
Arc 1 - Ch 9: Consquences

The net gently swayed in the breeze, and the tension still lingered as Tyson's feet met the familiar asphalt. He could've sworn he glimpsed Illyana stepping into a portal on the opposite side of the court. It was as if they were caught in some cosmic time loop, or as he suspected, this was his first glimpse at how time passed strangely while being inside Limbo.

However, his brief moment of déjà vu was interrupted by a vision that sent chills down his spine. Floating above the court was Jean, though not the Jean he last saw. Her once gentle eyes were now colored a blazing red. Her hair, which usually flowed free, now whipped around her face and shoulders like wild, fiery tendrils. The very air around her crackled with energy; power radiated from her, almost visible like shimmering heat waves on a hot day. She was the epitome of dangerous beauty and Tyson couldn't help but find her captivating; he felt both drawn to and afraid of her.

He hadn't been gone that long had he? What did he miss? Illyana took a cautious step back, her movement revealing her concern. But Tyson barely noticed. The sheer power Jean radiated, was all at once awe-inspiring and deeply unsettling. The air was dense with a palpable tension that coiled around every living being, Illyana most of all, making her tremble with unease. 

"Jean?" Tyson called out cautiously. 

For a moment, nothing changed. But as the weight of Tyson's voice settled, recognition stirred deep within Jean. The intense glow in her eyes began to dull as the flames were replaced by a soft, muted green. The tempestuous winds causing her hair to dance furiously around her face began to diminish, gradually transforming into a gentle breeze that played with her tresses. The eerie, fiery silhouette that danced around her in waves slowly dissipated, melting into the air like smoke fading into obscurity. It was as if reality itself was heaving a sigh of relief, the very world exhaling as the tension receded. Inch by inch, she was drawn back to the earth, her feet making contact with the cool, hard ground. With the last vestiges of that potent, enigmatic force vanishing, Jean's hair gracefully rested on her shoulders. The hard lines of her face softened, returning to the gentle contours they always held. Standing there, Jean appeared fragile and disoriented, like a person waking up from a haunting dream, guided back to reality by the grounding presence of Tyson.

Before Tyson could process her change, Jean closed the distance between them and wrapped him in a tight embrace. "You're okay!" she exclaimed, her voice thick with relief and emotion. The warmth of her hug contrasted sharply with the cold, distant entity she had been mere moments ago.

Illyana watched the reunion with a guarded expression, her fingers still wrapped around her Soulsword. While Tyson hugged Jean back, careful not to make contact with her skin. He tried to offer her comfort despite the myriad questions swirling in his mind. 

~~ Rogue Replacement ~~

Professor X's office was bathed in warm light, filtering in through the large arched windows. There was a blend of old-world charm and modern sophistication in the room, and it reflected Professor X's nature. He was a seasoned educator with a deep connection to history, but also a forward-thinking individual.

Tyson, Jean, and Illyana sat in a row opposite the professor. Their expressions varied from remorse to defiance, but all three had one thing in common. Apprehension.

Professor X's sharp yet gentle blue eyes took in each of them in turn. He steepled his fingers and began, "It is natural for teenagers to have disagreements. Throughout the ages, youthful energy combined with the quest for identity often results in confrontations, even conflicts." He paused, ensuring he had their undivided attention. "However, when those in question are bestowed with abilities, these confrontations are not mere squabbles. They have the potential to escalate and wreak havoc." Jean shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Her eyes met the professor's. The weight of her recent actions bore heavily on her. Xavier continued, "I established this school with the vision of providing young mutants a sanctuary. A place where they could be educated, grow, and hopefully learn to harness their powers for the greater good. Our abilities are a gift, but they also carry a great responsibility."

Illyana started, the edge in her voice was unmistakable, "But Professor..".

Tyson interrupted, "I take full responsibility for what happened. It was my power that started the altercation."

Professor X held up a hand. "I'm not placing the blame solely on any of you. However, each of you must understand the gravity of your powers and the consequences they can bring."

