was the midday sun in the distance, the sky was clear of any clouds in the sky. He was on a sandy beach, not far away was the merchent ship. But unlike it's previouse magnificent presence, it was shipwrecked. Looking at all the pieces, all of it was here but it was afterall in pieces. Some of the berrals and crates that were on the ship were floating on the surface of the sea.

The were others who were laying on the ground, presemeably unconcious. Both pirates and crew members alike. 

Roland removed the rope that was tired to his ankel, he skin was red, and blood could be seen from the wound. Just as he got up, he looked at the medical bag on the floor, it belonged to old man Apus. He saw something familair, laying in the bag besides some bandages, was a familiar looking white dagger.

"I had forgotten about this! But why does this old man have it?" Roland exclaimed in shock. This was the tooth dagger he once got from the warehouse back on the prison during his exploration, the dagger may have looked ordernary and even dull but it was extreamly sharp. Roland had cut through everything in his path, even objects that others who were 'stronger' then him couldn't, it was basically overpower. It had become the solace to him when the chaos system failed him.

After discovering it's wonders, Roland tied it to his waist and moved everywhere with it, due to hs limited strength, he didnt use it often. Later he ran away and 'died'. When he woke up, he was in a confusing situation. It wasn't because he forgot about it, he just didn't think about it. Finding it again obviously made him pleasently suprised but also vigilent. 

He took it out of the bag and and a few other things and threw the bag in the water. Taking extra steps for precausion was always ideal. He used the bandages he got from the bag and wrapped the dagger around his thigh.

He looked around and saw tropical trees along the beach, he glanced back at the ship, before he went into the forest.

'Guess I don't have to stay here.' Roland didn't know these people and what they'd do to him. Even if they may have helped him and taken care of him when he was unconscious, it didn't mean the 'family' they served, was also kind hearted like them. 

He was sceptical by nature, this also contributed to him not having friends. 

Roland entered the forest, another reason for this was that he was hungry. He still hadn't had a chance to eat, and it had almost been two day now.

The forest wasn't dense, there was more then enough space to walk around. What Roland was looking for now, was fruites, that was his goal. Before it got dark

He walked a few distance before he came to a clearing, there was a small stream the size of a road in the middle of the forest. He walked closer and quenched his thirst, he couldn't drink sea water as it was salty, and would only make him more thirsty. 

'There should be some fruit trees, or bushes with berries growing along the river right?' Roland thought and walked upstream. It was better then aimlessly looking around. 

He followed the river, the further he went the wider it got. Soon, he came to a clearing with a large water source in the middle and a waterfall behind it. The place looked beautiful and would make a perfect camping spot. 

Besides the pond, Roland saw some colourful mushrooms growing on the side. He walked over to pick them up but he hesitated and stopped. Some mushrooms were edible but most of them were poisonous. 

Although these ones didn't have any white spots on them, the rules were, if nature took the time to put colour on it, it must be for a reason. This also applied to snakes, but Roland didn't know about this world.

He didn't want to gamble with his life. Just as he felt dejacted he looked up and saw a banana tree, hanging over the cliff. 

Roland felt a surge of energy coursing through his body, "Finally, I doubt those are gonna kill me!"

"Oh oh ah!"

Just as Roland was preparing to climb up the hill, he heard the cries of a monkey. He looked up to the side, and saw a large green gorilla. 

And to make things worse, the gorilla was starring at him.
