
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

Chapter 024 Closed summoning dimension

-Unknown cave-

Menma took a sea route and went to an uninhabited sea island. He made a cave for himself and began meditating. Now, he can maintain his meditation for longer periods because he has plenty of time.

After three hours of meditation, he discovered he could not continue any longer. Exhausted, he went to sleep on a stolen bed taken from the Cloud Ninja base.

He placed fuinjutsu around the cave so bugs and insects could not bite him while he slept. If anyone saw him doing it, they would vomit blood after looking at him. The best part was that he had created this fuinjutsu with the help of his mind-computer.

He watched anime, comics, and movies in his free time. (Such a life even the author is feeling that the main character is enjoying his time alone. )

Menma thought for a moment, " What am I supposed to do at this time? Let's concentrate on making money, or being a full-time Doctor. Or make an organization dominate the world. Nah! Domination is too much work. I will live like a free person. Let's become a part-time doctor but before that, I have to take a few months off and prepare more plans and precautions to escape from the people coming after me. As a reincarnator, my biggest plus is that I know how heroes and villains think. I know modern methods and tactics which are not in this world."

Menma made some plans to save his ass and saved it in his mind-computer and went to sleep for now.

Menma knows he is not powerful like some greatest characters but he is smart and can exploit any loopholes. A modern man like him knows many loopholes and with his mind computer. It feels like he has Batman as his butler.

-A month later-

Menma is busy practicing new and improved Justus and his martial arts. He can progress without any interference and can train for a whole day to relieve his boredom. Except watching something in mind computer and doing meditation for a few hours.

Somehow his chakra increased after he increased his meditation timing. Sometimes he feels that meditation is improving his chakra function smoothly and swiftly.

Today he dabbled into summoning jutsu and read all kinds of precautions to avoid getting into dangerous situations. But Menma wanted to change the one thing that had been troubling him for a long time.

Menma thought to himself, "I read about the Summoning Jutsu in the Hokage Library. It says you can copy it and use it to summon two different animals as helpers. But Pain increased it to six! With the computer's help, I managed to modify the technique to allow me to summon three different creatures!"

Menma took a heavy breath and made the hand signs for summoning an animal. His body disappeared. He would not have done this if his mind computer had not given him the reverse summoning technique, one he could use without the contracted animal.

-Another dimension-

Menma appeared in another dimension-like place. He walked a few steps. Most of the intelligent summoned animals lived in this other plane. This was one reason why Mt Myobuku, Ryuchi Cave, and the Slug Forest had never been discovered. Some parts of these places led directly to their respective locations. However, if you came from another direction, you could not find them. It was as if only a small portion of each location was connected to our world.

Menma found this place to be very quiet. However, all he could see were large trees and caves. As he walked, he encountered only small animals who didn't appear to be particularly intelligent. These included small worms that were eating grass or leaves.

He found a large tree and noticed that many bats were hanging from its branches.

His eyes twitched at that moment. He thought, "I like Batman's tactics. It doesn't mean I love playing as a Batman. I never want to become as paranoid as Batman if you give me a choice. I don't want to doubt everyone around me. Batman has an obsession with justice, but I like to be a free person."

The bats saw him or felt him. He didn't know, but they were surrounding him, flying in circles around him. Menma thought they had taken offense at him, thinking Batman was a paranoid person.

The bats had tested him and then retreated to the trees. Menma simply observed them.

Menma also noticed them having chakra. He didn't know what to do to contract them as Summons like animals or birds.

Soon he noticed more bats were coming and moving around him. He walked without feeling any danger. He didn't know why these bats were moving around him. But it looked like they had never been contracted.

Menma sat down on a stone and thought about possible scenarios and how to contract those animals. He wanted all species of one animal as his contracted summon.

Menma thought, "In anime, it is easy to see hand signs, but no one fucking told me how the contract starts. Yeah, there is one incident where Madara tried to summon Kurama. And it is like a forced contract. I know that one, but how the fuck do I make an entire tribe follow my contract?"

Menma was thinking hard and noticed the bats were curiously looking at him. All of them seemed intelligent and had chakra. He could see a new possibility. However, he decided to explore the area.

This dimension is a closed one as it is quite long. He encountered fish in the nearby river, but his mind-computer map showed a new map for him. He discovered that there were other intelligent beasts in the nearby river which is connected to an Ocean, such as small and large turtles, and sea or river and ocean snakes. However, he learned that these creatures could come onto land too. He also saw many large sea snakes, which were hybrids with multiple heads, and horns, some even had wings.

Menma went deeper into his thoughts, thinking, "I can understand summoning animals and birds are different from summoning death reapers and rosomon gates. But how the hell did they make the contracts for these things? It all leads back to the Uzumaki and their fuinjutsu."

