
Goltron vs Gastron.

Gastron spoke.

-You think a hero, and dare challenge,

The beautiful Gastron, look at my chest,

All the girls were eloquent, for


- to me you are a


Gastron gets irritated.

- I'm not old, you


Goltron notices he gets angry, he laughs.


- let's fight your


I'll show you who's old!!!!

Gastron goes after Goltron

And use your power.

Iron fist!!!!

Goltron jumps back, and a hole opens up in the ground.

- phew that was for

Little, wow what a hole

Immense!!! (impressed)

So Gastron speaks to Goltron.

- you are impressed by my strength,

Haha ha !!!

That's messing with the great Gastron.


I'm really excited!

Gastron is surprised that Goltron is not afraid of him.

Then Goltron lets loose through the hole, and uses his power.

Universe impact!!!


Gastron defends the power of Goltron.

- Hmm!

I knew that one of the

Henchmen of Oz wouldn't be

That weak!