Tyson added, "We didn't mean for any of this to happen. It just... got out of hand."

"Indeed," Professor X said with a nod. "But that is why you are here, to learn control, to understand your powers, and to ensure that they're used wisely."

Jean's voice was soft, "We're sorry, Professor."

The room was silent for a moment before the professor replied, "All I ask is that you learn from this experience and strive to do better. Each of you could have avoided the incident on the basketball court." His eyes landed on Tyson, "Had you communicated to your peers about the limited control you have over your powers, the entire misunderstanding may have been sidestepped."

Tyson started, "I was trying…" But he stopped speaking. From deep within his mind came an understanding. He knew that his power was a danger to all and if he couldn't control it, he needed to be more aware of its dangers and avoid contact with others. "I'll do better," he stated, the weight of regret evident in his tone.

Turning next to Illyana, Xavier's expression became slightly sterner. "Illyana, since coming to the institution, it's been rare for you to be challenged by your peers. The first young man to truly do so, and you respond by banishing him from our reality."

Illyana's icy blue eyes met Xavier's without flinching, her accent giving her words a sharp edge. "No one gets away with hurting me, Professor. But we've settled our differences, it won't happen again."

Xavier sighed and slightly shook his head. Lastly, his gaze softened as he addressed Jean. "Jean," he said with an almost fatherly tone, "We've been working on your control for years. We have made tremendous progress, but there's still much to do. I can sense that the barriers we erected together are weakening. We'll need to reinforce them in the coming weeks."

"I'm trying, Professor," Jean whispered, her voice shaking slightly. "Every day, I try. But sometimes, it feels like the power is just too much."

Xavier nodded, his face softening. "The power is yours, it's part of you and ultimately yours to control. You will get there eventually." Believing his students sufficiently chastised, he changed topics, "Now, let's discuss your encounter in Limbo. I understand you had a run-in with Azazel."

At the mention of the name, Illyana's back straightened and her demeanor seemed even more on edge. Her eyes snapped to meet the professor. "You know of him?" she questioned, her voice carrying an undertone of surprise.

The professor leaned back in his chair, "I'm familiar with him from past events. During the early days, a rogue group of mutants, intended to start World War III, believing it would lead to mutant ascendancy. Azazel was one of them. His teleportation abilities made him quite formidable." Professor X continued, "I'm going to reach out to a contact of mine who is more familiar with the sort of threat he poses, especially considering that Limbo is involved."

Illyana's eyes darted between Professor X and Tyson, anxiety evident in her features. She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, a gesture she unconsciously did when stressed. "So, what do we do in the meantime? Limbo is filled with demons, and if Azazel returns, I can't fight him off alone."

"Sometimes, discretion is the better part of valor." The professor folded his hands neatly on his desk. "If you find yourself face-to-face with Azazel, the best course of action is to retreat. You're safe here. Even if Azazel possesses the capability to reach the institute, he would be ill-advised to attempt it. There are many powerful mutants within these walls, myself included."

Illyana's posture shifted as she processed his words, the weight of responsibility for Limbo bearing down on her. "But the demons. Limbo..."

"We'll find a way," Tyson said reassuringly.

A hint of a smile tugged at Illyana's lips as she questioned. "We?"

~~ Rogue Replacement ~~

As the darkness gave way to the pastel hues of dawn, Tyson found himself wide awake before dawn for the second day in a row. He had spent an unknown amount of time in Limbo the previous day, slept a mere four hours, and yet he still felt fully revitalized. A quick assessment of Sabertooth's memories brought him to the conclusion that his body required very little rest. Tyson showered and then headed for breakfast. No sooner had he sat down with a plate of food than Jean Grey slid into the seat across from him. The two of them sat in companionable silence, broken only by the sounds of their cutlery against the plates. Jean seemed to bask in the calm, explaining, "I enjoy the quiet. When most of the institute is asleep, the mental noise is much less."