He has many strange thoughts going through his head.

Menma even has a crazy weird idea, "Shall I contract this whole dimension? That is too crazy. I am not in Marvel. Otsutuki gets chakra from the Chakra tree. Hagoromo distributed chakra to other people. But where the fuck does that chakra tree absorb the chakra from? It is from the planet. Chakra is the energy of a planet or an individual. Which is often failed to be realized by people. As everyone has a very small quantity even as a civilian."

Menma shook his head. From a distance, he could see a large serpentine creature with multiple heads resembling a hydra. However, he did not approach it due to the strong sense of chakra emanating from its body. This serpentine creature's chakra is quite huge in volume and its quality is very good; it is very powerful. This huge hydra serpent returned to the ocean after briefly glancing at Menma without attacking him.

Menma went back towards the bat cave and trees. He explored the other side of this place. He went further and saw the wolves and dogs pack. The wolves showed their fangs to him but didn't attack him. They looked the same to him. They didn't attack him. And it had something to do with the chakra inside his body. He could feel the chakra within the bodies of their packs.

Menma is thinking about his summoning animals. His mind computer is also starting to calculate how to create a summoning contract. He soon finds the solution in his computer which calculates how the contracts were made for various animals in Konoha.

Menma continued to explore. He discovered something peculiar about the creatures possessing chakra. They were not only intelligent, but they were also larger than their non-chakra-possessing counterparts. Bats were larger and more active during the day; sea or ocean snakes and hydras could come onto land, and there was no doubt about it. Menma had seen a few of these creatures from afar. Even turtles possessed chakra, and they grew larger as they aged. The wolves and dogs are larger and faster, but they haven't demonstrated any extraordinary abilities other than their teamwork. However, Menma believed they could do more than just that.

Menma went to explore the cave. However, he found even more bats inside. They didn't attack him, but they just looked at him sometimes and then went back to sleep. Menma continued to explore the cave for the rest of the day.

Menma came outside the Batcave and unsummoned himself.

Menma thought, "I need to explore this even more."

He then went back to sleep.

Another day, after doing all his practices, he decided to explore that dimension even more.

-Unknown dimension -

Menma returned to his dimension and left a mark at a secure location as he felt it was a suitable place.

-A month later-

While the outside world is still in a war-like situation. Menma is exploring and for the outside world, he disappeared from their radar.

Menma went to that dimension and continued to roam. He always went into the cave and saw the giant bats. He collected various herbs and planted their seeds everywhere in that dimension.

He also found a new species of animals and plants. He made a home for himself in his spare time at that location. He used ninjutsu, of course.

Even though there were snakes in the river, he decided to go for a swim. The river connected to the ocean is huge. During his dive, he found some pearls. They were like untouched treasure. He also saw that Hydra was looking at him from a distance but didn't attack him.

Menma finds it weird because he once saw this Hydra eat a big fish. The Hydra had nine heads. Unlike the Snake Sage, who has only eight heads. He also noticed that the Hydra had natural horns; they were bigger than anything Menma had ever seen before.

Menma resided in this dimension. He discovered some bats hanging from the outer edges of his home. However, he did not chase them; otherwise, they would have felt bad about it.

Menma went to explore the inner parts of the cave as well. He went deeper and found larger bats. When he went even deeper, he found it empty. He collected some crystals from that place, and the bats didn't even react to his presence.

( Summoning beast quota can be increased further if they are from the same dimension)

Menma read the new notification from his mind-computer. The frequency of summoning from the same place is easy to summon.

Menma even started to practice in this dimension. Last time he went ahead of Wolf and Dog's territory. They didn't stop him this time. They found that he wasn't interfering with their hunt. He saw the wolves and dogs hunting together. The dogs and wolves looked slightly different in physical attributes. However, he found that they had a strong family bond between them. He went ahead from their territory. He found deer, snakes, rhinos, and other animals but they were not as intelligent.

He went beyond that place. He came across the Tiger group. They were not friendly and did not have chakras. And he could see that the farther he went, he would not be able to find any intelligent groups. He escaped from the mutated tigers and ended up in the Lion territory by mistake.

Menma thought, "This is called bad luck. On one side we have a bigger lion and on the other side."

"We have mutated tiger."

Menma returned the way he came from. He discovered that these dimensions may have connections to other dimensions. He had seen a transparent curtain beyond the Ocean area of the Tiger and Lion areas. It looked as if animals could cross it. Another side of the ocean is flowing through that area which touches this curtain. However, the Tigers and Lions only hunted on the shores and didn't venture any further. They also didn't enter into the Wolf and Dog Family areas. Menma had only seen hints of their presence. He saw caves where small pups were running and playing.

He ignored them and left that place, as many female wolves and dogs were watching him from a distance.

