
Roaring Heroes Battle the Overlord (Ainz)

It borrows the world and characters from the anime "Overlord," but the plot is entirely original. This is not a light and pleasant story about a great, glorious, and righteous hero challenging an evil Overlord. On the contrary, it depicts a female character with significant flaws, fighting the toughest and most brutal battles against the Overlord in a dark world, and growing through these conflicts. There are two main characters: One, a quirky yet powerful girl. The other, a mature and steady male adventurer, albeit weak. They embark on a journey to battle the most powerful evil Overlord, Ainz Ooal Gown. So can they succeed? Note: There is almost no romance plot.

FireWindRoar · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Chapter 14: Forming an Adventure Team

After careful consideration, EeDeChi decided to form an adventure team. Although she believed she could defeat the great demon lord Ainz Ooal Gown on her own, her recent journey through Mistwood made her realize the importance of leveraging the strengths of others on the continent. 

Without Barrett, an exceptional adventurer and guide, she would probably still be wandering in Mistwood. Since she had chosen to operate as an adventurer, it made sense to lead a team and make a name in this world.

EeDeChi proposed to Barrett Monde, Sean Tachya, and Stella Famillion that the four of them form an adventure team with herself as the leader. 

Sean and Stella happily agreed, having witnessed EeDeChi's formidable abilities firsthand; having an orichalcum-level adventurer as a companion was a gift from the heavens. Barrett also agreed to join the team, though he furrowed his brows slightly, hinting at some unspoken reservations.

"Let's call our adventure team 'The Last Defender of the Way'; it's a pretty cool name," EeDeChi suggested. It seemed like she was seeking their opinions, but in reality, she had decisively chosen the name for the team. 

The other three didn't object to the name, which didn't quite fit the typical adventurer style. Even if they had objections, EeDeChi would have listened carefully before disregarding them.

The four later went to the Adventurer's Guild at Golden Sheaf, signed the contract, and pressed their handprints. 'The Last Defender of the Way' was officially registered! As EeDeChi was the strongest and the initiator of the team, she naturally assumed the role of the leader.

Under the glow of the "Everlight" magical chandeliers, the spacious tavern buzzed with activity. Waitresses in light blue maid outfits flitted between the tables like dancing butterflies. 

Various adventurers, relieved of their leather armors and chain mails, placed their swords and weapons at their feet, relaxing their weary bodies with exquisite food and fine wine, easing the fatigue from their nerve-wracking adventures.

This was the "Golden Harvest" tavern, specifically set up by the Adventurer's Guild of Golden Sheaf for adventurers. 

Golden Sheaf, a key economic town on the northern edge of the Baharuth Empire, boasted an Adventurer's Guild hall twice the size of the one in Montell City, and its tavern facilities far surpassed those of the modest tavern in Montell City.

At the moment, EeDeChi and her team were in a quiet corner of the tavern, undisturbed, enjoying lunch while discussing their next moves—or as EeDeChi put it, "holding a meeting."

Barrett, excusing himself to find the restroom, left the tavern. He gestured to EeDeChi at the door, signaling her to come out. 

EeDeChi glanced at the other two at the table; Sean was thoughtfully transferring a peeled lobster from his plate to Stella's, who seemed indifferent to Sean's attentiveness and was focused on eating her pork chop.

The newly appointed team leader took a bite of her lemon cake and stepped out of the tavern door.

"What's the matter? Any concerns you can't say inside? It's okay, just be straight with me. I'm a very open-minded leader," EeDeChi said slowly, chewing on her cake.

I know you're the leader, but can you stop saying that word so often? Barrett thought to himself, having heard the young girl mention the term several times already with a tone that reminded him of a noble bureaucrat. 

However, that was not his main concern. Adventure teams were usually formed based on close companionships, often even romantic relationships, and he believed that "The Last Defender of the Way" would eventually follow this pattern.

"Let me put it plainly," Barrett said after choosing his words carefully, being a straightforward person by nature. "A well-assembled adventure team should have members whose levels are no more than two apart. You are orichalcum-level, minus two levels is platinum-level, so we should ideally recruit adventurers who are orichalcum, mithril, or platinum. Stella Famillion is just a silver-level cleric; her skills are too weak, whether for hunting monsters or exploring ruins, she would slow us down."