Their silence was soon broken by the arrival of Jubilee. Bright and energetic even at this early hour, she bounded into the dining hall, her powers sparking off her fingertips in her excitement. She greeted them with a cheery "Good morning!" before plopping down at their table. Their breakfast became a little more lively then.

Near the start of the first period, Professor Ororo approached the trio's table. Her exotic accent tingeing her words as she explained, "I heard about what happened in PE yesterday." Tyson had hoped that the issue would be swept under the rug. But he was surprised by her next question. "Outside of that mishap, do you like basketball?"

"Uh, Sure," he replied, pushing his plate aside. He was uncertain where this was going, but the professor had his attention. 

"Would you like to see a game? After the events that happened yesterday, maybe it's best if you get a night away from the institute." Ororo suggested, looking at both Jean and Tyson. 

He furrowed his brow in confusion. "Like an actual basketball game?" he asked.

In response, Ororo dropped three tickets on the table with a secretive smile. Tyson picked up the tickets. His heart skipped a beat as he took in the embossed writing on them.

Lakers vs. Knicks. 

And the date… The game was happening that evening. It was June, basketball should be late into the post-season. A quick inspection of the tickets confirmed these thoughts, "Finals tickets?" he asked incredulously, "How?"

Jean eyed the tickets with suspicion, her green eyes narrowed as she shifted her gaze to Ororo. "Is this a good idea, professor?" she asked carefully. "Tyson hasn't been here very long. He's still adjusting to being in the institute. And I lost control yesterday. I'll need to spend time with Professor Xavier trying to repair the damage to my mental walls, and a basketball game will have thousands of people in range."

Ororo responded, looking at Tyson and Jean in turn, "What better way for you to adjust than bonding with your friends? And being together outside of this place might help you take your mind off your troubles, if only temporarily?"

Jean's suspicion lingered but she remained silent even though her doubts were not fully assuaged. Her instincts screamed at her, sensing the possible dangers that could come from stepping out of the safety of the school. Suddenly, Jubilee's voice pierced through her thoughts. 

"We'd love to go," she said, her youthful enthusiasm adding a layer of excitement to her voice.

Tyson glanced at Jean, but in the end, the opportunity to experience something mundane, something normal, was too tempting to pass. It was a chance to forget, even for a moment, the extraordinary circumstances that brought them together.

With a genuine smile, Tyson turned to Ororo. "Thank you, professor," he said. A blend of gratitude and disbelief tinged his voice. His sentiment was echoed in the voices of Jean and Jubilee, who joined in the chorus of thanks. Ororo merely nodded, her regal demeanor unchanging as she walked away.

Tyson watched her go, his brows furrowed in thought. Turning back to his friends, he asked, disbelief coloring his tone, "You guys normally go to games like this?"

"Nope," Jubilee answered, popping her 'P' with an exuberant grin. "But this is awesome! I'm going to get Kobe's autograph… oh and Lebron's too." Her enthusiasm was contagious, causing a smile to flicker on Tyson's face.

Tyson looked at her like she was crazy. "Lebron?" He asked confused.

Jubilee exclaimed, "How do you not know who Lebron James is? He's like the king of New York!"

Jean, however, remained silent. She sat with her hands clasped around her mug, her gaze distant. Tyson leaned over the table towards her. "Hey, Jean. You okay?" 

Her lips twitched into a slight frown, "Professor Munroe has always been harder for me to read, but just now it was much harder. I couldn't sense any of her thoughts," she admitted. 

Tyson's brows furrowed, "Maybe she's been practicing? Or maybe this could be a test? Like, check the character of the new guy, see how they respond." His question hung in the air between them, causing Jubilee to pause amid her excitement.

The energy that bubbled from Jubilee simmered down as she shook her head in response. "Doubt it. All their tests happen in class. They don't do real-world tests until you start training to be an X-man." Jubilee leaned forward, anticipation dancing in her eyes. "So, we doing this?" She asked, her voice filled with an excitement that couldn't be dampened.