On his way, he saw one dog injured. He went to him and applied herbs. At first, the dog tried to resist, but he applied a paste and left the area. Later, the dogs and wolf pack found the young dog.

Menma rested for a day in this newly made home, which is attached to an empty cave.

Menma thought, " Two months have passed from the time I cut my connection with the outside world. Even Zetsu cannot find me. I originally came for a summoning contract but went for an adventure instead. Well, it is not bad."

Menma went out for practice again but soon found the Hydra was on the shore and coming rapidly towards him. At first, he got scared by its huge size.

Menma thought, "This hydra is really big in size; bigger than the cave snakes at Ryuchi Cave."

The hydra snake is curious about this boy.

Then he spoke, " Human, I never know any human can come into our dimension. It is a closed one. Why are you here anyway? I saw you roaming around in various places in this land."

Menma is shocked at first. His jaw dropped after hearing him. He calmed himself down and said, "You can speak human language. I thought no one can speak it here."

Hydra looked at the boy's shocked expression and thought for a moment. Then replied, "I can speak as I am very intelligent. I traveled beyond those curtains and met many animals who either became my food or we fought a great battle. I learned to speak from one of my encounters with a strong toad named Gamamaru. It's been a long time. He said something about being summoned animals. It looks like you came to find the summoning animals for yourself."

Menma nodded his head. Hydra looked curiously at him as if he were a rare creature.

Menma said, "I came here to find someone as a partner for the summoning contract. But I couldn't decide. This place has many wonderful animals. I found it odd that they didn't attack me when they sensed my chakra."

Hydra nodded its nine heads and said, "They found a connection with you. It is not odd, as this place is where you got by summoned yourself. Only unintelligent people would not sense it. If you did not have a connection, they would have attacked you or seen you as an intruder; however, your energy matches this place."

Hydra explained it to him easily. It looked like Hydra called chakra as energy.

Menma asked him, "Are you the leader of the snakes here in this place? Do you know about a place called Ryuchi Cave?"

Hydra thought for a moment and said, " Are you talking about a snake with eight heads? That despicable snake is nothing in front of me. I beat him thrice, Gamamaru was the witness to it and a few poisonous salamanders were there too. And I never lost to him even once."

Hydra said to Menma with a proud look. As if bragging about his power.

He continued, "All the snakes here are either my mates or my children."

Menma can see many two-headed snakes and three-headed snakes looking from a distance in their direction. They look like young snakes. With the size of Manda. He looked again at Hydra who was huge.

The big bats are also flying nearby. They felt a little restless about this huge hydra coming so close.

Menma thought for a moment and said, "Do you want to sign a family summons contract with me?" Menma was sweating on the inside.

Hydra didn't think much about it. He replied immediately, " I approve. I heard about outside from Gamamaru. I can go there with my family but I often get lost and people flee after they encounter me. I even saw people with energy battle each other sometimes. I am bored in this place. Let's fight a legendary battle with some of them."

Looks like this Hydra is a battle maniac. Menma discussed terms and conditions with him shortly afterward.

Menma prepared a very big scroll like jiraya carries on his back. And he contracted with the Hydra they cannot be called normal snakes. And he found out that they all are battle junkies. Good thing he never tried to fight them.

Later on, Menma found out that he could contract them normally as their energy matched his own. It was easy to make contracts with them on friendly terms. Now Menma knew how Jiraya had so easily gotten the contracts of the Toads. This dimension had the same energy frequency which matched his summoning ability.

Later, with the help of Hydra, he established a contract with Bats and Turtles. The wolves and dogs also accepted his contract, as they had once been helped by him. Since they shared the same contract, he did not need to create a separate one for them.

After establishing four Contracts with these animals, Menma did not leave that place. Instead, he built a temple-like structure across from his home. He created statues for each animal there. During this time, he practiced the Earth Style. He expanded the temple greatly and stored the four hand-made family contracts within its deepest chamber. Wolves guarded the perimeter, while bats hung from the ceiling. Snakes with multiple heads resided nearby, as well as turtles who occupied the rear of the temple. Each animal selected an area within the complex.

Menma collected all kinds of herbs from the dimension and placed them inside the temple garden to grow. He also planted many tree seeds nearby. The land where he made the house was empty before he started to grow anything on it.

Later, he also visited the dens of wolves and dogs. They had shifted their place later near the temple area. As they didn't want their pups close to the lion's and tigers' area.

Menma taught them a few things about how to use chakra. They didn't know much about it from a human perspective. He spoke with his four kinds of summons. He told them some basic things about chakra so they could progress and help him later on. He practiced some combination jutsu with them during their free time.

He told them about his departure, but he would call them through summons and return whenever he had the chance. He would also discuss chakra next time.

After disconnecting from the world for four months, he returned to the familiar cave near the sea area.