EeDeChi shook her head, "Stella may not be the strongest, but she's a good person. Her Justice Value is 216, which is 70 points higher than yours. She's exactly the kind of person our team needs!"

"What's a Justice Value?" Barrett asked, puzzled. "Can it measure combat ability?"

"Of course not," EeDeChi pointed to her eyes. "I have an Innate Talent that allows me to see people's Justice Values. Everyone has a number above their head, and that number is the Justice Value, which can be used to judge a person's moral standing."

"If it doesn't measure combat ability, then what's the use? We are an adventure team engaged in battling monsters and exploring unknown territories, not distributing aid in the empire's slums!" Barrett argued, unable to grasp EeDeChi's logic.

He questioned, "Are we going to recruit adventurers based solely on their Justice Value from now on?"

"Exactly," EeDeChi nodded. "That's the criterion for evaluation. Do you know why I chose you out of the dozens of adventurers in the tavern? It was because your Justice Value was the highest. I hope your Justice Value doesn't fall; otherwise, I won't hesitate to kick you out of the team!"

Barrett's eyes widened as he looked at the indifferent girl in front of him. He finally understood why EeDeChi, a stranger he had never met before, suddenly appeared in front of him in the "Marina" tavern in Montell City, asking him to be her guide.

Barrett had always thought it was his reputation as an elite adventurer that had attracted EeDeChi. Now he realized that she had hired him for a ridiculous reason—"his Justice Value was higher than others."

"But, EeDeChi," Barrett still wanted to argue, "you've seen my strength. Ten Stellas wouldn't necessarily be a match for me. With your 'orichalcum-level' capabilities, we could easily recruit stronger clerics or priests."

EeDeChi waved her hand, her face showing a hint of anger, "I've already decided, and further discussion is useless. You don't need to raise objections. And from now on, you should address me as 'Captain'! You're just a regular member of 'The Last Defender of the Way' adventure team now!"

"Captain," Barrett said helplessly, "with your 'orichalcum-level' strength, the missions you plan to undertake are especially dangerous for a 'silver-level' like Stella. Remember the Titan Python you easily killed a few days ago? It swallowed her whole. Joining our team might seem like a good thing for her, but in reality, it's putting her life at risk."

EeDeChi swung her hand down as if to slap something, then realizing there was no table, she slapped her palm against the door of a tailor shop nearby, drawing the attention of passersby.

The new captain glared at Barrett, "Am I the leader or are you? Do you even respect me as your captain? Have you been reading 'Chicken Soup for the Soul', thinking that contradicting the leader will show off your unique personality and capabilities, huh?"

"I..." Barrett stammered, What's 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'? EeDeChi was starting to speak in riddles again.

But he was indeed intimidated by EeDeChi's arrogant demeanor and quickly backed down, "Alright, we'll do it your way, after all, you are the captain."

EeDeChi nodded, satisfied with Barrett's attitude. They returned to the tavern to finish their lunch and discuss their next steps.

Although he verbally conceded, Barrett was still somewhat resentful. Having worked as an adventurer for nearly twenty years, he could tell that EeDeChi's combat style was reckless, charging forward with her sword without any strategy.

In future battles with beasts and monsters, 'orichalcum-level' EeDeChi would charge forward, 'platinum-level' Sean would provide archery support from behind, and the task of protecting 'silver-level' cleric Stella would fall to him, the "mithril-level", who had been nicknamed the "Mage's Shield" in the past.

He used to protect adventurers capable of using Third or even Fourth-level magic, those at 'platinum' or 'mithril' levels.

Barrett shook his head, consoling himself that with a powerful captain like EeDeChi, he probably wouldn't need to risk his life fighting monsters anymore. Plus, they could accept higher-level, better-paying 'orichalcum-level' missions. Life was bound to get better and easier.

He was pondering this when EeDeChi filled his high-stemmed glass with champagne, then stood up with her glass, glanced at the other three, and began her toast:

"Today, as we establish 'The Last Defender of the Way' adventure team, it's an important day. We will definitely make a significant mark in history, and legends about us will spread across this world. I am delighted to see so many talented people gathered under my command.

"Let's raise our glasses, to strive for a common goal! That goal is—to take down the Sorcerer Kingdom's King, Ainz Ooal Gown! Cheers!"

"WHAT?!" Barrett, who had been daydreaming about an easier adventurer's life, almost dropped his mug of malt beer in shock.