
Robotic Inventor In Earth Bet (Worm)

In this story, a person from our world transport in Earth bet by filing Worm Cyoa 1

zecran · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


My name is Michael Dila Cruz, a typical Filipino with black hair, black eyes, and brown skin. One day, I woke up in a secret base located in a pocket dimension. This base possesses advanced teleportation technology, which I acquired after completing the Worm CYOA v1 with standard difficulty and selecting the "Blank" perk. This particular perk grants me the ability to become invisible to any thinkers and "Shattered Limiter" also doubles the charge of any power I choose.

As for my chosen power, I decided to go with the "Inspired Inventor." With this power, I can tap into any specialization. However, I am limited to using it ten times a day, and I have allocated charges to specific specializations. I put one charge into Robotics, enabling me to create various robots. Another charge went into Software, allowing me to implement loyalty programs and simple virtual intelligence in my creations. Efficiency received one charge, ensuring that my inventions last longer and require less maintenance. Modularity also obtained one charge, enabling me to swap out modules in my robots as needed. Lastly, I allocated one charge to Matter Converter Tech, granting me the ability to convert materials and fabricate them more quickly.

Having explored various practical specializations, I had a thought: what if I allocated charges to fictional themes as well? With that in mind, I decided to place one charge in Briefs Technology, inspired by the Capsule tech and other inventions created by Bulma. Another charge went into Dr. Gero's Android Tech, providing me with the knowledge to create advanced androids and tap into unlimited energy. I also allocated one charge to Horizon Zero, taking inspiration from the technology showcased in that fictional universe. Rick's technology from Rick and Morty received one charge as well. Lastly, I allocated one charge to Antman Tech, which grants me the ability to manipulate the size and utilize the associated technology.

During my first week on this Earth, I found myself falling into the cycle of the stages of grief. In an attempt to distract myself, I created a multidimensional screen to scan my Earth. Unfortunately, all the results came back as errors. Frustrated, I decided to send my robots to salvage materials in the nearby boat graveyard, keeping myself busy and focused on tinkering and inventing.

Armsmaster scanned the area, his sharp gaze taking in the sight of the dump and the littered abandoned ships. This place, the boat graveyard, was a common spot for fresh thinkers to gather materials for their tinkering projects. He found himself here because the PRT had caught wind of a rumor about disappearing ships in this area. They theorized that a new tinker might be salvaging materials, and Armsmaster was sent to investigate the scene.

As he arrived, Armsmaster couldn't help but frown at the state of the place. It seemed to be living up to its reputation as a haven for miscreants. But his attention was quickly diverted when he stumbled upon a fight between two members of a merchant gang and an unknown humanoid robot.

With practiced skill, the robot effortlessly incapacitated the gang members using martial arts moves and then tasered them into submission. Armsmaster watched with keen interest as the robot swiftly flew to the next abandoned ship. To his surprise, the robot shrunk it down and piled it onto a group of cat-sized ships nearby. The robot pressed a button, and a puff of smoke enveloped the area. When the smoke cleared, the cat-sized ships were gone, replaced by a single capsule.

Curiosity piqued, Armsmaster approached the robot and asked for the name of the tinker responsible for its creation and the purpose of the drone. In response, the drone simply stated, "This unit is tasked for salvaging." Armsmaster pressed further, asking who had created the drone, but the machine replied, "You lack the authority to know that information."

Growing concerned about the potential for another machine army, Armsmaster formulated a plan to subdue the drone. However, before he could make a move, he noticed a shift in the drone's stance. In a split second, the machine teleported, disappearing from sight. Armsmaster's eyes narrowed, realizing that he had underestimated the capabilities of this mysterious robotic creation. He quickly activated his own devices and prepared to track down the drone, determined to uncover the truth behind its origins and purpose.

I have countless Virtual Intelligences helping me manage the base and manufacture robots, but lately, I've found myself growing bored. The manufacturing of robots and their patrols in the dockyard, train yard, and downtown have become automatic, leaving me with little to do. To alleviate my boredom, I created Michael Dila Cruz V.2, a surrogate robot that I control through a neural interface. This allows me to interact with other people and experience the world outside of my base.

One day, after finishing my grocery shopping and returning to my base, I noticed a white van trailing a car in the nearby alleyway. Immediately, I summoned two of my robots for backup. As I approached the scene, I saw a group of twenty ABB gang members surrounding the car. With precision and swift action, I neutralized them, ensuring the safety of the father and daughter inside.

Using facial recognition, I identified the father as Allan Barnes and the daughter as Emma Barnes. Emma, a bit shyly, expressed her gratitude, asking, "Thank you, but who are you?" I replied confidently, "My name is Inspired Inventor," before flying off and teleporting back to my base. With that, I turned off the surrogate, returning my consciousness to my real body.

As I settled back into my physical form, a lingering thought surfaced in my mind. Did I just break a canon event? The question weighed on me, but I reassured myself that my actions were necessary to protect innocent lives. After all, my purpose as the Inspired Inventor was to use my abilities for good and make a positive impact in the world.

After a month of frustration and repeated failed attempts to scan my Earth's Dimension Address, I finally experienced a breakthrough. Determined to overcome the obstacle, I artificially created a replica of the Blank perk and incorporated it as a module into all of my creations. This modification effectively neutralized any Thinker powers, rendering me undetectable and unseen.

Encouraged by this development, I set my sights on expanding my operations. I delved into the realm of advanced technology and successfully constructed five micro-verses, each serving as a mining outpost. These micro-verses would allow me to tap into previously untapped resources and further fuel my inventiveness and progress.

With the Thinker powers neutralized and the mining outposts established, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. The possibilities seemed endless, and I eagerly began to envision the innovations and breakthroughs that lay ahead. I was determined to make the most of this newfound advantage and continue pushing the boundaries of what was possible.