Tyson glanced over at Jean. He shrugged and flashed a charming smile, attempting to inject some levity into the air. "You heard the lady, her heart's set on Kobe, there's no room for backing down now."

Jean, still somewhat lost in thought, nodded after a moment. "Yes," she chimed in. "Let's do this."

The day sped by. Evening fell and the trio gathered at the entrance of the institute sharing the excitement for the upcoming game. The sunset painted the sky as they anxiously waited for Professor Ororo. But as the minutes ticked away, their enthusiasm began to give way to concern. "Where's the professor?" Tyson finally voiced out the question that had been looming in their minds. 

Jean scanned the area, her fingers brushing her temple subtly in an indication that she was trying to reach out with her mind. She shook her head. "I can't find her," she admitted, her eyebrows knitting together in a frown.

Jubilee shifted her weight from foot to foot, her gaze nervously darting to the long driveway and then back to Jean. "You think something's up?" she asked the group.

"We don't have much time," Tyson said, "We need to decide if we want to get to the game before tip-off." His gaze locked onto Jean. Out of all of them, she had been the most hesitant. He respected her instincts and knew her powers gave her a perspective they didn't have otherwise. 

For a moment, Jean looked lost in thought, her emerald eyes clouded with worry. She chewed on her lower lip, something she did when deep in thought. Then she finally spoke. "I don't...I don't know," she admitted, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Part of me feels like we shouldn't go."

Jubilee rolled her eyes, throwing her arms up in exasperation. "Dudes, can we not overthink this? I mean, it's a game. Just a game," she reasoned, her usual energetic demeanor replaced with an air of pragmatism. "If the professor wanted us to go, then that's what we should do, right? She might turn up later, it's not like she can't find us. She knows where we'll be, she gave us the tickets."

Tyson pondered for a moment, taking in their words. He appreciated Jubilee's straightforward approach, but he also understood Jean's concern. A decision had to be made and fast. With one last glance at the time, he sighed, "Well, what's the verdict, ladies?" 

Jean glanced at Jubilee and then back at Tyson. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, deep in concentration. The faint furrow between her brows hinted at her mind reaching out, again searching for Professor Ororo. Finally, her eyes flickered open, a determined look on her face. "Let's do it. Let's go to the game."

Tyson felt a strange mix of relief and anxiety. They were going, but the sense of uncertainty lingered. Jubilee, on the other hand, practically exploded with excitement. 

"Yes! We're going to see the Lakers!" She leapt up releasing some fireworks from her hands in excitement. Her exuberance spread to the others. Tyson gave Jean a reassuring smile. Jean returned his smile with a slight nod, and the earlier apprehension momentarily receded. And so they headed out of the Institute grounds. Jubilee was already bouncing on her feet as they passed the gates. 

When they reached the train station, she gestured dramatically at the map scrawled with multicolored lines. "Alright, so we're taking the Metro-North," she began, her finger tracing the route on the map. Her tone was a mixture of excitement and seriousness, as she outlined their route. "The Metro-North will zip us straight into Grand Central Terminal." Her fingers then made a walking motion from the blue circle indicating Grand Central to the green square symbolizing Madison Square Garden. "From Grand Central, we have some options. We can jump into the subway again. Penn Station is right under the garden, but it's gonna be crowded. Then there are the cabs, but Manhattan traffic is the worst. Or, we could use our legs and walk the mile and a half or so. It's a straight shot down 7th Avenue and the sidewalks will be packed with fans." Jubilee sat back, crossing her arms and looking at Tyson and Jean with a triumphant smile. It was clear she was proud of her knowledge of New York's public transportation system. "So, team, how do we roll?"

Tyson looked at Jubilee and Jean, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He flexed his arm and said, "You know, I could just pick you both up and run us there. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes."

Jean rolled her eyes but there was a small smile on her lips. "I appreciate the... chivalrous offer. But I think we'll survive the walk. Plus, it's New York. There's bound to be a hot dog stand or two on the way. You'll need your hands free for that."

