
Road To Omniscience

Can a human be omniscient? You will be following the "crazy" journey of Sage.

LLamb · 現実
6 Chs

The Importance Of Goals

 Goals are an extremely important part of every life. Whether it is something simple, like reaching your destination, which is important for all life, excluding some minorities, or something big, like becoming a doctor, lawyer, etc. We all have some kind of goals. They may not be big, but we still have them, since it's an essential part of doing things we do. Even wandering aimlessly means that you have a goal that your subconscious decides. This is what I've learned after a few observations. It's easy to figure this out, I'm sure everyone else already knows this, and I'm just late to the party.

 Sage still hasn't arrived home after talking to Mel a few minutes ago. He arrives home and lays on a couch.

"Oh sh*t!, I forgot to give Mel her book!"

 Sage quickly gets up, grabs the book he owes Mel, and runs towards the library.

"HAHAHA! I knew this would happen! HAHAHA!" Said Mel while dying from laughing.

"Please be quiet!" Said a worker.

"Ohh... sorry!"

"..." Sage is silent from the embarrassment.

"And after proclaiming that you would surpass me, frankly, I was expecting you would give me the book in my hand, after I tried grabbing it you would hold the book tighter, and then tell me everything that you just did."


"Well, at least I could make your declaration of war dramatic."

 Mel seems to be having fun. So this is what she's actually like, seems like she was trying to make things work how she wanted, for her amusement? Figuring this out makes me quite excited! However, I also feel angry...

"Hah, you think I can't beat you?" Said Sage looking mad.

"Nope, you're just too scared."

"So, you're challenging me?"

"Maybe..." Said Mel, slowly losing the smile.

"Anyways, gotta go now, see ya." Said Sage and started to go home.


 Mel's smile vanished, she looked at Sage as he was leaving. She crosses her arms, puts one arm up, and uses it as a headrest. She continues to read.

 She looked so cheerful today, I wish I could see that every day... Ah, her face flashed before my eyes again, what's wrong with me? I should forget these stupid feelings, as they will get in the way in the future... But... Can I? More importantly, was she trying to accomplish something other than just talking to me? AGHH!!! I can't figure it out!