
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · アニメ·コミックス
119 Chs

Chapter 48

After the conversation is over. Everyone left the room and left Yoru with Saeko and Shizuka.

"Are you sure you can survive?" Shizuka looked worried.

"I can. I'll be safe. But if there are other people with me, I have to think about protecting them too. That's why I might not survive." Yoru explained.

"So, we're still a burden?" Saeko looked disappointed.

"Honestly, for now, yes you are. Everything is moving too fast. Which makes me have to go a little extreme. But don't worry, I will definitely survive." Yoru hugged Saeko and Shizuka.

"I will chase you even if I have to go to hell if you don't survive. And if i fine you there, I will beat the crap of Enma to take you back." Saeko said with a serious face.

"You don't have to chase me. I'll be the one do the chase." Yoru said reassuring Saeko.

Yoru then kissed Saeko and Shizuka in turn.


After a few minutes. The three of them came out of the room and saw that everything was ready to go.

"You guys ready to quick." Yoru was a little confused by what happened.

"Miamura and the others had everything ready when we spoke earlier. So we just need to divide up the items for the first group." Souichiro explained.

"Yoru-nii..." Alice ran and hugged Yoru's legs. "Thanks for letting me use the bike." Alice said with a big smile on her face.

"Woof" Zeke also looks happy.

"Remember, don't be naughty. Do what your father and the others say." Alice nodded with a smile.

"If you're ready. You can leave now, the sooner the better. It's still 10am. If all goes well, we'll be at Megurigaoka Private High School by 3 or 4pm. So you can make some defenses there." Yoru reminded them a little what they should do.

"Okay, let's go now. Don't push yourself too hard." Souichiro tried to remind.

"Actually my mind has calmed down a bit now. Because I don't need to protect anyone here." Yoru smiled a little slyly.

"Oh... Whatever." Souichiro didn't really care and got into the car and was followed by the others. They then left the mall.

Yoru then look toward Saeko and the other.

"Remember what I said." Saeko looked serious.

"On the other hand, you have to remember what I said." Yoru smiled slyly.

"Hmmmp..." Saeko looked away.

"You guys be careful. Shizuka, control them." Yoru warned Shizuka and the others before they set off.

Shizuka nodded and then they left Yoru at the mall.

"Everyone's gone. How long do we have?"

[Two and a half hours]

"It's quite long. What about the modifications? I didn't receive any notifications at all."

[The eyes are done. Bones are still within 20%.]

"Pretty good. How about skills and magic? I have a lot of points now right?"

[You have 1 million points. Unfortunately you have a little Gild and no real money. But you still have a lot of jewelry that you can exchange]

"Then buy the skills and magic I need."


[Crafting skill for 25,000 Points. Blacksmith for 25,000 points. Endowment for 50,000 points. Detection (sealed) for 100,000 points.]

[Magic Numerology C Lvl 5 for 100,000 points. Liturgy C Lvl 5 costs 100,000 points.]

[For the time being, I bought that first. Other skills and magic will be adjust later]

"You made a seal on detection. Did you just lock some functions?"

[Yes. Because the brain's ability is not sufficient]

"And numerology and liturgy go straight to proficiency C Lvl 5. Do you use points to raise it?"

[Right. Symbology, Numerology, and Liturgy I deliberately made to have the same lvl. You can't use numerology yet. But for liturgy, it's should be useable for you. You also got a new title]

[Recive a title All Magic {Mana +100, Mana Regeneration +10}]

Yoru looks very happy with what he got.

[You got All magic because of the three magics you have]

"I don't know about the title, but i like the effects." Yoru said happily.

[Good then]

"System, can I try to make accessories for Saeko and Shizuka and of course for myself too."

[You can make it a wedding ring]

"That's what i think to. Do you want one System?" Yoru tried to tease System a bit.

"Please save one for me. Later when I can get out of here. Give it to me]

Yoru was shocked by what he heard.

"You're serious?" Yoru stared.

[Yes. But if you want to marry me. You have to become a God first]

"I take your word for it."

After that, Yoru focused on training his Crafting skills and modifying his body.


Two hours passed and the system reminded Yoru about the space rift.

[Space rift opens in half an hour. I suggest you should immediately go to the designated place]

After hearing the notification from system. Yoru stopped his crafting and rushed to the place where the space rift took place.

There Yoru could see the cracks were gradually getting bigger.

"System, do you already know how to close it?"

[There are 2 possibilities. The first. This crack will result in an Open Field. And the second. This cracks will result in a Dungeon]

"Sensei, explanation, please."

[Open Field is an area that will be filled by monsters. So the monsters will come out of the cracks. Will disappear if all the monsters in the vicinity are successfully killed. While the Dungeon is a gateway to another place that contains monsters. Will disappear if the dungeon core is destroyed or retrieved]

"Ahh... Hopefully there aren't that many monsters coming out." Yoru's face looks sour.

[I don't feel a lot of energy. So maybe there will be only a few monsters]

"Thank goodness then. But why can't I feel anything?"

[The detection you have still have a seal there. You can only detect the creatures that are around you. Visible on the map as a color. Black for Enemy. Yellow for Netral, Low intelligence being. Red for Netral, High intelligence being. Blue for Friend / Party. Orange for your subordinate. Gold for your wife / Lovers. Green for your kid if you have one. And the last is White, it's indicate your position.]

"Thank you. We just have to wait now then."

Yoru then focused on space rift and waited for what would happen next.

Until finally a notification appeared.

[Space rift will open in 10 minutes]

[Emergency Mission : Kill all the enemy (0/10)

Rewards: Yellow core]

[This is an open field]

"Yeah, I have to kill what comes out of there. Let's hope they're not too strong."

Yoru then hid and watched what would come out later.

The cracks began to enlarge and eventually shattered into a square like a pitch-black door.

Yoru was starting to get a little worried.

Until something came out of that door. And Yoru was very surprised to see what came out of there.