Tyson laughed. He had been scarfing his face during meal times; it wasn't his fault, thanks to Sabertooth, he was huge. As the train chugged along, station after station, the trio continued their playful banter. Crestwood, Tuckahoe, Bronxville. The landscape outside the windows transitioned from the green, open spaces of suburbia to the densely packed urbanity of the city, their journey punctuated by Jubilee's sporadic information. "Fordham station, we're definitely in the Bronx," Jubilee announced, pointing at the station sign. "Welcome to New York City."

Despite being in New York City, the skyline was distinctly devoid of the towering skyscrapers that typically characterized the image of the city. Jean turned a questioning gaze to Jubilee, who seemed to anticipate her query. "We're not in Manhattan yet," she said, a sly smile on her face. "That's where you'll find the big, tall buildings. The Bronx is more... rustic."

Their conversation continued as the train rattled on, each stop bringing them closer to their destination and the excitement of the night that lay ahead. And despite the looming questions about Professor Ororo's mysterious disappearance, for now, they were just three teenagers on an unexpected adventure. Tyson thought Jubilee's choice of the word 'rustic' to describe the Bronx was indeed a generous one as he watched the borough rush past them through the train window. His eyebrows rose in surprise at the sights that greeted him. The institute might have been filled with mutants and their unusual abilities, but this... this was a different level of strange.

A man was dragging a casket down the crowded street, attracting a blend of curious and indifferent glances from passersby. "Is that...is that a casket?" Tyson said, pointing with a mixture of incredulity and amusement in his voice. "Who drags a casket down a street in broad daylight?"

Jubilee burst into laughter, "Welcome to the city, Tyson. It's not all high-rises and glamor. It's got its fair share of weirdness too. You see the strangest things and everyone just ignores it and goes on about their day."

Tyson was about to point out another eye-catching sight when the train's sliding doors opened, and someone entered their increasingly crowded compartment. As he turned, he was greeted by a familiar face. "Professor Ororo," Tyson greeted, genuinely pleased. "We were looking for you earlier, we didn't mean to leave you behind."

Ororo simply offered a placid smile in response. "No need for apologies, Tyson," she said. 

In a swift movement, Ororo pulled out a needle from her pocket and her arm shot out, aiming straight for Jean's neck. Time seemed to slow, Tyson's eyes went wide, but he wasn't fast enough to prevent the needle from sinking into Jean's skin.

Jean gasped, her eyes shooting open in surprise and confusion. The needle was pulled out as quickly as it appeared, leaving Tyson and Jubilee in stunned silence. As the needle was retracted, Jean's eyes blinked rapidly, a soft gasp escaping her lips. Her body stiffened, the color quickly draining from her face. A second later, her eyes rolled back, and her body slumped sideways, unconscious, her head landing gently on Tyson's broad shoulder.

Behind the scenes

- This scene was inspired in part by X-Men (2000), X-3, Dark Phoenix, X-Men: Evolution, and X-Men First Class.

- Xavier’s chastisement might seem light but in Episode 1 of X-Men: Evolution, Cyclops causes major damage to the school. Xavier uses his power to cover it up, and Cyclops only gets a short two-line hinting that he fucked up.

- Classic X-Men #42 was the earliest sign of Jean’s connection to the Phoenix force. When they were children, she connected with a comatose Scott Summers on the astral plane; this laid the foundation for the connection between her and Cyclops. In this story, that event never occurred and this was Jean’s first taste of the Phoenix, caused by Tyson and Illyana. 

- In the X-Men movies Xavier believes the Phoenix is the manifestation of Jean’s repressed powers, like a second personality.

- The guy dragging the casket down the street in broad daylight in the Bronx was a real event that occurred last summer.

- In 2010 the Knicks weren’t very good. In this universe, the Knicks got Lebron making it plausible that the NBA finals would be happening in NYC at this time of year.

Steatodacreators' thoughts